Bourne shell history + tilde + job control + more (Part 1 of 9)

sources-request at genrad.UUCP sources-request at genrad.UUCP
Mon Jun 10 01:05:46 AEST 1985

From: Arnold Robbins <gatech!arnold>

This and the following eight postings consist of files and context diffs
to add many long-desired features into the Bourne shell. The details of
the new features are listed below in  This is a list of
what each article contains

Part 1	--, new .c files needed for the shell, miscellany

Part 2	-- Context diffs of C code for 4.2 BSD /bin/sh
Part 3	-- Context diffs of C code for 4.2 BSD /bin/sh
Part 4	-- Context diffs of sh.1 for 4.2 BSD /bin/sh

Part 5	-- Context diffs of C code for System V Release 2 /bin/sh
Part 6	-- Context diffs of C code for System V Release 2 /bin/sh
Part 7	-- Context diffs of sh.1 for System V Release 2 /bin/sh

Part 8	-- Context diffs of C code for BRL Unix /usr/5bin/sh
Part 9	-- Context diffs of sh.1 for BRL Unix /usr/5bin/sh

I am sorry that there are so many articles; I had to do it this way to
insure that each one would be less that 64K in size.

Arnold Robbins
arnold at gatech.{CSNET, UUCP}
------------------ tear along perforations ------------
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #!/bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
#	Bugs
#	signal.c
#	ulimit.c
#	jobs.c
#	homedir.c
#	history.c
#	sample.shrc
# This archive created: Fri Jun  7 13:49:23 1985
# By:	Arnold Robbins (Pr1mebusters!)
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
echo shar: extracting "''" '(7022 characters)'
if test -f ''
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "''"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > '' --- README file for Georgia Tech mods to the shell

This and the following eight postings should be all you need to add the
following features to the Bourne shell:

1.  BSD style job control on Berkeley Systems. Code to outwit symbolic
    links for shells which have 'pwd' built in.  Also code to print a
    resource usage summary after every command on BSD systems.  These are
    courtesy of the folks at BRL, who gave me permission to post their

2.  The ability to catch Control-D's, and force you to use "exit", also
    courtesy of BRL.  This will work whether or not you are on a BSD system.

3.  The <> I/O redirecter is now documented, and also works (courtesy of
    ihnp4!trwrb!lcc!brian's recent posting in net.unix-wizards).

4.  The shell parameter $+ gives you the parent process id of the shell.
    It will track the value of the getppid() system call.

5.  The shell will read in $HOME/.shrc on startup, if that file exists.
    This file is read *after* /etc/profile and $HOME/.profile (unlike the
    csh, which readc ~/.cshrc before ~/.login).

6.  The ~ and ~person notation is understood, both for command line arguments,
    and in the PATH and CDPATH shell variables.
7.  Special sequences in PS1 (the shell's prompt string) will print useful
    info at the prompt.  Currently, you can get or all or some or none of:
	the time of day
	your current directory (if the shell has pwd is built in)
	your machine's hostname
	your login name
	the current 'event' number for the ...

8.  History mechanism.  The history mechanism is powerful, yet easy to use.
    Although different from the csh's, it is somewhat more general and
    orthogonal.  The shell will save history across login sessions,
    automatically restoring on login, and saving on exit or on the exec builtin.

On a Pyramid, the shell has some additional capabilities:

9.  The 'att', 'ucb' and 'universe' commands are built in.

10. The $UNIVERSE shell variable tracks the current universe.

11. An additional sequence for the prompt to print the current universe.


I am posting diffs for the versions of the Bourne shell listed below.
Here are the instructions for setting up the makefile for each shell,
depending on your target machine and OS.  For all versions, you will need
the files history.c and homedir.c; these have been added to the makefile,
but will only be posted once.

It will help if you have the 'patch' program.  It was just reposted around
the middle of May, 1985 (Version 1.3). If you don't have it, someone at your
site or someone you know probably does.

First, unshar this article.  You wil have the following files:		# this file
Bugs			# some known bugs in what I've added
signal.c		# courtesy of BRL
ulimit.c		# courtesy of BRL
jobs.c			# courtesy of BRL

Next, make a new directory, and copy the source for the version of the shell
that you are going to modify, into it.
Copy the *unformatted* man page for that shell into the directory also.
Move history.c and homedir.c into the directory.

Find which version of the shell you have, and follow the supplementary
instructions below.

1. The Berkeley /bin/sh as distributed with 4.2, for 4.2BSD.
	Add the files signal.c and jobs.c to the directory.
	Get parts 2, 3 and 4, and run patch on them.
	Run make.

	On a Pyramid, follow the previous paragraph but don't run make yet.
	First, make sure you are in the 'ucb' universe.
	Remove all references to signal.c and signal.o from the makefile.
	Now run make.

2. The System V Release 2 shell as distributed from ATT (for the vax).
	On System V systems, the job stuff is conditionally compiled in.
	Get parts 5, 6, and 7, and run patch on them.
	Remove the -DJOBS and all references to signal.c, ulimit.c,
	jobs.c, and their .o files, from the makefile (
	Run make (make -f
	The sh.1 file will need editing to remove any reference to the 'J'
	flag, the 'I' flag, and to all the job control features.

	On BSD systems, copy signal.c, ulimit.c, and jobs.c into the directory.
	Get parts 5, 6, and 7, and run patch on them.
	Run make. (make -f

	On a Pyramid, copy ulimit.c, and jobs.c into the directory.
	Run patch.  Remove signal.o and signal.c from the makefile,
	and the testing for u370 for xec.c. Be sure to be in the ucb
	universe, and then run make. (make -f

3. The System V Release 2 shell as modified at BRL, for BRL Unix.
	Get parts 8 and 9, and run patch on them.

	There are two ways to compile this version under BRL Unix.

	A. Use the standard BSD make and cc. In this case, all you will need
	   is history.c and homedir.c.  Run make.

	B. Use the System V emulation, /usr/5bin/make and /usr/5bin/cc.
	   In this case, make sure your PATH is set properly. Remove the
	   -DBSD from the makefile, and also any references to signal.c,
	   and ulimit.c, and their .o files.  Now run /usr/5bin/make.
	On a Pyramid, run patch.  Edit the makefile to exclude signal.c
	and signal.o.  Be sure to be in the ucb universe, and then run make.

********** is a bunch of useful shell functions --- only of value for one
or the other of the System V Release 2 Versions of the shell.

Sample.shrc is a sample .shrc file.  In particular, it gives you some
compatibility with the Korn shell.  It sets PPID=$+, and if the ENV
environment variable is set to a file name, it will source that file
(that is how the ksh does ~/.shrc).

If you want job control to be turned on automatically (on a BSD system),
add the line
	set -J
to /etc/profile (or /usr/5lib/profile, depending).  This will turn job
control on for login shells.


I have tested the shells on the following systems:

		Vax (BRL Unix) |  Pyramid  | 3B2 (S5R2)  | 3B20A (S5R2)
BSD shell		x	     x
S5R2 shell		x	     x		x		x
BRL/S5R2 shell		x	     x		x

As should be clear from the above table, I have only had access to four
different kinds of machines.  If you are running on some other kind of
hardware, and/or another flavor of Unix (V7, Xenix, Perkin Elmer, whatever),
and you successfully add these mods to the shell, please let me know.  Also
send me any diff listings you may have had to generate.  I am particularly
interested to know if it will still fit on a PDP-11.


Please don't send me any flames to the effect "You should use the C-shell".
Here is a case where I can have my cake and eat it too, and this should be
a big win for people who only have System V and don't have the ksh.

I hope that these modifications to the shell help to meet a need out there
in the real world.  If you find any bugs, please let me know.

