update to smail

sources-request at genrad.UUCP sources-request at genrad.UUCP
Thu Jun 27 07:03:25 AEST 1985

Mod.sources:  Volume 2, Issue 2
Submitted by: sml at luke.UUCP (Steven List)

This is an update to the posting of my "smarter" mailer.  The only real
change is to add an `exit (0)' at the end of the main function.  Here it
is, in "diff -c" format, suitable for feeding to "patch".

*** old/smail.c	Wed Jun 26 16:48:41 1985
--- smail.c	Wed Jun 26 16:46:57 1985
*** 19,25
   * modified by Steven M. List 6/85
   *			   Benetics Corporation
   *             Mt. View, CA
!  *             {cdp,idi,oliveb,sun,tolerant}!bene!luke!steven

--- 19,25 -----
   * modified by Steven M. List 6/85
   *			   Benetics Corporation
   *             Mt. View, CA
!  *             {cdp,greipa,idi,oliveb,sun,tolerant}!bene!luke!steven
*** 223,228
  crackrecip (buf, recip, host)
  register char *buf;

--- 223,230 -----
+ 	exit (0);
  crackrecip (buf, recip, host)
  register char *buf;

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