Needed: information on SNA file transfer on AT&T 3B2.

Tue Bertelsen tue at olamb.UUCP
Tue Sep 9 22:33:02 AEST 1986

SNA connection on 3B2 machines ?????

Does anyone have experience with the AT&T SNA/3270 Emulator+ software
and the corresponding API (Application Program Interface) used to
implement file transfers between IBM hosts and AT&T 3B computers,
or do you have experience with other products, that are able to do
file transfers between IBM and 3Bs.

Any information will be appreciated.

Please mail directly to me. If interested, I will submit a summary
to the net.

Tue Bertelsen
AmbraSoft A/S


 |                      |  AmbraSoft A/S    | phone   +45 2 42 46 22       |
 |  Tue Bertelsen       |  Kongevejen 40    | telex   9123547 ambra ttx dk |
 |  Marketing Manager   |  DK-2840  Holte   | teletex 2381-123547=Ambra    |
 |                      |  Denmark          | fax     +45 2 42 30 90       |
                             |  tue at olamb.UUCP                             |
                             |  {decvax,philabs}!mcvax!diku!olamb!tue      |

   --- load 16 bits and what do you get ?
         another day older and deeper in debt !

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