rcs blows up on suns

Brian Thomson thomson at uthub.UUCP
Wed Sep 11 00:15:20 AEST 1985

> ...
>> As I stated in my original reply, dereferencing zero is always
>> a bad idea, even though it `works' (returns 0) on Vaxen.   So,
> A minor point, but dereferencing zero only "works" on Vaxen that are
> running Berkeley Unix (don't know about USG).

The ideal situation for someone developing code is an OS that does not
map location 0, but the best environment for someone who is interested
in using existing programs from other machines is one that requires
him to do no more than type 'make'.  This means being as forgiving
as possible about things like null pointers.
		    Brian Thomson,	    CSRI Univ. of Toronto

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