GaTech Sendmail files (Introduction)
sources-request at panda.UUCP
sources-request at panda.UUCP
Mon Oct 14 23:15:08 AEST 1985
Mod.sources: Volume 3, Issue 22
Submitted by: Gene Spafford <ihnp4!gatech!spaf>
This is the second posting of the GaTech sendmail files. Since the
first posting of these files, I have made a number of changes to the
way mixed operator addresses are handled, and in the backend "smart"
uucp mail handler. A number of other bugs and enhancements have been
added, as well as some more documentation.
The configuration files are contained in 3 shell archives (following).
The file "" is a ?roff-formatted paper which explains what
happens to mail when it reaches site "gatech". The README file
describes the background and machine configuration which influenced the
current version of this system. "gatech" is on the CSNet, has over 50
high-connectivity UUCP connections, is on (at least) one local
Ethernet, and serves as the campus gateway machine. The sendmail files
try to deal with all of this connectivity in a logical manner, and also
leave room for expansion should we add new connections and machines.
I am *NOT* interested in getting into any discussions about domains
vs. routes in UUCP-land, nor do I wish to receive flames about how I
picked domains and recognize them. I designed the system the way it is
because it provides a logical way of sending mail even along complex
routes, while at the same time it is simple to maintain by simply
updating some files. Our users have to know next to nothing about
network gateways or routing to be able to send mail almost anywhere. I
have yet to come across any *real* addresses the system does not handle
in a correct fashion. It also does not break various kinds of
addresses of mail transshipped through "gatech"; at least, I haven't
had any reports of such. And in the 8+ months that I have been running
variants of this system, including the uucp mail re-router, I have had
under 10 complaints, and those have been either due to sites not being
registered with the uucp map project, or due to problems with other
site's mailers. Please don't send me mail if you are a rabid "bangist"
or "domainist" and you don't like how I handle your favorite network
routing character -- the system works and I'm not interested in endless
flaming on the topic.
I hope you find this material useful. If you find any bugs or design
any worthwhile enhancements, I'd like to hear about them. There are
still a few things I'd like to clean up in this package, and when I get
the time I may make up a third release containing those changes plus
any contributed modifications. I will try to answer any questions
mailed to me, but I cannot always promise prompt response -- I'm
supposed to be putting 120% of my time into my thesis. Enjoy.
Gene Spafford
The Clouds Project, School of ICS, Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332
CSNet: Spaf @ GATech ARPA: Spaf%GATech.CSNet @ CSNet-Relay.ARPA
uucp: ...!{akgua,allegra,hplabs,ihnp4,linus,seismo,ulysses}!gatech!spaf
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