v07i005: Vi front-end for remote editing, Part02/04
sources-request at mirror.UUCP
sources-request at mirror.UUCP
Wed Aug 27 14:33:37 AEST 1986
Submitted by: Alan Klietz <ihnp4!dicome!mn-at1!alan>
Mod.sources: Volume 7, Issue 5
Archive-name: rvi/Part02
# This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line,
# then unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file".
# Wrapped by mirror!rs on Wed Aug 27 00:09:58 EDT 1986
# Exit status; set to 1 on "wc" errors or if would overwrite.
# Contents: rv_insert.c rv_linecmd.c rv_misc.c rv_move.c
# rv_openline.c rv_put.c rv_redraw.c rv_redraw_ln.c rv_scroll.c
# rv_scroll_bk.c rv_search.c rv_shell.c rv_sync.c rv_undo.c
echo x - rv_insert.c
if test -f rv_insert.c ; then
echo rv_insert.c exists, putting output in $$rv_insert.c
sed 's/^XX//' > $OUT <<'@//E*O*F rv_insert.c//'
XX#include "rv.h"
XX#include <ctype.h>
XX#define ALLOC_LEN 64 /* Size of reallocation chunk */
XXboolean replace_flag; /* TRUE if R command */
XXboolean superquote; /* Set by rv_getchar if char is quoted by ^V */
XXextern INT autoindent; /* Physical autoindent, if opened_line */
XX char *fake_input; /* Set this to fake text into rv_getchar */
XXstatic char fake_buf[512]; /* Buffer for faked characters */
XXextern char *realloc();
XX * Insert input at the current cursor position, replacing
XX * text up to lastcol. If lastcol < cursor, no text replaced.
XX */
XX register struct sc_screen *sc;
XX register struct li_line *line;
XX boolean quick_append;
XX char *s, *indentbuf;
XX void fake_chars();
XX file.fi_modified = TRUE;
XX /*
XX * sc_firstcol = first column of insertion. Fixed.
XX * sc_lastcol = last column of insertion. Grows.
XX * sc_column = current cursor position
XX */
XX input_mode = TRUE;
XX quick_append = FALSE;
XX indentbuf = NULL;
XX save_Undo();
XX sc = &screen;
XX line = sc->sc_curline;
XX if (!opened_line) {
XX /*
XX * Remember insertion for later undo
XX */
XX undo.un_firstline = sc->sc_firstline;
XX undo.un_lastline = sc->sc_lastline;
XX undo.un_validcol = TRUE;
XX undo.un_firstcol = sc->sc_firstcol;
XX undo.un_inserted = TRUE;
XX /*
XX * Save overwritten text for later undo
XX */
XX yank_cmd = ' ';
XX if (sc->sc_lastcol >= sc->sc_column) {
XX yank();
XX undo.un_deleted = TRUE;
XX }
XX } else if (autoindent > 0) {
XX /*
XX * Fake autoindented tabs and spaces into line
XX */
XX fake_input = fake_buf;
XX indentbuf = xalloc(autoindent+1);
XX i = autoindent / set_tabstops;
XX if (set_fortran)
XX fake_chars(' ', i * set_tabstops);
XX else
XX fake_chars('\t', i);
XX i = autoindent % set_tabstops;
XX fake_chars(' ', i);
XX fake_input = fake_buf;
XX strcpy(indentbuf, fake_input);
XX }
XX if (sc->sc_lastcol >= sc->sc_column)
XX /*
XX * Append '$' to end of replaced text
XX */
XX line->li_text[sc->sc_lastcol] = '$';
XX line->li_text = realloc(line->li_text, line->li_width + ALLOC_LEN + 1);
XX /*
XX * Get and process input chars
XX */
XX for (;;) {
XX INT ch;
XX /*
XX * Redisplay line
XX * Append is a fast special case
XX */
XX if (quick_append)
XX quick_append = FALSE;
XX else {
XX redraw_curline(line->li_text);
XX move_cursor(sc->sc_lineno, sc->sc_column);
XX }
XX ch = rv_getchar();
XX if (superquote) /* If quoted with ^V, skip all processing */
XX goto addchar;
XX if (ch == erasechar() || ch == '\b') {
XX /*
XX * Delete a character if not blackslashed
XX */
XX if (sc->sc_column == sc->sc_firstcol) {
XX flash();
XX continue;
XX }
XX if (line->li_text[sc->sc_column-1] == '\\')
XX line->li_text[sc->sc_column-1] = ch;
XX else
XX sc->sc_column--;
XX continue;
XX }
XX if (ch == killchar() || ch == CTRL(X)) {
XX /*
XX * Delete line if not backslashed
XX */
XX if (sc->sc_column == sc->sc_firstcol) {
XX /*
XX * Already at first column, error
XX */
XX flash();
XX continue;
XX }
XX if (line->li_text[sc->sc_column-1] == '\\')
XX line->li_text[sc->sc_column-1] = ch;
XX else
XX sc->sc_column = sc->sc_firstcol;
XX continue;
XX }
XX switch (ch) {
XXcase CTRL([):
XXcase '\n':
XXcase '\r':
XX /*
XX * Escape or newline - end insert
XX */
XX if (replace_flag) {
XX /*
XX * Clean up replace mode
XX */
XX if (sc->sc_column <= sc->sc_lastcol) {
XX register i;
XX /*
XX * Replace backspaced chars from undo buffer
XX */
XX for (i=sc->sc_column; i <= sc->sc_lastcol; ++i)
XX if (i < sc->sc_origline.li_width)
XX line->li_text[i] =
XX sc->sc_origline.li_text[i];
XX }
XX /*
XX * Chop off backspaced chars at end of line
XX */
XX if (sc->sc_lastcol == line->li_width-1 &&
XX sc->sc_lastcol >= 0) {
XX line->li_width = sc->sc_column;
