C-Kermit Version 4C for Unix, VMS, and the Macintosh
Frank da Cruz
Fri May 31 09:55:42 AEST 1985
This is to announce version 4C of C-Kermit for Unix, the Apple Macintosh,
and VAX/VMS. C-Kermit is a version of Kermit written modularly in C,
implementing the entire Kermit file transfer protocol (except for attribute
packets), designed for modularity and transportability.
This version of Kermit has been in "field test" for about a month, and
is being released at this time because most of the major goals for it have
been met, namely:
. Most known bugs in release 4.2 fixed
. Support for new systems added and tested
. A few new functions incorporated
At this point, C-Kermit should be considered a fairly stable base upon which
to add support for new systems -- the interface between the system-dependent
and portable modules seems to have settled down -- and to add new features.
A few highlights:
Systems Supported:
. Berkeley Unix 4.1 and 4.2 (but not yet 2.9)
. AT&T Unix System III and derivatives (Xenix/286, PC/IX, etc)
. AT&T Unix System V and derivatives
. Bell Unix Version 7
. DEC Pro-350 with Venix Version 1
. NCR Tower 1632, OS 1.02
. Apple Macintosh
New features since version 4.2, common to all implementations:
. Many features redesigned to promote portability.
. Compile-time options to eliminate debugging and logging code to reduce
size and boost performance.
. Packet parameters separately settable for inbound & outbound packets.
. Protocol operation improved here & there, many bugs fixed.
New features for Unix implementation (and VMS):
. Command line continuation
. Support for additional modem-dialers
. Improved performance for Pro/Venix
. Better (but still not perfect) determination of local vs remote mode
in 'set line'
. User's preferred shell is used for "!" commands, rather than always sh.
(A complete list of Unix/VMS updates is in CKUKER.UPD.)
New Features (since 0.7) for Macintosh:
. A key redefinition package is now provided.
. I/O errors, such as disk full or write protected, now handled better.
. Separate boxes for inbound & outbound packet parameters in protocol
settings dialog.
(A complete list of Macintosh updates is in CKMKER.UPD.)
The Macintosh implementation is built using the Stanford University Medical
Center's SUMACC cross development system, which runs on VAX computers under
Unix (or VMS with Eunice). MacKermit fits on a standard 128K Mac, but just
barely. The key configurator is a separate program, because this additional
functionality added to Kermit itself would not fit into a 128K Mac. The memory
restriction is a problem only because the SUMACC system cannot produce
swappable segments. If someone wants to take the trouble to translate the
Macintosh-specific modules to one of the native Macintosh C development systems
that supports segment loading, then additional functionality can be added
without worrying about exceeding memory. (If you want to volunteer to do this,
please contact us first!)
The VAX/VMS implementation is more an exercise in portability than a real
Kermit implementation. It mostly works, but does not possess the intimate
knowledge of the VMS environment that the Stevens Institute of Technology
Bliss language implementation has. Still, it may be useful to sites that
do not have a Bliss compiler but do have the VAX-11 C compiler.
Documentation includes a Unix Kermit manual (CKUKER.DOC, Scribe source
CKUKER.MSS), a Macintosh Kermit manual (CKMKER.DOC,.MSS), various help files
(CK*.HLP), program update histories (CK*.UPD), and "beware" files (CK*.BWR).
The Unix and Macintosh manuals are new chapters for the Kermit User Guide,
but the Guide itself has not yet been reissued to include these chapters;
a new revision of the manual will appear after MS-DOS Kermit 2.28 is announced.
The files are in KER:CK*.*, available from host CU20B via anonymous FTP
on the Internet. Within a few days, they will also be available from BITnet
via KERMSRV at CUVMA. In addition, Macintosh Kermit diskettes will be sent
out to selected sites (Apple University Consortium schools and a few others;
our capacity to reproduce diskettes is limited, so we can't do mass
mailings). And of course, the new files will be included henceforth on our
Kermit distribution tapes.
The files that had been in <CKERMIT> for testing purposes have been removed.
Thanks to all the folks on the network who participated in the test and helped
to work out the bugs, particularly Dave Tweten (AMES-NAS), Marco Papa (USC),
Dan Schullman (DEC), Lawrence Afrin (Clemson U), and many others too numerous
to mention.
Please report any problems to Info-Kermit at CU20B.
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