Arnold Robbins
CSNET:	arnold at gatech	ARPA:	arnold%gatech.csnet at
UUCP:	{ akgua, allegra, hplabs, ihnp4, seismo, ut-sally }!gatech!arnold

School of Information and Computer Science
Georgia Institute of Technology
225 North Avenue, N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia  30332
(404) 894-3658
echo shar: extracting "'Bugs'" '(2013 characters)'
if test -f 'Bugs'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'Bugs'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'Bugs'
Bugs -- known problems in the shell.

The "suspend" built-in command is *very* naive.  E.g. cranking up a
subshell from vi, and then suspending it, will leave you sort of in limbo.
A control-Z will then suspend the vi.  Then a 'fg' command foregrounds the
stopped sub-shell. Control-D'ing the subshell puts you back in vi.

If the shell is being run from a terminal, and you interrupt it in the
middle of doing a here document (cat << FOO ..., interrupt before the FOO),
then if history was turned on, you will be left with history turned off.
Use set +H to turn it back on.

I do not have access to a PDP-11, so there will probably be problems
trying to move this stuff to a small address space machine.  Let me know
what you encounter, and I will encorporate any diffs that people send back
to me.

A recent posting in net.micro.att indicated that the Unix PC's window
manager uses $HOME/.history to save things. This is also the default for
where this history mechanism keeps things -- change the value of HISTFILE in
your .profile to be something different, and export it, if you're on a Unix PC.


There are probably bugs in the code I have added to the shell.
I think I have caught everything, but I can't guarantee.  If you discover
any problems, please let me know, so that I can track them down and fix

I regard this as a "first iteration."  In other words, I will not be suprised
if there are bugs.  I am counting on the net to be friendly enough to let
me know about any that may be discovered.  I am also open to suggestions for
other fixes or additions to the shell.  As things come in to me, I will
incorporate what I can, and hopefully post a new set of revisions.

Meanwhile, enjoy!

Arnold Robbins
CSNET:	arnold at gatech	ARPA:	arnold%gatech.csnet at
UUCP:	{ akgua, allegra, hplabs, ihnp4, seismo, ut-sally }!gatech!arnold

School of Information and Computer Science
Georgia Institute of Technology
225 North Avenue, N.W.
Atlanta, Georgia  30332
(404) 894-3658
echo shar: extracting "'signal.c'" '(3896 characters)'
if test -f 'signal.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'signal.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'signal.c'
	signal -- old system call emulation for 4.2BSD (VAX version)
		(adapted from BRL UNIX System V emulation for 4.2BSD)

	last edit:	25-Aug-1984	D A Gwyn

	NOTE:  Although this module is VAX-specific, it should be
	possible to adapt it to other fairly clean implementations of
	4.2BSD.  The difficulty lies in avoiding the automatic restart
	of certain system calls when the signal handler returns.  I use
	here a trick first described by Donn Seeley of UCSD Chem. Dept.

#include	<errno.h>
#include	<signal.h>
#include	<syscall.h>

extern int	sigvec();
extern int	sigsetmask();

extern		etext;
extern int	errno;

static int	(*handler[NSIG])() =	/* "current handler" memory */
	BADSIG				/* initially, unknown state */
static int	inited = 0;		/* for initializing above */

static int	catchsig();
static int	ret_eintr();

int	(*
signal( sig, func )			/* returns previous handler */
	register int	sig;		/* signal affected */
	register int	(*func)();	/* new handler */
	register int	(*retval)();	/* previous handler value */
	struct sigvec	oldsv;		/* previous state */
	struct sigvec	newsv;		/* state being set */

	if ( func >= (int (*)())&etext )	/* "lint" hates this */
		errno = EFAULT;
		return BADSIG;		/* error */

	/* cancel pending signals */
	newsv.sv_handler = SIG_IGN;
	newsv.sv_mask = newsv.sv_onstack = 0;
	if ( sigvec( sig, &newsv, &oldsv ) != 0 )
		return BADSIG;		/* error */

	/* C language provides no good way to initialize handler[] */
	if ( !inited )			/* once only */
		register int	i;

		for ( i = 1; i < NSIG; ++i )
			handler[i] = BADSIG;	/* initialize */


	/* the first time for this sig, get state from the system */
	if ( (retval = handler[sig-1]) == BADSIG )
		retval = oldsv.sv_handler;

	handler[sig-1] = func;	/* keep track of state */

	if ( func == SIG_DFL )
		newsv.sv_handler = SIG_DFL;
	else if ( func != SIG_IGN )
		newsv.sv_handler = catchsig;	/* actual sig catcher */

	if ( func != SIG_IGN		/* sig already being ignored */
	  && sigvec( sig, &newsv, (struct sigvec *)0 ) != 0
		return BADSIG;		/* error */

	return retval;			/* previous handler */

/* # bytes to skip at the beginning of C ret_eintr() function code: */
#define	OFFSET	2			/* for VAX .word reg_mask */

/* PC will be pointing at a syscall if it is to be restarted: */
typedef unsigned char	opcode;		/* one byte long */
#define	SYSCALL		((opcode)0xBC)	/* VAX CHMK instruction */
#define	IMMEDIATE	((opcode)0x8F)	/* VAX immediate addressing */

static int
catchsig( sig, code, scp )		/* signal interceptor */
	register int		sig;	/* signal number */
	int			code;	/* code for SIGILL, SIGFPE */
	register struct sigcontext	*scp;	/* -> interrupted context */
	register int		(*uhandler)();	/* user handler */
	register opcode		*pc;	/* for snooping instructions */
	struct sigvec		newsv;	/* state being set */

	/* at this point, sig is blocked */

	uhandler = handler[sig - 1];

	/* most UNIXes usually want the state reset to SIG_DFL */
	if ( sig != SIGILL && sig != SIGTRAP )
		handler[sig-1] = newsv.sv_handler = SIG_DFL;
		newsv.sv_mask = newsv.sv_onstack = 0;
		(void)sigvec( sig, &newsv, (struct sigvec *)0 );

	(void)sigsetmask( scp->sc_mask );	/* restore old mask */

	/* at this point, sig is not blocked, usually have SIG_DFL;
	   a longjmp may safely be taken by the user signal handler */

	(void)(*uhandler)( sig );	/* user signal handler */

	/* must now avoid restarting certain system calls */
	pc = (opcode *)scp->sc_pc;
	if ( *pc++ == SYSCALL
	  && (*pc == SYS_read || *pc == SYS_write || *pc == SYS_ioctl
	   || *pc++ == IMMEDIATE
	   && (*pc == SYS_wait || *pc == SYS_readv || *pc == SYS_writev)
		scp->sc_pc = (int)ret_eintr + OFFSET;

	/* return here restores interrupted context */

static int
ret_eintr()				/* substitute for system call */
	errno = EINTR;
	return -1;
echo shar: extracting "'ulimit.c'" '(855 characters)'
if test -f 'ulimit.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'ulimit.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'ulimit.c'
	ulimit -- system call emulation for Bourne shell on 4.2BSD

	last edit:	22-Aug-1983	D A Gwyn

#include	<errno.h>

extern int	getrlimit(), setrlimit();
extern int	errno;

ulimit( cmd, newlimit )
	int	cmd;			/* subcommand */
	long	newlimit;		/* desired new limit */
	struct	{
		long	rlim_cur;
		long	rlim_max;
		}	limit;		/* data being gotten/set */

	switch ( cmd )
	case 1: 			/* get file size limit */
		if ( getrlimit( 1, &limit ) != 0 )
			return -1L;	/* errno is already set */
		return limit.rlim_max / 512L;

	case 2: 			/* set file size limit */
		limit.rlim_cur = limit.rlim_max = newlimit * 512L;
		return setrlimit( 1, &limit );

	case 3: 			/* get maximum break value */
		if ( getrlimit( 2, &limit ) != 0 )
			return -1L;	/* errno is already set */
		return limit.rlim_max;

		errno = EINVAL;
		return -1L;
echo shar: extracting "'jobs.c'" '(11717 characters)'
if test -f 'jobs.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'jobs.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'jobs.c'
 *  JOBS.C -- job control for Bourne shell
 *  created by Ron Natalie, BRL
 *  slight changes by Doug Gwyn
 *  some more slight changes by Arnold Robbins (mainly for the BSD /bin/sh)

