Security Is Us

P McFerrin mcferrin at inuxc.UUCP
Mon Sep 2 17:10:43 AEST 1985

> In article <10966 at Glacier.ARPA> conor at Glacier.ARPA (Conor Rafferty) writes:
> >$ ls -l /dev/null
> >crw-rw----  1 root       3,   2 Aug 20 16:00 /dev/null
> >
> >[sighted on] 
> >
> >Don't want no pesky user-writeable security holes on this system...
> Try doing the same for "/dev/tty" and a lot of inexplicable things will happen.
> When this happened on our system, it took me AGES to find the cause.
> P.S. It takes me 73 tapes to do a full dump on /dev/null at the moment :-).

You must really have a LARGE bit bucket.  I would try the following
/dev/null compression scheme:
	cat /dev/null | cat >/dev/null
:-)	:-)	:-)	:-)	:-)	:-)	:-)	:-)

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