Use of ``vi'' for business office word-processing

Stephen J. Hartley hartley at uvm-gen.UUCP
Tue Sep 16 21:58:38 AEST 1986

> Keywords: ``vi'' word-processing non-programmers
> Xref: dartvax net.text:1148 net.unix:8174
> I have been involved in word-processing in the Physics Dept.  Because
> of the math requirements, WYSIWIG's were pretty well excluded, so we
> used eqn, tbl, and troff.  Once the decision to use an embedded-command
> WP system was made, we had to teach our secretaries an editor, and
> found that there was little problem in using "vi".
The secretaries at the University of Virginia had no trouble learning basic
Unix, files, vi, tbl, eqn, and troff.

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