XX line->li_text[line->li_width] = '\0';
XX }
XX } else { /* insert mode */
XX if (sc->sc_lastcol >= sc->sc_column) {
XX register char *s, *s2;
XX /*
XX * Close up backspaced text
XX */
XX s = &line->li_text[sc->sc_column];
XX s2 = &line->li_text[sc->sc_lastcol+1];
XX while (*s++ = *s2++)
XX ;
XX line->li_width = strlen(line->li_text);
XX }
XX }
XX /*
XX * Collapse autoindent if line not altered by user
XX */
XX if (opened_line && autoindent > 0 && indentbuf &&
XX strcmp(indentbuf, line->li_text) == 0) {
XX redraw_curline("");
XX sc->sc_column = 0;
XX i = autoindent;
XX } else {
XX redraw_curline(line->li_text);
XX i = 0;
XX }
XX if (indentbuf)
XX free(indentbuf);
XX if (ch == CTRL([)) {
XX input_mode = FALSE;
XX replace_flag = FALSE;
XX if (sc->sc_column > 0)
XX sc->sc_column--;
XX move_cursor(sc->sc_lineno, sc->sc_column);
XX if (sc->sc_lastcol < sc->sc_firstcol) {
XX if (!opened_line)
XX undo.un_inserted = FALSE;
XX } else
XX undo.un_lastcol = sc->sc_column;
XX return;
XX } else {
XX register char *s, *s2;
XX /*
XX * Continue input on new line
XX */
XX s = s2 = &line->li_text[sc->sc_column];
XX toss_undo();
XX openline(1);
XX if (i != 0)
XX autoindent = i;
XX if (*s != '\0') { /* if not at end of line */
XX /*
XX * Split line
XX */
XX undo.un_validcol = TRUE;
XX undo.un_firstcol = 0;
XX if (set_autoindent)
XX while (isspace(*s))
XX ++s;
XX redraw_curline(s);
XX xmit_curline();
XX *s2 = '\0';
XX sc->sc_lineno--;
XX sc->sc_curline--;
XX redraw_curline(sc->sc_curline->li_text);
XX save_Undo();
XX xmit_curline();
XX move_cursor(sc->sc_lineno+1, 0);
XX save_Undo();
XX }
XX goto nextinsert; /* quick recursion */
XX }
XX break;
XXcase CTRL(W):
XX /*
XX * Control-W - backspace 1 word
XX */
XX /* Implementation deferred */
XX continue;
XXcase '\t':
XX /*
XX * Tab
XX */
XX if (set_fortran) {
XX /*
XX * Fortran source. Expand tab to spaces
XX */
XX if (sc->sc_column < 6) {
XX /*
XX * First tab in fortran program, expand
XX * to six spaces
XX */
XX fake_input = fake_buf;
XX fake_chars(' ', 6-sc->sc_column);
XX fake_input = fake_buf;
XX continue;
XX }
XX /*
XX * Expand other tabs to shiftwidth spaces
XX */
XX i = set_shiftwidth - (sc->sc_column % set_shiftwidth);
XX fake_input = fake_buf;
XX fake_chars(' ', i);
XX fake_input = fake_buf;
XX continue;
XX }
XX break;
XXcase CTRL(D):
XX /*
XX * Backtab
XX */
XX if (sc->sc_column == sc->sc_firstcol) {
XX flash();
XX continue;
XX }
XX i = screen_column(line->li_text, sc->sc_column);
XX i -= i % set_shiftwidth == 0 ?
XX set_shiftwidth : i % set_shiftwidth;
XX i = file_column(line->li_text, i);
XX if (set_fortran && i < 6 && sc->sc_column > 6)
XX i = 6;
XX fake_input = fake_buf;
XX fake_chars('\b', sc->sc_column - i);
XX fake_input = fake_buf;
XX continue;
XX } /* End switch */
XX /*
XX * Add character to line
XX */
XX /*
XX * Check if line needs expansion
XX */
XX if (sc->sc_lastcol < sc->sc_column) {
XX if (!replace_flag || sc->sc_column >= line->li_width) {
XX register char *s, *s2;
XX /*
XX * Expand line 1 character
XX */
XX line->li_width++;
XX /*
XX * Expand line in chunks of ALLOC_LEN
XX */
XX if (line->li_width % ALLOC_LEN == 0)
XX line->li_text = realloc(line->li_text,
XX line->li_width + ALLOC_LEN+1);
XX if (sc->sc_column == line->li_width-1 &&
XX ch >= '@' && CURCOLUMN > 0) {
XX /*
XX * Fast special case - add char at
XX * eol. No control chars, no char,
XX * shifting, and no line shifting
XX * required.
XX */
XX quick_append = TRUE;
XX addch(ch);
XX line->li_text[line->li_width] = '\0';
XX#ifndef USG
XX /*
XX * KLUDGE - Handle VT100 brain damage
XX * until Berkeley fixes up curses to
XX * handle it.
XX */
XX if (XN && CURCOLUMN==0) {
XX addch(' ');
XX refresh();
XX addch('\b');
XX }
XX } else {
XX /*
XX * Slide text beyond insert right
XX */
XX s = &line->li_text[line->li_width-1];
XX s2 = &line->li_text[sc->sc_column];
XX while (s >= s2) {
XX *(s+1) = *s;
XX --s;
XX }
XX }
XX }
XX sc->sc_lastcol++;
XX if (sc->sc_lastcol < sc->sc_firstcol)
XX sc->sc_lastcol = sc->sc_firstcol;
XX }
XX /*
XX * Insert character
XX */
XX line->li_text[sc->sc_column++] = ch;
XX }
XX * Get a character from the keyboard.
XX * Parse ^V as a super quote.
XX */
XX INT ch;
XX superquote = FALSE;
XX /*
XX * Check for fake input
XX */
XX if (fake_input && *fake_input != '\0')
XX return(*fake_input++);
XX refresh();
XX while ((ch = getch()) == '\0') /* null is verboten */
XX ;
XX if (ch == CTRL(V)) {
XX raw(); /* Allow ^S, ^Q and interrupt keys */
XX insch('^');
XX /*
XX * Get raw character, null is verboten.