#include "defs.h"
#include "sym.h"

#ifndef TAB	/* very original, early /bin/sh */
#include <signal.h>
#define comptr(x)	((COMPTR) x)
#define lstptr(x)	((LSTPTR) x)
#define forkptr(x)	((FORKPTR) x)
#define parptr(x)	((PARPTR) x)
#define forptr(x)	((FORPTR) x)
#define whptr(x)	((WHPTR) x)
#define ifptr(x)	((IFPTR) x)
#define swptr(x)	((SWPTR) x)

#if BSD || (JOBS && ! BRL)	/* native /bin/sh */
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#else	/* /usr/5bin/sh */
#include	<sys/_ioctl.h>
#define	ioctl	_ioctl
#define	killpg	_killpg
#define	setpgrp	_setpgrp
#define	TIOCSETD	_IOW( 't', 1, int )
#define	TIOCSPGRP	_IOW( 't', 118, int )
#define	NTTYDISC	2

#define	NJCH	30
#define	JCOMSIZE 50
static struct	j_child  {
	int	j_pgid;
	int	j_status;
	int	j_info;
	char	j_com[JCOMSIZE];
	int	j_jobnum;
} j_children[NJCH];

static int	j_number = 1;
static int	j_current = 0;

#define	JEMPTY	0
#define	JALIVE	1
#define	JSTOP	2
#define	JBG	3

BOOL		j_top_level = TRUE;
int		j_default_pg = 0;
int		j_original_pg = 0;
static int	j_last_pgrp = 0;
static int	j_do(), j_getnumber(), j_stuff();
static void	j_backoff(), j_print_ent(), j_really_reset_pg(), j_setcommand();
j_child_post(p, bg, pin, t)
	int		p;
	int		bg;
	register int	pin;
	struct trenod	***t;
	register struct j_child *j = j_children;

	if((flags & jobflg) == 0)

	if(!pin)  {
		setpgrp(p, p);
		j_last_pgrp = p;
		if(!bg)  {
			ioctl(1, TIOCSPGRP, &p);
			setpgrp(0, p);
		setpgrp(p, j_last_pgrp);

	for(j=j_children; j < &j_children[NJCH]; j++)  {
		if(pin && j->j_pgid == j_last_pgrp)  {
			j_setcommand(j, t);

		if(!pin &&j->j_status == JEMPTY)  {
			j->j_com[0] = 0;
			j->j_status = bg ? JBG : JALIVE;
			j->j_pgid = p;
			j_setcommand(j, t);
			if(bg)  {
				j->j_jobnum = j_getnumber();
				j->j_jobnum = 0;
	prs(cjpostr);			/* DAG -- made strings sharable */

	register int	p;
	register struct j_child *j = j_children;

	if(p == 0 || p == -1)

	for(; j < &j_children[NJCH]; j++)
		if(j->j_status == JALIVE && j->j_pgid == p)  {
			j->j_status = JEMPTY;
			if(j->j_jobnum && j->j_jobnum == j_current)

j_child_stop(p, sig)
	register int	p;
	int		sig;
	register struct j_child *j = j_children; 

	for(; j < &j_children[NJCH]; j++)
		if((j->j_status == JALIVE || j->j_status == JBG) && j->j_pgid == p)  {
			j->j_status = JSTOP;
			j->j_info = sig;
			if(j->j_jobnum == 0)
				j->j_jobnum = j_getnumber();
			j_current = j->j_jobnum;

	register int	p;
	register struct j_child *j = j_children; 

	if(p == 0 || p == -1)

	for(; j < &j_children[NJCH]; j++)
		if( j->j_status != JEMPTY && j->j_pgid == p)  {
			j->j_status = JEMPTY;
			if(j->j_jobnum && j->j_jobnum == j_current)

	register struct j_child *j = j_children; 

	if((flags & jobflg) == 0)  {
		prs(jcoffstr);		/* DAG */

	await(-2, 1);
	for(; j < &j_children[NJCH]; j++)

static void
	register struct j_child *j;
	if(j->j_status == JEMPTY)

	if(j->j_jobnum == 0) {
		prs(jpanstr);		/* DAG */
	prs(rsqbrk);			/* DAG */
	if(j_current == j->j_jobnum)
		prs(execpmsg);		/* DAG */
		prs(spspstr);		/* DAG */
	prc(' ');

	switch(j->j_status)  {
	case JALIVE:
		prs(fgdstr);		/* DAG */
	case JSTOP:
		prs(stpdstr);		/* DAG */
		switch(j->j_info)  {
		case SIGTSTP:
			prs(lotspstr);	/* DAG */
		case SIGSTOP:
			prs(psgpstr);	/* DAG */
		case SIGTTIN:
			prs(ptinstr);	/* DAG */
		case SIGTTOU:
			prs(ptoustr);	/* DAG */
	case JBG:
		prs(bgdstr);		/* DAG */
	prc(' ');

j_resume(cp, bg)
	char	*cp;
	BOOL	bg;
	register struct j_child *j = j_children; 
	int	p;
	if((flags & jobflg) == 0)  {
		prs(jcoffstr);		/* DAG */

	if(cp)  {
		p = atoi(cp);
		if(p == 0)  {
			prs(jinvstr);	/* DAG */
		p = 0;
	await(-2, 1);
	if(p == 0 && j_current == 0)  {
		prs(ncjstr);		/* DAG */

	for(; j < &j_children[NJCH]; j++)
		if(j->j_status != JEMPTY)
			   (p != 0 && j->j_pgid == p) ||
			   (p == 0 && j->j_jobnum == j_current)
			)  {
				p = j->j_pgid;
				if(!bg)  {
					ioctl(1, TIOCSPGRP, &p);
					setpgrp(0, p);
				j->j_status = bg ? JBG : JALIVE;
				if(killpg(p, SIGCONT) == -1)  {
					j->j_status = JEMPTY;
					await(p, 0);
	prs(nstpstr);			/* DAG */

char	*
	static char	digbuf[40];
	register char	*c;
	register int	i;
	register struct j_child *j = j_children; 

	c = digbuf;
	*c++ = '%';

	for(;;) {
		*c = readc();
		if( c==(digbuf+1) && *c == '%')  {
			i = j_current;
		if(!digchar(*c))  {
			peekc = *c | MARK;
			*c = 0;
			i = stoi(digbuf+1);

	if(i != 0)
		for(; j < &j_children[NJCH]; j++)
			if(j->j_status != JEMPTY && j->j_jobnum == i)  {
				movstr(numbuf, digbuf);	/* DAG */

	return digbuf;

	if((flags & jobflg) == 0)
	if(j_top_level)  {
		ioctl(0, TIOCSPGRP, &j_default_pg);
		setpgrp(0, j_default_pg);

static void
	ioctl(0, TIOCSPGRP, &j_original_pg);
	setpgrp(0, j_original_pg);

#include "ctype.h"
extern BOOL trapflg[];

	static int	ldisc = NTTYDISC;	/* BSD ioctl brain damage */

	if(flags & jobflg)
	trapflg[SIGTTIN] = SIGMOD | 1;
	trapflg[SIGTTOU] = SIGMOD | 1;
	trapflg[SIGTSTP] = SIGMOD | 1;
	trapflg[SIGSTOP] = SIGMOD | 1;
	ignsig(SIGSTOP);	/*  Just to make sure  */
	(void)ioctl( 0, TIOCSETD, &ldisc );	/* DAG -- require "new tty" handler */
/*	flags |= jobflg;	*/

