Testing to see if a file is ASCII

David England de at dcl-cs.UUCP
Wed Sep 11 01:14:39 AEST 1985

In the following piece of program to test for an ASCII file I know that
the commented values are magic numbers from a.out format files but I'm
curious to know what the other values represent ?

/* c is the first character in the file with descriptor f */
/* runs on UNIX 4.2 Vax or Sun */

switch ((c | *f->_ptr << 8) & 0177777) {
	case 0405:
	case 0407: /*magic number*/
	case 0410: /*magic number*/
	case 0411:
	case 0413: /*magic number*/
	case 0177545:

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JANET   : de at uk.ac.lancs.comp           PHONE : +44 524 65201 Ext. 4586
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