XX */
XX refresh();
XX while ((ch = getch()) == '\0')
XX ;
XX noraw();
XX#ifdef USG
XX cbreak();
XX crmode();
XX#endif !USG
XX superquote = (ch != '\n');
XX }
XX if (ch == ERR || ch == EOF)
XX quit();
XX return(ch);
XX * Duplicate the text found between firstcol and column
XX */
XXINT count;
XX register struct sc_screen *sc;
XX register struct li_line *line;
XX register char *buf, *s, *s1, *s2;
XX sc = &screen;
XX line = sc->sc_curline;
XX /*
XX * Make sure duplicatable section exists
XX */
XX if (count <= 1 || sc->sc_column < sc->sc_firstcol
XX || sc->sc_lastcol < sc->sc_firstcol)
XX return;
XX sc->sc_column++;
XX /*
XX * Get buffer space
XX */
XX buf = xalloc(strlen(line->li_text)+1 + (sc->sc_column -
XX sc->sc_firstcol) * count);
XX /*
XX * Copy text up to duplicatable section
XX */
XX s = buf;
XX s1 = line->li_text;
XX s2 = &line->li_text[sc->sc_column];
XX while (s1 < s2)
XX *s++ = *s1++;
XX /*
XX * Duplicate section
XX */
XX while (--count > 0) {
XX s1 = &line->li_text[sc->sc_firstcol];
XX while (s1 < s2)
XX *s++ = *s1++;
XX }
XX /*
XX * Position cursor at last character of last duplicated section
XX */
XX sc->sc_column = (s - buf) - 1;
XX /*
XX * Set up for undo
XX */
XX if (!opened_line) {
XX undo.un_inserted = TRUE;
XX undo.un_validcol = TRUE;
XX undo.un_firstline = undo.un_lastline = sc->sc_lineno;
XX undo.un_firstcol = sc->sc_firstcol;
XX undo.un_lastcol = sc->sc_column;
XX }
XX /*
XX * Copy remainder of line
XX */
XX while (*s++ = *s2++)
XX ;
XX redraw_curline(buf);
XX free(buf);
XX move_cursor(sc->sc_lineno, sc->sc_column);
XXfake_chars(ch, count)
XXchar ch;
XXregister INT count;
XX register char *s;
XX s = fake_input;
XX for (; count > 0; --count)
XX *s++ = ch;
XX *s = '\0';
XX fake_input = s;
@//E*O*F rv_insert.c//
chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=rw $OUT
echo x - rv_linecmd.c
if test -f rv_linecmd.c ; then
echo rv_linecmd.c exists, putting output in $$rv_linecmd.c
sed 's/^XX//' > $OUT <<'@//E*O*F rv_linecmd.c//'
XX#include "rv.h"
XX#include <ctype.h>
XXboolean ed_undo; /* Set TRUE if last mod was direct ed cmd */
XXextern boolean did_botprint; /* used by botprint() */
XXstatic struct cm_cmdlist { /* Commands */
XX char cm_cmd[12];
XX INT cm_index;
XX} cmdlist[] = {
XX "E", 3,
XX "Q", 2,
XX "edit", 3,
XX "file", 5,
XX "next", 4,
XX "quit", 2,
XX "se", 1,
XX "set", 1,
XX "sh", 8,
XX "shell",8,
XX "w", 6,
XX "wq", 7,
XX "write", 6,
XX "xit", 7,
XX "z", 7,
XXstatic struct op_oplist { /* Options */
XX char op_option[12];
XX INT op_index;
XX} oplist[] = {
XX "ai", 1,
XX "all", 2,
XX "autoindent", 1,
XX "debug", 3,
XX "fortran", 4,
XX "list", 5,
XX "scroll", 6,
XX "shiftwidth", 7,
XX "sw", 7,
XX "tabstops", 8,
XX "timeout", 10,
XX "to", 10,
XX "ts", 8,
XX "wrapscan", 9,
XX "ws", 9,
XX * Execute command line
XX */
XXchar *cmd;
XX register char *s, *s2;
XX INT i, j;
XX boolean flag;
XX char buf[12];
XX if ((s2 = cmd) == NULL || *s2 == '\0')
XX return;
XX while (isalnum(*s2))
XX ++s2;
XX j = *s2;
XX *s2 = '\0';
XX i = binsearch(cmd, (char *) cmdlist, sizeof(struct cm_cmdlist),
XX sizeof(cmdlist) / sizeof(struct cm_cmdlist));
XX if (i >= 0)
XX i = cmdlist[i].cm_index;
XX *s2 = j;
XX xmit_curline();
XX switch(i) {
XXcase 1:
XX /*
XX * Set
XX */
XX if (*s2 == '\0')
XX s2 = "all";
XX for (;;) {
XX while (isspace(*s2) && *s2 != '\0')
XX ++s2;
XX if (*s2 == '\0')
XX break;
XX s = s2;
XX while (isalnum(*s2))
XX ++s2;
XX if (*s2 != '\0')
XX *s2++ = '\0';
XX if (*s == 'n' && *(s+1) == 'o') {
XX s += 2;
XX flag = FALSE;
XX } else
XX flag = TRUE;
XX i = binsearch(s, (char *) oplist, sizeof(struct op_oplist),
XX sizeof(oplist) / sizeof(struct op_oplist));
XX if (i >= 0)
XX i = oplist[i].op_index;
XX switch (i) {
XX case -2:
XX botprint(TRUE, "\"%s\" is not unique\n", s);
XX break;
XX case -1:
XX botprint(TRUE, "\"%s\": No such option - 'set all' gives all option values\n", s);
XX return;
XX case 1: /* autoindent */
XX set_autoindent = flag;
XX break;
XX case 2: /* all */
XX botprint(FALSE, "%sautoindent\n", set_autoindent ?
XX "" : "no");
XX botprint(FALSE, "debug=%d\n", set_debug);
XX botprint(FALSE, "%sfortran\n", set_fortran ? "" :
XX "no");
XX botprint(FALSE, "%slist", set_list ? "" : "no");
XX botprint(FALSE, "scroll=%d\n", set_scroll);
XX botprint(FALSE, "shiftwidth=%d\n", set_shiftwidth);
XX botprint(FALSE, "tabstops=%d\n", set_tabstops);
XX botprint(FALSE, "%stimeout", set_timeout ? "" : "no");
XX botprint(FALSE, "%swrapscan", set_wrapscan ? "" : "no");
XX break;
XX case 3: /* debug */
XX set_debug = atoi(s2);
XX while (isdigit(*s2))
XX ++s2;
XX break;
XX case 4:
XX set_fortran = flag;
XX break;
XX case 5: set_list = flag;
XX fetch_window(screen.sc_lineno-NUM_WINDOW_LINES/4-
XX break;
XX case 6: /* scroll */
XX set_scroll = atoi(s2);
XX while (isdigit(*s2))
XX ++s2;
XX if (set_scroll <= 0)
XX set_scroll = 1;
XX break;
XX case 7: /* shiftwidth */
XX set_shiftwidth = atoi(s2);
XX while (isdigit(*s2))
XX ++s2;
XX if (set_shiftwidth <= 0)
XX set_shiftwidth = 1;
XX else if (set_shiftwidth > 40)
XX set_shiftwidth = 40;
XX break;
XX case 8: /* tabstops */
XX set_tabstops = atoi(s2);
XX while (isdigit(*s2))
XX ++s2;
XX if (set_tabstops <= 0)
XX set_tabstops = 1;
XX else if (set_tabstops > 40)
XX set_tabstops = 40;
XX break;
XX case 9: /* wrapscan */
XX set_wrapscan = flag;
XX break;
XX case 10: /* timeout */
XX set_timeout = flag;
XX#ifdef USG
XX keypad(stdscr, flag ? 1 : 2);
XX break;
XX default:
XX botprint(FALSE, "That option is not yet implemented\n");
XX break;
XX }
XX }
XX break;
XXcase 2: /* quit */
XX if (file.fi_modified && *s2 != '!') {
XX botprint(TRUE, "No write since last change (:q! overrides)");
XX return;
XX }
XX Quit();
XX break;
XXcase 3: /* edit */
XX if (file.fi_modified && *s2 != '!') {
XX botprint(TRUE, "No write since last change (:edit! overrides)");
XX return;
XX }
XX if (*s2 == '!')
