Use of ``vi'' for business office word-processing

John Kempf corwin at hope.UUCP
Wed Sep 10 23:04:40 AEST 1986

> In article <1246 at kitty.UUCP> larry at kitty.UUCP (Larry Lippman) writes:
>>	On occasion I get asked for my opinion on computer systems for small
>>business applications.  Since 100% of my computer applications are scientific
>>in nature (which is pretty far afield from business applications), I try to
>>avoid giving business applications advice (except to go UNIX :-) ).  However,
>>sometimes I cannot avoid getting involved...
> ...
>>	So my question is: Am I WRONG in advising people to stay with ``vi''
>>and not spend money for "word-processing software" in the BUSINESS APPLICATION
> Yes, I think you're wrong.  Secretaries don't have time, nor do they usually
> want to learn something like Unix.  They will prefer EVERY TIME something
> which works as similarly as possible to their typewriter.


> I personally would suggest getting each person an IBM-PC compatible type of
> machine.

You were doing so well, until you reached this point.  For a Computer
literate person, an IBM (compatable?) may be a good idea (debateable).
However, the MS/PC DOS OS is almost as cryptic as UNIX.  As far as
applications for the computer are concerned, the major fault with a PC is
that they are all different - you must learn a different system for
dealing with each one.  If you know how to use a word processor, that
will do you absolutely no good in learning how to use a spreadsheet,

The system to use for a business environment is the Macintosh.  Here is
        First, the Mac is by far the easiest computer to use...Once you
learn the basic system (5 minutes, max) you can use ANY program out.
*They All Work The Same!*  You only have to learn one system for all of
the programs.

        Another reason is that it looks a lot like a typewriter (notice
the keyboard?).  The main screen (command interpreter if you insist) is
set up to look like a desktop (in fact, that is what it is called)  It
uses (get this!) *PICTURES* to represent its files, instead of cryptic
names.  Like a word processor document lookes like a piece of paper with
a name under it (up to 31 characters, not just eight letters/numbers + a
three letter extension)

        Finaly, at a company that I used to work for, I was given an
arguement about the average employee longevity.  The number used was
something like 6 months.  (at the time I was working in end-user
training (BARF!!!), and for some reason, I believe it. :-( )
Considering that with a PC, a new user will spend his/her first six
months buried in a manual (with UNIX, s/months/years/),  With a Mac,
this problem doesn't exist.


"Never believe that a wizard is truly dead, until you have personally
seen him die at least three times."

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