v07INF1: Mod.Sources Index and Archives
sources-request at mirror.UUCP
sources-request at mirror.UUCP
Tue Aug 26 05:31:24 AEST 1986
Mod.sources: Volume 7, Info 1
Archive-name: index.1
Since the last INFO posting, I have decided to remove the archive name
from the Subject lines. Starting with this volume, each volume will
have only 100 issues in it. An INFO posting at the mid-point of each
volume will contain the listing of articles published in that volume
to date. Each new volume will start with a complete listing of the
old articles. Because the start of a volume is totally dependant on
the (err) volume of submissions, I will not be putting an expiration
date on index listings.
I am always looking for suggestions on how to improve the usefulness
of mod.sources, and can be contacted as listed below.
-Rich Salz
This posting is divided into the following parts:
(All ART. ID's are "<xxx at mirror.UUCP>")
ISSUE # ART. ID TITLE (archive-name) [, Part#]
40 122 CVS, an RCS front-end (cvs), Part1/2
41 123 CVS, an RCS fonrt-end (cvs), Part2/2
42 124 Page reverser for ditroff (ditrev)
43 125 X3J11/SVID/4BSD/etc string library (stringlib)
44 126 Patches to 4.2BSD cpp for #elif, // comments (cpp.patch)
45 127 Help programs (help), Part1/2
46 128 Help programs (help), Part2/2
47 129 'Globbing' library routine (glob)
48 133 English<->C translator for C declarations (cdecl)
49 134 Add ksh-style 'ulimit' to 4.2BSD /bin/sh (sh.ulimit)
50 135 Binary search for strings in a file (bsearchstr)
51 137 Cross-reference for Yacc (yyref)
52 138 Usenet news batcher control program (newbatchA)
53 139 Usenet news batcher control program (newbatchB)
54 141 A "smarter" malloc (malloc)
55 142 uuque for System III/V in C (S3uuque)
56 143 lbl preprocessor for [nt*]roff (lbl)
57 144 Missing makefile for "malloc" posting (malloc.mk)
58 145 Elm fixes for BSD, et. al. (elm/Patches1)
59 146 Changes to calls, compress, ditrev, getpaths, nbatcher (Misc.Patches1)
60 147 VT100TOOL for Sun's (vt100tool), Part01/10
61 148 VT100TOOL for Sun's (vt100tool), Part02/10
62 149 VT100TOOL for Sun's (vt100tool), Part03/10
63 150 VT100TOOL for Sun's (vt100tool), Part04/10
64 151 VT100TOOL for Sun's (vt100tool), Part05/10
65 152 VT100TOOL for Sun's (vt100tool), Part06/10
66 153 VT100TOOL for Sun's (vt100tool), Part07/10
67 154 VT100TOOL for Sun's (vt100tool), Part08/10
68 155 VT100TOOL for Sun's (vt100tool), Part09/10
69 157 VT100TOOL for Sun's (vt100tool), Part10/10
70 158 Updates to "settz" data files (settz.patch)
71 159 MicroEmacs, Version 3.7 (uEmacs3.7), Part01/12
72 160 MicroEmacs, Version 3.7 (uEmacs3.7), Part02/12
73 161 MicroEmacs, Version 3.7 (uEmacs3.7), Part03/12
74 163 MicroEmacs, Version 3.7 (uEmacs3.7), Part04/12
75 164 MicroEmacs, Version 3.7 (uEmacs3.7), Part05/12
76 165 MicroEmacs, Version 3.7 (uEmacs3.7), Part06/12
77 166 MicroEmacs, Version 3.7 (uEmacs3.7), Part07/12
78 167 MicroEmacs, Version 3.7 (uEmacs3.7), Part08/12
79 168 MicroEmacs, Version 3.7 (uEmacs3.7), Part09/12
80 169 MicroEmacs, Version 3.7 (uEmacs3.7), Part10/12
81 170 MicroEmacs, Version 3.7 (uEmacs3.7), Part11/12
82 171 MicroEmacs, Version 3.7 (uEmacs3.7), Part12/12
83 172 Speed, etc., patches for BSD ps (bsd.ps.patch)
84 173 A multiple "tail -f" program (watch)
85 174 A Personal Reminder system (reminders)
86 175 System V generic dial routines (sysVdial), Part1/3
87 176 System V generic dial routines (sysVdial), Part2/3
88 177 System V generic dial routines (sysVdial), Part3/3
89 178 Sun RPC Source (rpc2), Part01/11
90 179 Sun RPC Source (rpc2), Part02/11
91 180 Sun RPC Source (rpc2), Part03/11
92 181 Sun RPC Source (rpc2), Part04/11
93 182 Sun RPC Source (rpc2), Part05/11
94 183 Sun RPC Source (rpc2), Part06/11
95 184 Sun RPC Source (rpc2), Part07/11
96 185 Sun RPC Source (rpc2), Part08/11
97 186 Sun RPC Source (rpc2), Part09/11
98 187 Sun RPC Source (rpc2), Part10/11
99 188 Sun RPC Source (rpc2), Part11/11
100 189 Bug fix for "smarter malloc" (malloc.patch)
101 190 Count unread news articles (newscnt)
102 191 New version of less (less2), Part01/02
103 192 New version of less (less2), Part02/02
104 193 A Make for MS-DOS and VAX/VMS (msdos_mk)
105 194 A "which" for non-BSD systems (att_which)
106 195 Filter for HP Laserjet (lj_filter)
107 196 Xlisp version 1.6 (xlisp1.6), Part01/06
108 197 Xlisp version 1.6 (xlisp1.6), Part02/06
109 198 Xlisp version 1.6 (xlisp1.6), Part03/06
110 199 Xlisp version 1.6 (xlisp1.6), Part04/06
111 200 Xlisp version 1.6 (xlisp1.6), Part05/06
112 201 Xlisp version 1.6 (xlisp1.6), Part06/06
Items intended for posting should be sent to mirror!sources; requests
for missing copies or other queries should be sent to
mirror!sources-request. In Australia, Robert Elz is a "sub-moderator";
people there can work with him (kre at munnari.OZ) to get postings out
more easily.
