catalog of Unix switches

Leonard H. Tower Jr. tower at mit-prep.ARPA
Sat Sep 13 11:30:18 AEST 1986

I'm looking for a catalog of Unix flags.

A mapping from option -> programs (with Unix version(s)) and
			 description of flag.

Has anyone ever done this?  I'm naming a fair number of "new" flags
these days, and a single index would be helpful.  (I know I could hack
a script together to search /usr/man/*, but that wouldn't catch all
the flags (format inconsistencies, and only get a single version of

I will summarize to USENET or via mail, depending on the number of
mail requests I receive.

Thanx, Len-- 
Len Tower
Project GNU of the Free Software Foundation

UUCP:       {}!mit-eddie!mit-prep!tower
INTERNET:   tower at
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   1000 Mass. Ave., Cambridge, MA  02138, USA +1 (617) 876-3296
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