XX ++s2;
XX while (isspace(*s2))
XX ++s2;
XX edit(s2);
XX break;
XXcase 4: /* next */
XX if (file.fi_modified && *s2 != '!') {
XX botprint(TRUE, "No write since last change (:next! overrides)");
XX return;
XX }
XX if (*s2 == '!')
XX ++s2;
XX while (isspace(*s2))
XX ++s2;
XX if (*s2 == '\0' && *nextfile == '\0') {
XX botprint(TRUE, "No more files to edit");
XX return;
XX }
XX edit(s2);
XX break;
XXcase 5: /* file */
XX while (isspace(*s2))
XX ++s2;
XX if (*s2 == '\0') {
XX sizemsg();
XX return;
XX }
XX xmit_ed("f %s\n", s2);
XX strncpy(file.fi_name, s2, 126);
XX xmit_sync();
XX (void) recv_sync(TRUE);
XX sizemsg();
XX break;
XXcase 6: /* write */
XX i = 0;
XX if (*s2 == '!') {
XX ++s2;
XX i = 1;
XX }
XX while (isspace(*s2))
XX ++s2;
XX if (*s2 == '\0' && file.fi_name[0] == '\0') {
XX botprint(TRUE, "No current filename");
XX return;
XX }
XX if (i)
XX xmit_ed("!rm -f %s\n", *s2 ? s2 : file.fi_name);
XX if (*s2)
XX xmit_ed("w %s\n", s2);
XX else {
XX xmit_ed("w\n");
XX s2 = file.fi_name;
XX }
XX xmit_sync();
XX botprint(FALSE, "\"%s\"", s2);
XX hitcr_continue();
XX refresh();
XX if (recv_sync(TRUE)) {
XX botprint(FALSE, "\"%s\" %d lines", s2, file.fi_numlines);
XX if (strcmp(s2, file.fi_name) == 0)
XX file.fi_modified = FALSE;
XX }
XX else
XX hitcr_continue();
XX break;
XXcase 7: /* wq */
XX if (file.fi_modified)
XX rv_linecmd("w");
XX if (!file.fi_modified)
XX rv_linecmd("q");
XX break;
XXcase 8: /* shell */
XX rv_shell("sh -i");
XX break;
XX if (*s2 == '!') { /* Shell escape */
XX if (strcmp(++s2, "sh") == 0)
XX s2 = "sh -i";
XX else if (strcmp(s2, "csh") == 0)
XX s2 = "csh -i";
XX rv_shell(s2);
XX return;
XX }
XX did_botprint = TRUE;
XX i = cmd[strlen(cmd)-1];
XX if (i == 'a' || i == 'c' || i == 'i' || i == 'H' || i == 'X'
XX || i == 'P') {
XX botprint(FALSE, "That command is reserved");
XX return;
XX }
XX toss_undo();
XX if (i == 'w') {
XX ed_undo = FALSE;
XX file.fi_modified = FALSE;
XX } else
XX ed_undo = TRUE;
XX xmit_ed("%d\n", screen.sc_lineno);
XX xmit_sync();
XX xmit_ed("%s\n", cmd);
XX xmit_sync();
XX xmit_ed(".=\n");
XX (void) recv_sync(FALSE);
XX (void) recv_sync(2);
XX (void) fgets(buf, 10, file.fi_fpin);
XX if ((i = atoi(buf)) <= 0)
XX i = screen.sc_lineno;
XX hitcr_continue();
XX fetch_window(i-NUM_WINDOW_LINES/4-LINES/2+1, TRUE);
XX move_abs_cursor(i, COL_FIRST_NONWHITE);
XX break;
XX }
@//E*O*F rv_linecmd.c//
chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=rw $OUT
echo x - rv_misc.c
if test -f rv_misc.c ; then
echo rv_misc.c exists, putting output in $$rv_misc.c
sed 's/^XX//' > $OUT <<'@//E*O*F rv_misc.c//'
XX#include "rv.h"
XX * Miscellaneous subroutines
XX */
XXchar *xalloc(n)
XX * Allocate and zero n bytes
XX */
XX char *s;
XX char *malloc();
XX if ((s = malloc(n)) == NULL) {
XX write(2, "Out of memory", 13);
XX endwin();
XX exit(1);
XX }
XX zero(s, n);
XX return s;
XXboolean did_botprint; /* True if botprint() was already called */
XXboolean scrolled; /* True if screen scrolled from a call */
XXbotprint(standout_flag, txt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)
XX * Printf line(s) on bottom of screen with the given attribute(s).
XX */
XXINT standout_flag;
XXchar *txt, *arg1, *arg2, *arg3, *arg4, *arg5;
XX char buf[512];
XX INT oldrow, oldcol, l;
XX oldrow = CURLINE;
XX oldcol = CURCOLUMN;
XX sprintf(buf, txt, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
XX l = strlen(buf);
XX if (l > 0 && buf[l-1] == '\n') /* Remove trailing \n */
XX buf[--l] = '\0';
XX move(LINES-1, 0);
XX if (did_botprint) {
XX rv_fscroll(1);
XX move(LINES-1, 0);
XX scrolled = TRUE;
XX }
XX else
XX clrtoeol();
XX if (standout_flag)
XX standout();
XX addstr(buf);
XX if (standout_flag)
XX standend();
XX while (l > 0 && buf[l-1] == '\n') {
XX buf[--l] = '\0';
XX /* scroll(stdscr); */
XX scrolled = TRUE;
XX }
XX did_botprint = TRUE;
XX if (l >= COLS || l > CURCOLUMN)
XX scrolled = TRUE;
XX move(oldrow, oldcol);
XX INT oldrow, oldcol;
XX if (scrolled) {
XX /*
XX * Screen scrolled. Redraw
XX */
XX oldrow = CURLINE;
XX oldcol = CURCOLUMN;
XX move(LINES-1,0);
XX rv_fscroll(1);
XX move(LINES-1, 0);
XX standout();
XX addstr("[Hit return to continue]");
XX standend();
XX refresh();
XX while ((c = getch()) != '\r' && c != '\n' && c != ' ')
XX ;
XX redraw_screen((struct li_line *) 0);
XX move(oldrow, oldcol);
XX scrolled = FALSE;
XX }
XX did_botprint = FALSE;
XX * Print msg and abort
XX */
XXchar *msg;
XX botprint(TRUE, "Fatal error: %s\n", msg);
XX move(LINES-1, 0);
XX rv_fscroll(1);
XX move(LINES-1, 0);
XX refresh();
XX endwin();
XX exit(1);
XX if (file.fi_name[0] == '\0' || strcmp(file.fi_name, "/dev/null") == 0)
XX botprint(0, "No file line %d of %d --%d%%--",
XX screen.sc_lineno, file.fi_numlines,
XX (screen.sc_lineno*100) / file.fi_numlines);
XX else
XX botprint(0, "\"%s\" %sline %d of %d --%d%%--", file.fi_name,
XX file.fi_modified ? "[modified] " : "",
XX screen.sc_lineno, file.fi_numlines,
XX (screen.sc_lineno*100) / file.fi_numlines);
XX botprint(FALSE, "Absolute:\n");
XX botprint(FALSE, "wi_topline=%d, wi_botline=%d\n",
XX window.wi_topline - &line_array[0],