The backlog is running about seven days. If you want verification
of arrival, so say in a cover note, or at the beginning of your submission,
if it is small. I try to verify that a program works, and if I can't
get it to work, I may hold up posting it for a couple of days. Please
note that, except in rare cases, source without documentation and a
Makefile will not be published.
When you send mail, MAKE SURE to include a return address relative to
some well-known site(s). When all else fails, my conventional address
and phone number are:
Rich $alz
Mirror Systems
2067 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02140
The complete mod.sources archives are fairly large:
Volume Size (Kbytes)
1 4118
2 1220
3 3459
4 4692
5 406
6 4359
There are several active archive sites around the net. I am particularly
interested in helping set up a BITNET archive. Due to delays on my part,
the European archive is not well set-up yet; look for an announcement
Promised work in canonicalizing the names of all back-issues has not
been done, and may never get done. Therefore, when you request something
before Volume 6, please make sure to be as descriptive as possible.
Several sites below will send tapes through the mail. For those sites,
send a 1/2" mag tape WITH RETURN POSTAGE and RETURN MAILER. Tapes
without postage or mailer will not be returned. No other methods (COD,
etc.) are available; please don't ask.
1. Rick Adams (rick at seismo.CSS.GOV) provides archive access to those on the
Internet. Access is available directly via anonymous ftp (Outside of
9am-7pm EST M-F.) The files are in a directory mod.sources, then a
sub-directory Volume[1-6]. They are named as closely as possible to the
names in the Index. Files that have not been assigned a "short name"
reside in the directory sources/mod temporarily. Send tape, mailer,
and postage to Rick at:
Center for Seismic Studies
1300 North 17th Street, Suite 1450
Arlington, VA 22209-3871
2. Internet sites may also retrieve archives from j.cc.purdue.edu via
anonymous ftp (1800-0800 EST only, please). The archive is in the
directory mod.sources, subdivided into Volume1, etc. Each
directory will have a file named Index detailing its contents.
Chances are that the archive size will grow beyond the available
disk space; if it does, they will keep the most recent volume(s)
in the ftp directory, while storing older volumes elsewhere. A
README file will be created in the directories of misplaced volumes
with instructions on how to get at sources from those volumes.
This is being managed by Rich Kulawiec (Wombat), pucc-j!rsk,
rsk at asc.purdue.edu. People having trouble may want to try FTP'ing
to purdue-asc.arpa.
3. The CSNET CIC has been doing a fair amount of work to bring their
automated retrieval up-to-speed. They now have a complete archive,
and are making things available as they quickly as possible (they
have special legal restrictions on what they can distribute, so
everything may not be available). Look in the latest issue of
the CSNET Forum, or contact the CSNET CIC at cic at sh.cs.net.
4. Pyramid Technology has an archive arranged topically, and in compressed
tar files. They are happy to take new UUCP connections. They are also
somewhat willing to make tapes for people to come by and pick up,
provided you call WELL in advance and bring lunch money. This is being
managed by Claudia Dimmers and/or Carl Gutekunst. Contact
pyramid!usenet for more info.
5. Robert Elz (kre at munnari.OZ) keeps mod.sources in different ways
depending on his available disk space; contact him for more info.
6. Ron Heiby has an archive on-line, and will soon have "anonymous UUCP"
access; contact usenet at cuae2.ATT.COM for more info.
7. Tom Patterson at Washington University can make 800/1600/6250 BPI
tar tapes. If you give him a "real good reason," he can also make
1600 BPI VMS BACKUP or ANSI tapes. Send your tape, mailer, and postage
to Tom at:
Engineering Computer Lab, Bryan 509
Lindell & Skinker Blvd
Washington University
St. Louis, MO 63130
For best results, first send mail to wucs!archive (you stand a better
chance of getting processed quickly that way).
8. Jim Thompson (otto!jim) can make 1600 and 6250 tar and cpio tapes,
as well as VMS backup in a real pinch. He will also provide a
temporary UUCP login for interested parties (2400 baud expected soon).
His postal address is:
Jim Thompson
2551 Green Valley Pkwy
Henderson, Nv. 89015
(702) 454-4636
9. Of course, I have a complete set of archives. I can mail individual
postings, make files available for UUCP, and will send tapes (1600
BPI tar; 6250 or cpio in a crunch). Last time I checked, it cost
about $5 to send a 2400' tape across the country in a padded envelope
via first-class mail.
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