	BOOL	force;
	register struct j_child *j = j_children; 

	if((flags & jobflg) == 0)
		return FALSE;

	await(-2, 1);
	for(; j < &j_children[NJCH]; j++)
		if(j->j_status == JSTOP )
			if(force)  {
				killpg(j->j_pgid, SIGHUP);
				killpg(j->j_pgid, SIGCONT);
			else  {
				prs(tasjstr);	/* DAG */
				return TRUE;
	if(force)  {
		await(-2, 1);		
		return FALSE;
	trapflg[SIGTTIN] = SIGMOD;
	trapflg[SIGTTOU] = SIGMOD;
	trapflg[SIGTSTP] = SIGMOD;
	trapflg[SIGSTOP] = SIGMOD;
	flags &= ~jobflg;
	return FALSE;

static int	j_numbers = 0;

static int
	register struct j_child *j = j_children; 
	for(; j < &j_children[NJCH]; j++)
		if(j->j_status != JEMPTY && j->j_jobnum)
			return j_numbers++;
	j_numbers = 2;
	return 1;

static void
	register struct j_child *j = j_children; 
	j_current = 0;
	for(; j < &j_children[NJCH]; j++)
		if(j->j_status != JEMPTY && j->j_jobnum)
			if(j->j_jobnum > j_current)
				j_current = j->j_jobnum;

static	int	jcleft;
static  char	*jcp;

static void
j_setcommand(j, t)
	register struct j_child	*j;
	struct trenod		*t;
	jcleft = strlen(j->j_com);
	jcp = j->j_com + jcleft;
	jcleft = JCOMSIZE - 1  - jcleft;

	if(j->j_com[0] == '\0' || !j_stuff(pipestr))	/* DAG */

static int
	register struct argnod *a;
	while(a)  {
			return 1;
		a = a->argnxt;
			j_stuff(spcstr);	/* DAG */
	return 0;

#define IOGET 0
static int
	register struct ionod	*t;
	register int	iof;	/* DAG -- added for speed */
	register int	i;

	while(t)  {
		if(t->ioname)  {
			if(j_stuff(spcstr))	/* DAG */
				return 1;
			iof = t->iofile;
			i = iof & IOUFD;
			    ((iof&IOPUT) && (i != 1)) ||
			    (((iof&IOPUT)==0) && (i!= 0))
			)  {
					return 1;
			switch(iof & (IODOC|IOPUT|IOMOV|IOAPP|IORDW))  {
			case IOGET:
				if(j_stuff(rdinstr))	/* DAG */
					return 1;
			case IOPUT:
				if(j_stuff(readmsg))	/* DAG */
					return 1;
			case IOAPP|IOPUT:
				if(j_stuff(appdstr))	/* DAG */
					return 1;
			case IODOC:
				if(j_stuff(inlnstr))	/* DAG */
					return 1;
			case IOMOV|IOPUT:
				if(j_stuff(toastr))	/* DAG */
					return 1;
			case IOMOV|IOGET:
				if(j_stuff(fromastr))	/* DAG */
					return 1;
			case IORDW:
				if(j_stuff(rdwstr))	/* ADR */
					return 1;
				return 1;
		t = t->ionxt;
	return 0;
static int
	register struct trenod *t;
	int	type;

	if (t == (struct trenod *)0)	/* DAG -- added safety check */
		return 0;

	type = t->tretyp & COMMSK;
	switch(type)  {
#ifdef TFND	/* ADR --- don't put this stuff in the plain BSD /bin/sh */
	case	TFND:	/* added by DAG for System V Release 2 shell */
		return j_stuff(fndptr(t)->fndnam)
		    || j_stuff(sfnstr)	/* DAG */
		    || j_do(fndptr(t)->fndval)
		    || j_stuff(efnstr);	/* DAG */

	case	TCOM:
		if(comptr(t)->comset)  {
			|| j_stuff(spcstr))
				return 1;			
		return j_do_chain(comptr(t)->comarg)
		    || j_do_redir(comptr(t)->comio);

	case	TLST:
	case	TAND:
	case	TORF:
	case	TFIL:	/* DAG -- merged */
			return 1;
		switch(type)  {
		case TLST:
			if(j_stuff(semspstr))	/* DAG */
				return 1;
		case TAND:
			if(j_stuff(andstr))	/* DAG */
				return 1;
		case TORF:
			if(j_stuff(orstr))	/* DAG */
				return 1;
		case TFIL:
			if(j_stuff(pipestr))	/* DAG */
				return 1;
		return j_do(lstptr(t)->lstrit);

	case	TFORK:
		return j_do(forkptr(t)->forktre)
		    || j_do_redir(forkptr(t)->forkio)
		    || (forkptr(t)->forktyp & FAMP) && j_stuff(amperstr);	/* DAG */

	case	TPAR:
		return j_stuff(lpnstr)	/* DAG */
		    || j_do(parptr(t)->partre)
		    || j_stuff(rpnstr);	/* DAG */

	case	TFOR:
	case	TWH:
	case	TUN:
		struct trenod *c;

		switch(type)  {
		case TFOR:
			if(j_stuff(forstr)	/* DAG */
			|| j_stuff(forptr(t)->fornam))
				return 1;
			if(forptr(t)->forlst)  {
				if(j_stuff(insstr)	/* DAG */
				|| j_do_chain(forptr(t)->forlst->comarg))
					return 1;
			c = forptr(t)->fortre;

		case TWH:
			if(j_stuff(whilestr)	/* DAG */
			|| j_do(whptr(t)->whtre))
				return 1;
			c = whptr(t)->dotre;

		case TUN:
			if(j_stuff(untilstr)	/* DAG */
			|| j_do(whptr(t)->whtre))
				return 1;
			c = whptr(t)->dotre;
		return j_stuff(sdostr)	/* DAG */
		    || j_do(c)
		    || j_stuff(sdonstr);	/* DAG */
	case	TIF:
		if(j_stuff(ifstr)	/* DAG */
		|| j_do(ifptr(t)->iftre)
		|| j_stuff(sthnstr)	/* DAG */
		|| j_do(ifptr(t)->thtre))
			return 1;
		if(ifptr(t)->eltre)  {
			if(j_stuff(selsstr)	/* DAG */
			|| j_do(ifptr(t)->eltre))
				return 1;
		return j_stuff(sfistr);	/* DAG -- bug fix (was "; done") */

	case	TSW:
		return j_stuff(casestr)	/* DAG */
		    || j_stuff(swptr(t)->swarg)
		    || j_stuff(iesacstr);	/* DAG */

/*		printf("sh bug: j_do--unknown type %d\n", type);	*/
		return 0;

static int
	char	*f;
	register int	i;
	register int	runover;

	i = strlen(f);
	runover = i > jcleft;
		i = jcleft;
	strncpy(jcp, f, i);
	jcleft -= i;
	jcp += i;
	*jcp = 0;
	if(runover)  {
		jcp[-1] = '.';
		jcp[-2] = '.';
		jcp[-3] = '.';
	return runover;
echo shar: extracting "'homedir.c'" '(3036 characters)'
if test -f 'homedir.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'homedir.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'homedir.c'
 * homedir.c
 * find a person's login directory, for use by the shell
 * also find the current user's login name.
 * Arnold Robbins

#include "defs.h"

/* validtilde --- indicate whether or not a ~ is valid */

int validtilde (start, argp)
register char *start, *argp;
	return (
	start == argp - 1 ||			/* ~ at beginning of argument */
	argp[-2] == '=' ||			/* ~ after an assignment */
	(*start == '-' && argp - 3 == start)	/* in middle of an option */
						/* CSH does not do that one */