XX window.wi_botline - &line_array[0]);
XX botprint(FALSE, "sc_topline=%d, sc_botline=%d, sc_curline=%d\n",
XX screen.sc_topline - &line_array[0],
XX screen.sc_botline - &line_array[0],
XX screen.sc_curline - &line_array[0]);
XX botprint(FALSE, "sc_lineno=%d, fi_numlines=%d\n",
XX screen.sc_lineno, file.fi_numlines);
XX botprint(FALSE, "Relative to window:\n");
XX botprint(FALSE, "sc_topline=%d, sc_botline=%d, sc_curline=%d\n",
XX screen.sc_topline - window.wi_topline,
XX screen.sc_botline - window.wi_topline,
XX screen.sc_curline - window.wi_topline);
@//E*O*F rv_misc.c//
chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=rw $OUT
echo x - rv_move.c
if test -f rv_move.c ; then
echo rv_move.c exists, putting output in $$rv_move.c
sed 's/^XX//' > $OUT <<'@//E*O*F rv_move.c//'
XX#include "rv.h"
XX#include <ctype.h>
XX * rv_move.c - Cursor motion routines
XX */
XXmove_abs_cursor(lineno, column)
XX * Move cursor to absolute position in file. Try to stay within the window
XX * if possible.
XX */
XXINT lineno, column;
XX register INT seg;
XX register struct li_line *line, *newline;
XX register struct sc_screen *sc;
XX register struct wi_window *wi;
XX INT oldlineno, offset;
XX struct fi_file *fi;
XX void rv_scroll(), rv_scroll_backward();
XX sc = &screen;
XX wi = &window;
XX fi = &file;
XX errflag = 0;
XX /*
XX * Boundary checks
XX */
XX if (lineno < 1) { /* If past top of file */
XX errflag = 1;
XX flash();
XX return;
XX } else if (lineno > fi->fi_numlines) { /* If past bottom of file */
XX errflag = 1;
XX flash();
XX return;
XX }
XX if (lineno < sc->sc_lineno - (sc->sc_curline-sc->sc_topline)) {
XX /*
XX * Past top of screen
XX */
XX oldlineno = sc->sc_lineno;
XX if (lineno < sc->sc_lineno - (sc->sc_curline-wi->wi_topline)) {
XX /*
XX * Past top of window, fetch more data
XX */
XX fetch_window(lineno-NUM_WINDOW_LINES/4-LINES/2+1,
XX if (errflag)
XX return;
XX }
XX newline = sc->sc_curline - (sc->sc_lineno - lineno);
XX seg = 0;
XX if (oldlineno == sc->sc_lineno) { /* If relatively close */
XX /*
XX * Find distance, in segments, above top of screen
XX */
XX for (line = newline; line < sc->sc_topline; ++line)
XX seg += line->li_segments;
XX if (seg <= LINES/3+1) { /* If very close */
XX /*
XX * Scroll backwards
XX */
XX rv_scroll_backward(sc->sc_topline - newline);
XX move_cursor(lineno, column);
XX return;
XX }
XX }
XX /*
XX * Newline is too far away for scrolling,
XX * so we redraw the screen and deposit newline
XX * in the center.
XX */
XX /*
XX * Set the top of the screen at LINES/2 segments above newline
XX */
XX xmit_curline();
XX seg = LINES/2;
XX for (line = newline; line >= wi->wi_topline && seg > 0; --line)
XX seg -= line->li_segments;
XX sc->sc_topline = line+1;
XX sc->sc_curline = newline;
XX sc->sc_lineno = lineno;
XX sc->sc_abovetop = 0;
XX /*
XX * Compute bottom line
XX */
XX line = sc->sc_topline;
XX for (seg = line->li_segments; seg < LINES;
XX seg += line->li_segments) {
XX ++line;
XX if (line > wi->wi_botline)
XX break;
XX }
XX sc->sc_botline = line-1;
XX /*
XX * Update the screen to curses
XX */
XX move_cursor(lineno, column);
XX redraw_screen((struct li_line *)0);
XX return;
XX } /* End of past top of screen */
XX if (lineno > sc->sc_lineno + (sc->sc_botline - sc->sc_curline)) {
XX /*
XX * Past bottom of screen
XX */
XX oldlineno = sc->sc_lineno;
XX offset = sc->sc_botline - sc->sc_curline;
XX if (lineno > sc->sc_lineno + (wi->wi_botline-sc->sc_curline)) {
XX /*
XX * Past bottom of window
XX */
XX fetch_window(lineno-NUM_WINDOW_LINES/4-LINES/2+1,
XX if (errflag)
XX return;
XX }
XX newline = sc->sc_curline + (lineno - sc->sc_lineno);
XX seg = 0;
XX if (oldlineno == sc->sc_lineno) { /* If relatively close */
XX /*
XX * Find distance in segments past bottom of screen
XX */
XX for (line = sc->sc_curline+offset+1; line <= newline;
XX ++line)
XX seg += line->li_segments;
XX if (seg <= LINES/3+1 && newline >= sc->sc_botline) {
XX /*
XX * Scroll screen forwards
XX */
XX rv_scroll(newline - sc->sc_botline);
XX move_cursor(lineno, column);
XX return;
XX }
XX }
XX /*
XX * Newline is too far away for scrolling,
XX * so we redraw the screen and deposit newline
XX * in the center.
XX */
XX /*
XX * Set the top of the screen at LINES/2 segments above newline
XX */
XX xmit_curline();
XX seg = LINES/2;
XX for (line = newline; line >= wi->wi_topline && seg > 0; --line)
XX seg -= line->li_segments;
XX sc->sc_abovetop = 0;
XX sc->sc_topline = line+1;
XX sc->sc_curline = newline;
XX sc->sc_lineno = lineno;
XX /*
XX * Compute bottom line
XX */
XX line = sc->sc_topline;
XX for (seg = line->li_segments; seg < LINES;
XX seg += line->li_segments) {
XX ++line;
XX if (line > wi->wi_botline)
XX break;
XX }
XX sc->sc_botline = line-1;
XX /*
XX * Update the screen to curses
XX */
XX move_cursor(lineno, column);
XX redraw_screen((struct li_line *)0);
XX return;
XX } /* End of past bottom of screen */
XX /*
XX * Otherwise, newline must already be on the screen
XX */
XX move_cursor(lineno, column);
XX return;
XXmove_cursor(lineno, column)
XX * Move cursor to position in file. Must already be on screen.
