file system query

Tanner Andrews tanner at ki4pv.UUCP
Mon May 13 04:37:29 AEST 1985

It is also important to be sure that I/O is not buffered.  Consider
the problem of a "forced append" of 7/69ths of "fprintf()" output,
with the rest being buffered.  Then, some unlucky slime comes along
and fills (and dumps, with forced append) his buffer.  Right after
7/69ths of your fprintf().  Want to [see] kill(2) him, don't you?

If you must use buffered I/O to append, create some lock file like
with proper protection modes while you work your will on the file.
Forget to remove the lock file when done, and watch the fun begin.

<std dsclm, copies upon request>	   Tanner Andrews, KI4PV
uucp:					...!decvax!ucf-cs!ki4pv!tanner

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