/* homedir --- return the person's login directory */

char *homedir (person)
register char *person;
	register int count, i, j, fd;
	static char dir[150];
	char buf[300], name[100], rest[100];

	if (person[0] == '\0')	/* just a plain ~ */
		return (homenod.namval);
	else if (person[0] == '/')	/* e.g. ~/bin */
		/* sprintf (dir, "%s%s", homenod.namval, person); */
		movstr (movstr (homenod.namval, dir), person);
		return (dir);

	if ((fd = open ("/etc/passwd", 0)) < 0)
		return (nullstr);
	 * this stuff is to handle the ~person/bin sort of thing
	 * for catpath()
	movstr (person, name);
	*rest = '\0';
	for (i = 0; person[i]; i++)
		if (person[i] == '/')
			movstr (& person[i], rest);
			name[i] = '\0';

	while ((count = read (fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0)
		for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
			if (buf[i] == '\n')
				lseek (fd, (long) (- (count - i)), 1);
		buf[i] = '\0';
		for (j = 0; name[j] && buf[j] == name[j]; j++)
		if (buf[j] == ':' && name[j] == '\0')
			break;	/* found it */
	if (count == 0)
		close (fd);
		return (nullstr);

	for (i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
		for (; buf[j] != ':'; j++)
	for (i = 0; buf[j] != ':'; i++, j++)
		dir[i] = buf[j];
	if (rest[0])
		for (j = 0; rest[j]; j++)
			dir[i++] = rest[j];
	dir[i] = '\0';
	close (fd);
	return (dir);

/* username --- return the user's login name */

 * this routine returns the first user name in /etc/passwd that matches the
 * real uid.  This could be a problem on some systems, but we don't want to
 * call getlogin(), since it uses stdio, and the shell does not.

char *username ()
	register int count, i, j, fd;
	static char logname[50];
	static int foundname = FALSE;
	char buf[300];

	if (foundname)
		return (logname);

	if ((fd = open ("/etc/passwd", 0)) < 0)
		return (nullstr);
	itos (getuid());
	while ((count = read (fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0)
		for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
			if (buf[i] == '\n')
				lseek (fd, (long) (- (count - i)), 1);
		buf[i] = '\0';
		for (j = 0, i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
			for (; buf[j] != ':'; j++)
				;	/* skip name && passwd */
		for (i = 0; numbuf[i] && buf[j] == numbuf[i]; i++, j++)
		if (buf[j] == ':' && numbuf[i] == '\0')
			break;	/* found it */
	if (count == 0)
		close (fd);
		return (nullstr);

	for (i = 0; buf[i] != ':'; i++)
		logname[i] = buf[i];
	logname[i] = '\0';
	foundname = TRUE;
	close (fd);
	return (logname);
echo shar: extracting "'history.c'" '(23486 characters)'
if test -f 'history.c'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'history.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'history.c'
/* history.c --- interacterive history mechanism for the Bourne shell */

 * Original design by Jeff Lee for the Software Tools Subsystem,
 * This implementation by Arnold Robbins, based on Jeff's, but
 * a little bit more capable.

#include "defs.h"	/* defines HISTSIZE */
#include "sym.h"

#define MAXHIST		256		/* max no. saved commands */
#define MAXLINE		257
#define BIGBUF		(MAXLINE * 2)

#define HISTCHAR	'!'		/* history flag character */
#define HISTLOOK	'?'		/* history global search command */
#define HISTARG		'`'		/* history argument character */
#define HISTSUB		'^'		/* history substitution character */

#define YES	(1)
#define NO	(0)

#ifndef TAB	/* earlier version of the shell */
#define	TAB	'\t'

static char	Histbuf[HISTSIZE];	/* queue holding actual history */
static int	Histptr[MAXHIST];	/* queue of pointers into buffer */
static int	Hbuffirst = 0;		/* First pointer into Histbuf */
static int	Hbuflast = 0;		/* Last pointer into Histbuf */
static int	Hptrfirst = 0;		/* First pointer into Histptr */
static int	Hptrlast = 0;		/* Last pointer into Histptr */
static int	Histline = 0;		/* no. of cmd pointed to by Histptr[Hptrlast] */

static char h_badopt[] =	" unrecognized history option";
static char badarg[] =	" illegal argument history";
static char nohist[] =	" no history exists, yet";
static char h_illegal[] =	" illegal history construct";
static char bufover[] =	" history buffer overflow";
static char bigtok[] =	" history token too large";
static char internal[] =	" history internal error";
static char badtoken[] =	" illegal history token";
static char h_notfound[] =	" history item not found";
static char bigexp[] =	" history expansion too big";

extern int	histsub ();		/* do a history substitution */
static void	histinit ();		/* reinitialize history mechanism */
static int	histexp ();		/* do a history expansion */
static int	histque ();		/* save a command in the buffers */
static void	histfree ();		/* free up some buffer storage */
static int	histfind ();		/* find a history command */
static int	histlook ();		/* get a previous command */
static int	histget ();		/* get a string from the buffers */
static void	histarg ();		/* get individual arguments */
extern int	histrest ();		/* restore saved history */
extern int	histsave ();		/* save current history */

static int	Bquote = 0;		/* count grave accents */
static int	Dquote = 0;		/* count single quotes */
static int	Squote = 0;		/* count double quotes */

#define errmsg(x, s)	{ prs(x); prc(COLON); prs(s); newline(); return (FALSE); }

#define repeat		do	/* repeat ... until is easier to read */
#define until(cond)	while (!(cond))

/* histsub --- perform a history substitution */

int histsub (in, out, outsize)
char *in, *out;
int outsize;
	if ((flags&prompt) == 0 || in == 0 || *in == '\0')
		return (TRUE);	/* no history, pretend all ok */
	return (histexp (in, out, outsize) && histque (out));

/* histexp --- perform history expansion on a command line */

static int histexp (in, out, outsize)
char *in, *out;
int outsize;
	int i;
	int istart, ilen, ostart;
	char buf[MAXLINE], result[BIGBUF];
	auto int bangseen = NO;

	if (in[0] == NL || in[0] == '\0')
		return (FALSE);

	istart = ostart = ilen = 0;
	while (in[istart] && in[istart] != HISTCHAR)
		if (ostart >= outsize)
			errmsg (in, bigexp);
		switch (in[istart]) {
		case ESCAPE:
			out[ostart++] = in[istart++];
			if (in[istart] == HISTCHAR)
				bangseen = YES;
				if (Squote)
					out[ostart++] = in[istart++];
					out[ostart - 1] = in[istart++];
					/* no quotes, nuke \ */
		case '`':
			if (Dquote == 0 && Squote == 0)
				Bquote = 1 - Bquote;
		case '\'':
			if (Bquote == 0 && Dquote == 0)
				Squote = 1 - Squote;
		case '"':
			if (Bquote == 0 && Squote == 0)
				Dquote = 1 - Dquote;
		if (ostart >= outsize)
			errmsg (in, bigexp);
		out[ostart++] = in[istart++];
		if (Squote && in[istart] == HISTCHAR)
			if (ostart >= outsize)
				errmsg (in, bigexp);
				out[ostart++] = in[istart++];

	if (in[istart] == '\0')
		out[ostart] = '\0';
		if (bangseen)
			expanded = YES;		/* see comment below */
		return (TRUE);	/* no history to do */

	expanded = NO;	/* this is a global flag */
	while (histfind (in, &istart, &ilen))	/* we found something to do */
		if (ilen >= MAXLINE)
			errmsg (&in[istart], bigtok);