XX */
XXINT lineno, column;
XX register INT seg;
XX register struct sc_screen *sc;
XX register struct li_line *line, *newline;
XX INT linewidth;
XX static INT prev_column;
XX errflag = 0;
XX sc = &screen;
XX newline = sc->sc_curline + (lineno - sc->sc_lineno);
XX /*
XX * Boundary checks
XX */
XX if (newline < sc->sc_topline || newline > sc->sc_botline) {
XX errflag = 1;
XX botprint(TRUE,"move_cursor, lineno %d beyond screen\n", lineno);
XX return;
XX }
XX if (column == COL_SAME)
XX column = file_column(newline->li_text, prev_column);
XX else {
XX prev_column = -1;
XX if (column == COL_FIRST_NONWHITE) {
XX register char *s;
XX s = newline->li_text;
XX while (*s != '\0' && isspace(*s))
XX ++s;
XX column = s - newline->li_text;
XX }
XX }
XX if (column < 0) { /* If past left side of screen */
XX if (sc->sc_column == 0) { /* Already at left side? */
XX errflag = 1;
XX flash();
XX return;
XX }
XX column = 0;
XX }
XX if (lineno != sc->sc_lineno && sc->sc_origline.li_text != NULL)
XX xmit_curline();
XX /*
XX * Compute screen column and segment #
XX */
XX sc->sc_curline = newline;
XX sc->sc_lineno = lineno;
XX /*
XX * Limit column to end of line (or line+1 if input mode)
XX */
XX linewidth = newline->li_width + (input_mode ? 1 : 0);
XX if (column >= linewidth && column > 0) {
XX column = (linewidth == 0 ? 0 : linewidth-1);
XX if (sc->sc_column >= column) /* If already at edge */
XX flash();
XX }
XX sc->sc_column = column;
XX column = screen_column(newline->li_text, column);
XX if (prev_column < 0)
XX prev_column = column;
XX if (input_mode && sc->sc_column == linewidth-1 && sc->sc_column != 0)
XX ++column;
XX seg = 0;
XX for (line=sc->sc_topline; line < newline; ++line)
XX seg += line->li_segments;
XX seg += column / COLS + sc->sc_abovetop;
XX column %= COLS;
XX if (seg >= LINES) {
XX errflag = 1;
XX botprint(TRUE, "move_cursor, seg %d beyond screen\n", seg);
XX return;
XX }
XX /*
XX * Update cursor to curses
XX */
XX move(seg, column);
@//E*O*F rv_move.c//
chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=rw $OUT
echo x - rv_openline.c
if test -f rv_openline.c ; then
echo rv_openline.c exists, putting output in $$rv_openline.c
sed 's/^XX//' > $OUT <<'@//E*O*F rv_openline.c//'
XX#include "rv.h"
XX#include <ctype.h>
XXboolean opened_line; /* Set TRUE if openline() called */
XXINT autoindent; /* Physical autoindent, used by insert() */
XX * Openline - Open new line.
XX *
XX * If direction < 0, open above current line, else
XX * open below current line.
XX */
XXINT direction;
XX register struct li_line *line;
XX register struct sc_screen *sc;
XX register struct wi_window *wi;
XX char *s;
XX sc = &screen;
XX wi = &window;
XX file.fi_modified = TRUE;
XX xmit_curline();
XX opened_line = TRUE;
XX /*
XX * Calculate autoindent
XX */
XX autoindent = 0;
XX if (set_autoindent) {
XX s = sc->sc_curline->li_text;
XX while (isspace(*s) && *s != '\0')
XX if (*s++ == '\t')
XX autoindent += set_tabstops;
XX else
XX autoindent++;
XX }
XX /*
XX * Send blank line to ed
XX */
XX if (direction >= 0) {
XX xmit_ed("%da\n\n.\n", sc->sc_lineno);
XX sc->sc_lineno++;
XX sc->sc_curline++;
XX } else
XX xmit_ed("%di\n\n.\n", sc->sc_lineno);
XX if (sc->sc_curline <= wi->wi_botline ||
XX wi->wi_botline < &line_array[NUM_WINDOW_LINES-1]) {
XX /*
XX * Case 1,2,3: Opening line at top of window, within window,
XX * or bottom of expandable window
XX */
XX /*
XX * Scroll off bottom line of window if necessary
XX */
XX if (wi->wi_botline >= &line_array[NUM_WINDOW_LINES-1]) {
XX if (wi->wi_botline->li_text)
XX free(wi->wi_botline->li_text);
XX wi->wi_botline->li_text = NULL;
XX wi->wi_botline--;
XX }
XX /*
XX * Slide down window beyond line
XX */
XX for (line = wi->wi_botline; line >= sc->sc_curline; --line) {
XX (line+1)->li_width = line->li_width;
XX (line+1)->li_segments = line->li_segments;
XX (line+1)->li_text = line->li_text;
XX }
XX wi->wi_botline++;
XX } else {
XX /*
XX * Case 4: Opening line beyond edge of unexpandable window
XX */
XX sc->sc_curline--;
XX /*
XX * Scroll off topline of window if necessary
XX */
XX if (wi->wi_topline <= &line_array[0]) {
XX if (wi->wi_topline->li_text)
XX free(wi->wi_topline->li_text);
XX wi->wi_topline->li_text = NULL;
XX wi->wi_topline++;
XX }
XX /*
XX * Slide up window
XX */
XX for (line = wi->wi_topline; line < sc->sc_curline; ++line) {
XX (line-1)->li_width = line->li_width;
XX (line-1)->li_segments = line->li_segments;
XX (line-1)->li_text = line->li_text;
XX }
XX wi->wi_topline--;
XX sc->sc_topline--;
XX sc->sc_botline--;
XX }
XX /*
XX * Create the empty line
XX */
XX line = sc->sc_curline;
XX line->li_width = 0;
XX line->li_segments = 1;
XX line->li_text = xalloc(1);
XX line->li_text[0] = '\0';
XX if (line > wi->wi_botline)
XX wi->wi_botline = line;
XX file.fi_numlines++;
XX /*
XX * Set up for insert()
XX */
XX sc->sc_firstcol = 0;
XX sc->sc_lastcol = -1;
XX /*
XX * Remember opened line for later undo
XX */
XX undo.un_validcol = FALSE;
XX undo.un_firstline = sc->sc_lineno;
XX undo.un_lastline = sc->sc_lineno;
XX undo.un_inserted = TRUE;
XX /*
XX * Update line to curses
XX */
XX if (line > sc->sc_botline) {
XX redraw_screen(sc->sc_botline+1);
XX move_cursor(sc->sc_lineno, 0);
XX } else {
XX move_cursor(sc->sc_lineno, 0);
XX rv_finsertln(1);
XX redraw_screen(sc->sc_botline);
XX }
@//E*O*F rv_openline.c//
chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=rw $OUT
echo x - rv_put.c
if test -f rv_put.c ; then
echo rv_put.c exists, putting output in $$rv_put.c
sed 's/^XX//' > $OUT <<'@//E*O*F rv_put.c//'
XX#include "rv.h"
XXextern char *realloc();
XX * Put buffer at cursor.
XX */
XXINT direction; /* Negative if above cursor */
XX register struct li_line *line;
XX register struct ya_yank *yank;
XX register struct sc_screen *sc;
XX INT indx;
XX sc = &screen;
XX line = sc->sc_curline;
XX indx = char_to_yank(yank_cmd);
XX if (errflag) {
XX flash();
XX return;
XX }
XX yank = &yank_array[indx];
XX file.fi_modified = TRUE;
XX if (yank->ya_type == YANK_EMPTY) {
XX errflag = 1;
XX if (yank_cmd == ' ')
XX flash();
XX else
XX botprint(TRUE, "Register %c is empty", yank_cmd);
XX return;
XX }
XX undo.un_inserted = TRUE;
XX undo.un_firstline = undo.un_lastline = sc->sc_lineno;
XX undo.un_validcol = FALSE;
XX if (yank->ya_type == YANK_COLS) {
XX /*
XX * Put text within line
XX */
XX register char *s, *s2, *s3;
XX save_Undo();
XX undo.un_validcol = sc->sc_validcol = TRUE;
XX undo.un_firstcol = sc->sc_firstcol = sc->sc_column+1;
XX undo.un_lastcol = sc->sc_lastcol = sc->sc_column+yank->ya_width;
XX line->li_text = realloc(line->li_text, line->li_width +
XX yank->ya_width + 1);
XX s = &line->li_text[sc->sc_firstcol];
XX s2 = &line->li_text[line->li_width];
XX s3 = &line->li_text[line->li_width + yank->ya_width];
XX while (s2 >= s)
XX *s3-- = *s2--;
XX s2 = yank->ya_text;
XX while (*s2)
XX *s++ = *s2++;
XX redraw_curline(line->li_text);
XX move_cursor(sc->sc_lineno, sc->sc_firstcol + yank->ya_width-1);
XX if (set_fortran && line->li_width > 72) {
XX botprint(FALSE, "Line is longer than 72 columns");
XX hitcr_continue();
XX }
XX }
XX else { /* Put text between lines */
XX sc->sc_validcol = FALSE;
XX if (yank->ya_type == YANK_SINGLE) {
XX /*
XX * Simple case - put 1 line
XX */
XX openline(direction);
XX save_Undo();
XX redraw_curline(yank->ya_text);
XX move_cursor(sc->sc_lineno, COL_FIRST_NONWHITE);
XX }
XX else {
XX /*
XX * put multiple lines
XX */
XX xmit_curline();
XX xmit_ed("%dr /tmp/yk%d.%d\n", sc->sc_lineno -
XX (direction >= 0 ? 0 : 1), getpid(), indx);
XX undo.un_lastline = sc->sc_lineno + yank->ya_numlines-1;
XX fetch_window(sc->sc_lineno - NUM_WINDOW_LINES/4 -
XX LINES/2 + 1, TRUE);
XX botprint(FALSE, "%d more lines", yank->ya_numlines);
XX hitcr_continue();
XX }
XX }
@//E*O*F rv_put.c//
chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=rw $OUT
echo x - rv_redraw.c
if test -f rv_redraw.c ; then
echo rv_redraw.c exists, putting output in $$rv_redraw.c
sed 's/^XX//' > $OUT <<'@//E*O*F rv_redraw.c//'
XX#include "rv.h"
XX * Regenerate the screen from firstline downwards to curses
XX *
XX * If firstline is NULL, the entire screen is redrawn.
XX */
XXstruct li_line *firstline;
XX register struct li_line *line;
XX register struct sc_screen *sc;
XX register struct wi_window *wi;
XX INT saveline, savecol, seg;
XX sc = &screen;
XX wi = &window;
XX if (firstline == (struct li_line *)0)
XX firstline = sc->sc_topline;
XX /*
XX * Save cursor location
XX */
XX saveline = CURLINE;
XX savecol = CURCOLUMN;
XX /*
XX * Skip void line segments above topline
XX */
XX if (firstline == sc->sc_topline) {
XX sc->sc_abovetop = 0; /* Reset topline to real screen top */
XX seg = 0;
XX } else
XX seg = sc->sc_abovetop;
XX /*
XX * Skip lines above firstline
XX */
XX for (line=sc->sc_topline; line < firstline; ++line)
XX seg += line->li_segments;
XX /*
XX * Clear screen from firstline downward
XX */
XX move(seg,0);
XX clrtobot();
XX move(seg,0); /* Because clrtobot homes the cursor in 4bsd */
XX /*
XX * Redraw remaining lines
XX */
XX if (line <= wi->wi_botline)
XX seg += line->li_segments;
XX if (seg >= LINES && sc->sc_curline == line) {
XX /*
XX * Scroll
XX */
XX sc->sc_botline = line-1;
XX rv_scroll(1);
XX redraw_screen(line+1);
XX move(saveline, savecol);
XX return;
XX }
XX while (seg < LINES) {
XX if (line <= wi->wi_botline) {
XX print_line(line->li_text);
XX if (CURCOLUMN != 0 || line->li_text[0] == '\0')
XX move(CURLINE+1, 0);
XX ++line;
XX }
XX if (line > wi->wi_botline) { /* If past bottom of window */
XX if ((line - sc->sc_curline) + sc->sc_lineno >
XX file.fi_numlines) /* If past eof */
XX break;
XX /*
XX * Fetch window & redraw everything
XX */
XX if (set_debug > 1)
XX fprintf(stderr, "Forced to redraw\n");
XX fetch_window(sc->sc_lineno - NUM_WINDOW_LINES/4 -
XX return;
XX }
XX seg += line->li_segments;
XX }
XX sc->sc_botline = line-1;
XX /*
XX * Append '~' or '@' lines to screen
XX */
XX if ((seg = CURLINE) < LINES-1)
XX if (file.fi_numlines > sc->sc_lineno +
XX (sc->sc_botline - sc->sc_curline))
XX /*
XX * Undisplayed lines
XX */
XX while (seg < LINES-1)
XX mvaddch(seg++, 0, '@');
XX else
XX /*
XX * End of file
XX */
XX while (seg < LINES-1)
XX mvaddch(seg++, 0, '~');
XX /*
XX * Restore cursor
XX */
XX move(saveline, savecol);
@//E*O*F rv_redraw.c//
chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=rw $OUT
echo x - rv_redraw_ln.c
if test -f rv_redraw_ln.c ; then
echo rv_redraw_ln.c exists, putting output in $$rv_redraw_ln.c
sed 's/^XX//' > $OUT <<'@//E*O*F rv_redraw_ln.c//'
XX#include "rv.h"
XX * Redraw the current line using txt.