		/* save the history part */
		strncpy (buf, & in[istart], ilen);
		buf[ilen] = '\0';
		istart += ilen;
		if (buf[ilen-1] == HISTCHAR)
			buf[--ilen] = '\0';
		/* actually make the substitution */
		if (! histlook (buf, result))
			return (FALSE);
		/* put it into generated line */
		i = length (result) - 2;
		if (result[i] == NL)
			result[i] = '\0';
		if (ostart + i + 1 >= outsize)
			errmsg (&in[istart], bigexp);
		movstr (result, & out[ostart]);
		ostart += length (result) - 1;
		expanded = YES;
		while (in[istart] && in[istart] != HISTCHAR)
			if (ostart >= outsize)
				errmsg (&in[istart], bigexp);
			switch (in[istart]) {
			case ESCAPE:
				out[ostart++] = in[istart++];
				if (in[istart] == HISTCHAR)
					bangseen = YES;
					if (Squote)
						out[ostart++] = in[istart++];
						out[ostart - 1] = in[istart++];
						/* no quotes, nuke \ */
			case '`':
				if (Dquote == 0 && Squote == 0)
					Bquote = 1 - Bquote;
			case '\'':
				if (Bquote == 0 && Dquote == 0)
					Squote = 1 - Squote;
			case '"':
				if (Bquote == 0 && Squote == 0)
					Dquote = 1 - Dquote;
			if (ostart >= outsize)
				errmsg (&in[istart], bigexp);
			out[ostart++] = in[istart++];
			if (Squote && in[istart] == HISTCHAR)
				if (ostart >= outsize)
					errmsg (&in[istart], bigexp);
					out[ostart++] = in[istart++];

	out[ostart] = '\0';

	if (expanded)
		prs (out);	/* should contain newline */
	else if (bangseen)
		expanded = YES;

	 * This is a KLUDGE, so that escaped !s work;
	 * it depends on knowledge of how readb() in word.c
	 * works, i.e., if expanded, use the generated buffer.
	 * This way, only expanded is needed as a global variable.

	return (TRUE);

/* histque --- place the given command in the history queue */

static int histque (command)
char *command;
	int c;
	char *p;
	static int Inaquote = FALSE;	/* in a quote across commands */

	for (; *command && (*command == SP || *command == TAB); command++)
		; /* skip leading white space */

	if (*command == NL && *(command+1) == '\0')
		return (TRUE);	/* don't queue empty commands */
				/* or increment event_count */

	if (Inaquote)
		/* clobber trailing \0 */
		if (Hbuffirst == 0)
			Hbuffirst = HISTSIZE - 1;


	Histptr[Hptrfirst] = Hbuffirst;
	if (! Inaquote)
		Hptrfirst = (Hptrfirst + 1) % MAXHIST;

	if (Hptrfirst == Hptrlast)
		histfree ();

	p = command;
	c = *p++;
	while (c != '\0' && Hptrfirst != Hptrlast)
			Histbuf[Hbuffirst] = c;
			c = *p++;
			Hbuffirst = (Hbuffirst + 1) % HISTSIZE;
		} until (c == '\0' || Hbuffirst == Hbuflast);

		if (Hbuffirst == Hbuflast)
			histfree ();

	if (Hptrfirst != Hptrlast)
		Histbuf[Hbuffirst] = '\0';
		Hbuffirst = (Hbuffirst + 1) % HISTSIZE;

		if (Hbuffirst == Hbuflast)
			histfree ();

	Inaquote = (Bquote || Dquote || Squote);

	if (Hptrfirst == Hptrlast)
		histinit ();
		errmsg (nullstr, bufover);
		/* errmsg returns FALSE */

	return (TRUE);

/* histfree --- free the next queue pointer */

static void histfree ()
	Hptrlast = (Hptrlast + 1) % MAXHIST;

	Hbuflast = Histptr[Hptrlast];

/* histfind --- find the start and length of a history pattern */

static int histfind (command, start, len)
char *command;
int *start, *len;
	char *p, c;
	int subseen;

	p = command + *start;
	c = *p++;

	*len = 0;
	if (c == NL || c == '\0')
		return (FALSE);

	/* skip leading non-history */
	while (c && c != HISTCHAR)
		if (c == ESCAPE)
			c = *p++;
			*start += 1;

		if (c != '\0')
			c = *p++;
			*start += 1;

	if (c == NL || c == '\0')
		return (FALSE);
	*len = 1;
	c = *p++;
	if (c == HISTLOOK)	/* !?...? */
		*len += 1;
		c = *p++;
		while (c && c != HISTLOOK && c != NL)
			if (c == ESCAPE)
				c = *p++;
				*len += 1;

			if (c != '\0')
				c = *p++;
				*len += 1;
		if (c == HISTLOOK)
			c = *p++;
			*len += 1;
	else if (digit (c) || c == '-')	/* !<num> */
		if (c == '-')
			c = *p++;
			*len += 1;

			if (! digit(c))
				errmsg (command + *start, h_illegal);

		while (digit (c))
			c = *p++;
			*len += 1;
	else	/* !<str> */
		while (c && c != HISTARG && c != HISTSUB && c != SP &&
				c != TAB && c != NL && c != HISTCHAR)
			if (c == ESCAPE)
				c = *p++;
				*len += 1;

			if (c != '\0')
				c = *p++;
				*len += 1;

	if (c == HISTARG)
		*len += 1;
		c = *p++;
		while (c && digit (c))
			*len += 1;
			c = *p++;
		if (c == '-')
			*len += 1;
			c = *p++;
		if (c == '$')
			*len += 1;
			c = *p++;
			while (c && digit (c))
				*len += 1;
				c = *p++;

	while (c == HISTSUB)
		*len += 1;
		subseen = 0;
		c = *p++;

		while (subseen < 2 && c != NL && c != '\0')
			if (c == ESCAPE)
				c = *p++;
				*len += 1;

			if (c != '\0')
				c = *p++;
				*len += 1;

			if (c == HISTSUB)

		if (c == HISTSUB)
			*len += 1;
			c = *p++;
			if (c == 'g' || c == 'G')
				*len += 1;
				c = *p++;

	if (c == HISTCHAR)
		*len += 1;
	return (TRUE);

/* histlook --- lookup the value of a history string */

static int histlook (str, sub)
char *str, *sub;
	char c;
	char *save, *p, *sp;
	char buf[BIGBUF], rep[BIGBUF];
	char new[BIGBUF];
	int i, j, val, si, flag, len, last;
	static int ctoi();

	save = sub;
	 * first attempt to find which command on which we are to operate
	 * the entire hstory format is as follows
	 * ! [<str> | <num> | ?<str>?] [`<num> [- [<num>]]] {^<str>^<str>^ [g]}
	si = 0;

	if (str[si] == HISTCHAR)

	switch (str[si]) {
	case '\0':	/* ! */
	case NL:
	case HISTARG:	/* on these, retrive previous line, then break */
	case HISTSUB:
		if (Hptrfirst == Hptrlast)
			errmsg (nullstr, nohist);

		val = (Hptrfirst - Hptrlast + MAXHIST) % MAXHIST + Histline - 1;
		if (! histget (val, sub))
			errmsg (nullstr, internal);

	case '-':
	case '0':	/* !<num> */
	case '1':
	case '2':
	case '3':
	case '4':
	case '5':
	case '6':
	case '7':
	case '8':
	case '9':
		val = ctoi (str, &si) - 1;	/* for 0-based indexing */
		if (! histget(val, sub))
			errmsg (str, h_notfound);
	case HISTLOOK:	/* ?<str>? */
		i = 0;
		while (str[si] && str[si] != HISTLOOK)
			if (str[si] == ESCAPE)
			if (str[si])
				buf[i++] = str[si++];
		buf [i] = '\0';
		if (str[si] == HISTLOOK)
		if (buf[i-1] == NL)
			buf[--i] = '\0';
		flag = FALSE;
		val = (Hptrfirst - Hptrlast + MAXHIST) % MAXHIST + Histline - 1;
		*sub = '\0';
		while (histget (val, sub))
			p = sub;
			c = *p++;
			while (c)
				i = 0;
				while (c != '\0' && buf[i] != '\0' && c != buf[i])
					/* skip non matching */
					c = *p++;
					if (*p == '\0')
				sp = p;

				while (c && buf[i] && c == buf[i])
					/* possibly matching */
					c = *p++;

				if (buf[i] == '\0')
					/* did match */
					flag = TRUE;
					goto out;

				p = sp;
				c = *p++;
			val--;	/* search further back, next time around */
			*sub = '\0';

		if (flag == FALSE)
			errmsg (str, h_notfound);

	default:	/* !<str> */
		i = 0;
		while (str[si] && str[si] != HISTARG && str[si] != HISTSUB)
			if (str[si] == ESCAPE)
			if (str[si])
				buf[i++] = str[si++];
		buf[i] = '\0';

		flag = FALSE;
		val = (Hptrfirst - Hptrlast + MAXHIST) % MAXHIST + Histline - 1;
		while (histget (val, sub))
			p = sub;
			c = *p++;
			while (c == SP || c == TAB)
				c = *p++;

			i = 0;
			while (buf[i] && buf[i] == c)
				c = *p++;

			if (buf[i] == '\0')
				flag = TRUE;	/* found it */
				break;	/* while */
		if (flag == FALSE)
			errmsg (str, h_notfound);
	} /* end switch */

	j = length (sub) - 2;
	if (sub[j] == NL)
		sub[j] = '\0';

	 * ! [<str> | <num> | ? <str> ?] has now been parsed and the command
	 * line has been placed in "sub". Now see if the next character is a
	 * legal following character
	if (str[si] && str[si] != HISTARG && str[si] != HISTSUB && str[si] != NL)
		errmsg (str, badtoken);

	/* if there is no more to the history string, we are done */
	if (str[si] == NL || str[si] == '\0')
		return (TRUE);
	 * now check for possible argument substitution. This section parses
	 * [` <num>] and turns "sub" into the appropriate argument
	if (str[si] == HISTARG)		/* `<num>-<num> */

		if (! digit(str[si]) && str[si] != '-' && str[si] != '$')
			errmsg (str, badarg);
		/* determine the last argument */
		p = sub;
		last = -1;
		/* count arguments, last will be val of $ */
		histarg (p, &len);
		while (len > 0)
			p += len;
			histarg (p, &len);

		if (str[si] == '-')	/* default to arg 1 */
			val = 1;
		else if (digit(str[si]))
			val = min (ctoi(str, &si), last + 1);
			/* $ */
			val = last;

			if (str[si] != '$')
				errmsg (str, internal);

		p = sub;
		for (i = val; i > 0; i--)	/* delete preceding arguments */
			histarg (p, & len);
			p += len;

		/* p points to beginning of first wanted arg */
		/* remove leading blanks */
		c = *p++;
		while (c == SP || c == TAB)
			c = *p++;
		sub = p - 1;

		if (str[si] == '-')
			if (digit(str[si]))
				val = min (ctoi (str, &si), last) - val + 1;
				val = last - val + 1;

				if (str[si] != '\0')

			p = sub;
			histarg (p, & len);
			while (val > 0 && len > 0)
				p += len;
				histarg (p, &len);
			*p = '\0';
			histarg (sub, & len);
			sub [len] = '\0';

	/* move everything to beginning of buffer */
	if (save != sub)
		movstr (sub, save);
		sub = save;

	 * check that the remaining characters represent
	 * legal following characters

	if (str[si] && str[si] != HISTSUB && str[si] != NL)
		errmsg (str, badtoken);
	/* check for no substitutions and return if we are done */
	if (str[si] && str[si] != HISTSUB)
		return (TRUE);
	/* keep performing substitutions until there are no more */

	while (str[si] == HISTSUB)
		i = 0;
		flag = FALSE;
		/* buf is what to look for */
		while (str[si] && str[si] != HISTSUB)
			if (str[si] == ESCAPE)
			if (str[si])
				buf[i++] = str[si++];
		buf[i] = '\0';

		i = 0;
		if (str[si])
		/* rep is replacement */
		while (str[si] && str[si] != HISTSUB)
			if (str[si] == ESCAPE)
			if (str[si])
				rep[i++] = str[si++];
		rep[i] = '\0';

		if (str[si] == HISTSUB)
		if (str[si] == 'g' || str[si] == 'G')
			flag = TRUE;

		j = 0;		/* j indexes new */
		p = sub;
		c = *p++;
		sp = p;		/* save position for backing up */
		while (c != '\0')
			i = 0;
			while (c && c != buf[i])
				/* copy what doesn't match */
				new[j++] = c;
				c = *p++;
				sp = p;

			while (c && buf[i] && c == buf[i])
				/* partial matching */
				c = *p++;

			if (buf[i] == '\0')
				/* successful match */
				char *cp = rep;

				while (*cp)
					new[j++] = *cp++;
					/* put in replacement text */

				if (flag == FALSE)	/* just 1 replacement */
					new[j++] = c;
					while (*p)
						new[j++] = *p++;
						/* copy the rest */
			else if (c != '\0')
				/* back up and try again */
				new[j++] = *(sp - 1);
				p = sp;
				c = *p++;
				sp = p;
		new[j] = '\0';
		movstr (new, sub);
		/* now look for next substitution */

	if (save != sub)
		movstr (sub, save);
		sub = save;
	j = length (sub) - 2;
	if (sub[j] == NL)
		sub[j] = '\0';

	return (TRUE);

/* histget --- get a specified string from the history buffers */

static int histget (hp, sub)
int hp;
char *sub;
	char buf[BIGBUF];
	int i, j, maxinx, hval;

	*sub = '\0';
	maxinx = (Hptrfirst - Hptrlast + MAXHIST) % MAXHIST + Histline - 1;
	if (hp < Histline || hp > maxinx)		/* out of range */
		return (FALSE);
	hval = ((hp - Histline + Hptrlast - 1) % MAXHIST) + 1;
	for (i = Histptr[hval]; Histbuf[i] != '\0'; )
		int k; 

		j = 0;
		while (Histbuf[i] != '\0' && j < sizeof(buf) - 1)
			buf[j] = Histbuf[i];
			i = (i + 1) % HISTSIZE;

		buf[j] = '\0';
		/* strcat (sub, buf); */
		movstr (buf,
			sub + (((k = length (sub) - 1) <= 0 ? 0 : k)));

	return (TRUE);

/* histarg --- return the last position of the next argument */

static void histarg (ptr, len)
char *ptr;
int *len;
	char *p;
	char c;
	int bracket, paren, brace, squote, dquote, bquote, skip;

	p = ptr;
	*len = 0;
	skip = FALSE;
	bracket = paren = brace = squote = dquote = bquote = 0;

		*len += 1;
		c = *p++;
		while (skip == FALSE && (c == SP || c == TAB))
			c = *p++;
			*len += 1;

		skip = TRUE;
		switch (c) {
		case ESCAPE:
			c = *p++;
			*len += 1;

		case '[':
			if (squote == 0 && dquote == 0 && bquote == 0)

		case ']':
			if (squote == 0 && dquote == 0 && bquote == 0)

		case '(':
			if (squote == 0 && dquote == 0 && bquote == 0)

		case ')':
			if (squote == 0 && dquote == 0 && bquote == 0)

		case '{':
			if (squote == 0 && dquote == 0 && bquote == 0)

		case '}':
			if (squote == 0 && dquote == 0 && bquote == 0)

		case '\'':
			if (dquote == 0 && bquote == 0)
				squote = 1 - squote;

		case '"':
			if (squote == 0 && bquote == 0)
				dquote = 1 - dquote;

		case '`':
			if (dquote == 0 && squote == 0)
				bquote = 1 - bquote;

	} until (c == '\0' ||
		((c == SP || c == TAB) && paren == 0 && brace == 0 &&
		bracket == 0 && squote == 0 && dquote == 0 && bquote == 0));

	*len -= 1;

/* ctoi --- character to integer conversion, updates indices ala Fortrash */

static int ctoi (str, inx)
register char *str;
register int *inx;
	register int ret = 0;
	int neg = 0;

	if (str[*inx] == '-')
		neg = 1;
		*inx += 1;

	while (digit (str[*inx]))
		ret = 10 * ret + str[*inx] - '0';
		*inx += 1;

	return (neg ? -ret : ret);

/* min --- real function to return min of two numbers */

static int min (a, b)
register int a, b;
	return (a < b ? a : b);

/* histinit --- reinitialize history buffers */

static void histinit ()
	Hbuffirst = Hbuflast = Hptrfirst = Hptrlast = Histline = 0;
	event_count = 1;

/* histsave --- save history command lines */

histsave (file)
char *file;
	int fd, status, junk;

	if ((flags&nohistflg) != 0)
		return (FALSE);

	if ((flags&prompt) == 0)
		return (FALSE);

	if ((fd = creat (file, 0600)) < 0)	/* delete previous contents */
		return (FALSE);
	status = TRUE;

	junk = MAXHIST;
	if (write (fd, & junk, sizeof (junk)) != sizeof (junk))
		status = FALSE;

	junk = HISTSIZE;
	if (status == TRUE &&
		write (fd, & junk, sizeof (junk)) != sizeof (junk))
		status = FALSE;

	if (status == TRUE &&
		write (fd, &Hbuffirst, sizeof(Hbuffirst)) != sizeof (Hbuffirst))
		status = FALSE;

	if (status == TRUE &&
		write (fd, & Hbuflast, sizeof (Hbuflast)) != sizeof (Hbuflast))
		status = FALSE;

	if (status == TRUE &&
		write (fd, &Hptrfirst, sizeof(Hptrfirst)) != sizeof (Hptrfirst))
		status = FALSE;

	if (status == TRUE &&
		write (fd, & Hptrlast, sizeof (Hptrlast)) != sizeof (Hptrlast))
		status = FALSE;

	if (status == TRUE &&
		write (fd, Histptr, sizeof(Histptr)) != sizeof (Histptr))
		status = FALSE;

	if (status == TRUE &&
		write (fd, Histbuf, sizeof(Histbuf)) != sizeof (Histbuf))
		status = FALSE;
	close (fd);

	if (status == FALSE)
		unlink (file);	/* remove entirely */
	return (status);

/* histrest --- restore a history save file */

int histrest (file)
char *file;
	int fd, status, junk;

	if (flags&nohistflg)
		return (FALSE);

	if ((flags&prompt) == 0)
		return (FALSE);

	if ((fd = open (file, 0)) < 0)	/* open for reading */
		return (FALSE);

	status = TRUE;
	if (read (fd, & junk, sizeof (junk)) != sizeof (junk) ||
			junk != MAXHIST)
		status = FALSE;

	if (status == TRUE && read (fd, & junk, sizeof (junk)) != sizeof (junk)
			|| junk != HISTSIZE)
		status = FALSE;

	if (status == TRUE &&
		read (fd, &Hbuffirst, sizeof (Hbuffirst)) != sizeof (Hbuffirst))
		status = FALSE;

	if (status == TRUE &&
		read (fd, & Hbuflast, sizeof (Hbuflast)) != sizeof (Hbuflast))
		status = FALSE;

	if (status == TRUE &&
		read (fd, &Hptrfirst, sizeof (Hptrfirst)) != sizeof (Hptrfirst))
		status = FALSE;

	if (status == TRUE &&
		read (fd, & Hptrlast, sizeof (Hptrlast)) != sizeof (Hptrlast))
		status = FALSE;

	if (status == TRUE &&
		read (fd, Histptr, sizeof(Histptr)) != sizeof (Histptr))
		status = FALSE;

	if (status == TRUE &&
		read (fd, Histbuf, sizeof(Histbuf)) != sizeof (Histbuf))
		status = FALSE;
	Histline = - (Hptrfirst - Hptrlast + MAXHIST) % MAXHIST;
	event_count = 1;
	close (fd);
	return (status);

/* history --- print history buffer, or save or restore buffer to file */

int history (argc, argv)
int argc;
char **argv;
	int i;
	char *hf;
	int (*hfp)();

	if ((flags&nohistflg) != 0)
		if (flags&prompt)
			prs ("history processing not enabled\n");
		return 1;	/* failure */

	if ((flags & prompt) == 0)	/* shell file */
		return 1;

	if (argc == 1)
		int j = Histline + 1;
		int k, l, m; 
		int neg;
		char *cp;

#define outstr(s)	for (cp = s; *cp; cp++) \
				if (*cp == NL && *(cp+1))  \
					prs_buff ("\\n"); \
				else \
					prc_buff (*cp)

		for (i = Hptrlast; i != Hptrfirst; i = (i + 1) % MAXHIST)
			neg = FALSE;

			k = j++;
			if (k < 0)
				neg = TRUE;
				k = -k;
			itos (k);
			l = length (numbuf) - 1;
			for (m = 3 - l; m > 0; m--)
				prc_buff (SP);
			prc_buff (neg ? '-' : SP);
			prs_buff (numbuf);
			prc_buff (COLON);
			prc_buff (SP);
			 * make sure that what we're printing
			 * doesn't wrap around the history buffer.
			k = (i % MAXHIST) + 1;
			if ((k != Hptrfirst && Histptr[i] < Histptr[k]) ||
				(k == Hptrfirst && Histptr[i] < Hbuffirst))
				outstr (& Histbuf[Histptr[i]]);
				/* saved text wraps around */
				for (l = Histptr[i]; l <= HISTSIZE - 1 &&
						Histbuf[l] != '\0'; l++)
					if (Histbuf[l] == NL
			&& Histbuf[l + 1 <= HISTSIZE - 1 ? l + 1 : 0] != '\0')
						prs_buff ("\\n");
						prc_buff (Histbuf[l]);
				if (Histbuf[HISTSIZE - 1] != '\0')
					outstr (Histbuf);
		return 0;
	else if (eq (argv[1], dashi))
		histinit ();
		return 0;
	else if (eq (argv[1], dashr))
		hfp = histrest;
	else if (eq (argv[1], dashs))
		hfp = histsave;
		return 1;

	if (argc >= 3)
		hf = argv[2];
		hf = histfnod.namval;
	return ((*hfp)(hf) != 0);	/* do a save or restore */
echo shar: extracting "'sample.shrc'" '(443 characters)'
if test -f 'sample.shrc'
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "'sample.shrc'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'sample.shrc'
# .shrc file --- this file will be read every time the shell cranks up
# if it is in the $HOME directory

# this is a sample, currently set up to do some Korn shell emulation

PPID=$+			# set the Parent Process Id

# source file name given by ENV environment variable
# and only if $ENV is not this file.

if [ "$ENV" != "" -a "$ENV" != "$HOME/.shrc" ]
	. $ENV

# put any useful shell functions here, or source a file with them in it.
echo shar: extracting "''" '(1027 characters)'
if test -f ''
	echo shar: over-writing existing file "''"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > ''
# --- sample shell functions which do some of what the csh does

# pushd, popd, and dirs --- written by Chris Bertin
# Pixel Computer Inc. ...!wjh12!pixel!pixutl!chris
# as modified by Patrick Elam of GTRI

pushd () {
	if [ "$1" = "" ] 
		if [ "$DSTACK" = "$SAVE " ]
			echo "pushd: directory stack empty."
			return 1
		set $DSTACK
		cd $2
		shift 2
		if (cd $1)
			cd $1 >&-
			popd > /dev/null
			return 1
	return 0

popd () {
	if [ "$DSTACK" = "" ] 
		echo "popd: Directory statck empty"
		return 1
	set $DSTACK
	cd $1
	return 0

dirs () {
	echo "`pwd` $DSTACK"
	return 0

xchng () {	# exchanged top two entries on the stack
	if [ "$DSTACK" = "" ]
		echo exchange directory stack empty
		return 1
		return 0

source () {	# have the shell read a file in the current shell
	. $*

bye () { logout ; }

logout () { exit 0 ; }
#	End of shell archive
exit 0

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