XX * Update rest of screen as necessary
XX */
XXchar *txt;
XX register struct li_line *line;
XX register struct li_line *line2;
XX register struct sc_screen *sc;
XX register INT seg, i;
XX char *oldtxt;
XX sc = &screen;
XX line = sc->sc_curline;
XX seg = line->li_segments;
XX oldtxt = line->li_text;
XX /*
XX * Rebuild line internally
XX */
XX line->li_width = strlen(txt);
XX line->li_segments = 1 + (screen_column(txt, line->li_width-1) +
XX set_list) / COLS;
XX if (line->li_text != txt) {
XX line->li_text = xalloc(line->li_width+1);
XX strcpy(line->li_text, txt);
XX if (oldtxt)
XX free(oldtxt);
XX }
XX i = sc->sc_abovetop;
XX for (line = sc->sc_topline; line < sc->sc_curline; ++line)
XX i += line->li_segments;
XX move(i, 0);
XX if (CURLINE+line->li_segments >= LINES) {
XX /*
XX * Line overflowed screen
XX */
XX redraw_screen(line);
XX return;
XX }
XX /*
XX * If grew, push down segs below this line
XX */
XX if (line->li_segments > seg) {
XX i = line->li_segments - seg;
XX rv_finsertln(i);
XX /* Redraw pushed off segs */
XX i = line->li_segments - seg;
XX line2 = sc->sc_botline;
XX while (i >= 0) {
XX i -= line2->li_segments;
XX --line2;
XX }
XX if (line2 <= line)
XX line2 = line + 1;
XX redraw_screen(line2);
XX }
XX /*
XX * Clear segments and redraw
XX */
XX clrtoeol();
XX for (i=line->li_segments; i > 1; --i) {
XX move(CURLINE+1, 0);
XX clrtoeol();
XX }
XX /*
XX * Move to first seg of line
XX */
XX if (line->li_segments > 1)
XX move(CURLINE-line->li_segments+1, 0);
XX /*
XX * Draw line
XX */
XX print_line(line->li_text);
XX if (seg <= line->li_segments)
XX return;
XX /*
XX * Shrunk, delete surplus segs
XX */
XX move(i+line->li_segments, 0);
XX i = seg - line->li_segments;
XX rv_fdeleteln(i);
XX redraw_screen(sc->sc_botline+1);
@//E*O*F rv_redraw_ln.c//
chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=rw $OUT
echo x - rv_scroll.c
if test -f rv_scroll.c ; then
echo rv_scroll.c exists, putting output in $$rv_scroll.c
sed 's/^XX//' > $OUT <<'@//E*O*F rv_scroll.c//'
XX#include "rv.h"
XX * Scroll n lines
XX * Must be within window
XX * Cursor is set to last line
XX */
XXregister INT n;
XX register struct li_line *line, *oldline;
XX register struct sc_screen *sc;
XX register INT seg,newseg,i;
XX register struct wi_window *wi;
XX sc = &screen;
XX wi = &window;
XX /*
XX * Set cursor to bottom line+1
XX */
XX newseg = 0;
XX for (line = sc->sc_topline; line <= sc->sc_botline; ++line)
XX newseg += line->li_segments;
XX newseg += sc->sc_abovetop;
XX move(newseg,0);
XX clrtobot();
XX /*
XX * Calculate number of segments to scroll in
XX */
XX seg = 0;
XX for (i=n; i > 0 && line <= wi->wi_botline; --i, ++line)
XX seg += line->li_segments;
XX seg -= LINES-newseg-1;
XX move(LINES-1,0);
XX rv_fscroll(seg);
XX move(newseg-seg,0);
XX /*
XX * Scroll in new line(s)
XX */
XX for (line = sc->sc_botline+1; n > 0; --n, ++line) {
XX if (line > wi->wi_botline) {
XX errflag = 1;
XX botprint(TRUE, "rv_scroll - past bottom of window\n\n");
XX hitcr_continue();
XX return;
XX }
XX print_line(line->li_text);
XX if (CURCOLUMN != 0 || line->li_text[0] == '\0') {
XX if (CURLINE == LINES-1) {
XX move(LINES-1, 0);
XX } else
XX move(CURLINE+1, 0);
XX }
XX }
XX /*
XX * Adjust screen params
XX */
XX xmit_curline();
XX --line;
XX sc->sc_lineno += (line - sc->sc_curline);
XX sc->sc_botline = line;
XX sc->sc_curline = line;
XX sc->sc_column = 0;
XX /*
XX * Compute new top line
XX */
XX for (seg = line->li_segments; seg < LINES;
XX seg += line->li_segments) {
XX --line;
XX if (line < wi->wi_topline)
XX break;
XX }
XX sc->sc_topline = line+1;
XX /*
XX * Compute # of displayed segs above top line
XX */
XX if (line >= wi->wi_topline)
XX sc->sc_abovetop = LINES-1 - (seg - line->li_segments);
@//E*O*F rv_scroll.c//
chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=rw $OUT
echo x - rv_scroll_bk.c
if test -f rv_scroll_bk.c ; then
echo rv_scroll_bk.c exists, putting output in $$rv_scroll_bk.c
sed 's/^XX//' > $OUT <<'@//E*O*F rv_scroll_bk.c//'
XX#include "rv.h"
XX * Scroll n lines backward
XX * Must be within window
XX * Cursor location is undefined
XX */
XXregister n;
XX register struct li_line *line, *newline;
XX register struct sc_screen *sc;
XX register INT seg;
XX register struct wi_window *wi;
XX register struct fi_file *fi;
XX sc = &screen;
XX wi = &window;
XX fi = &file;
XX seg = 0;
XX for (line = sc->sc_topline-1; n > 0; --n, --line) {
XX if (line < wi->wi_topline) {
XX errflag = 1;
XX botprint(TRUE,
XX "rv_scroll_backward - past top of window\n\n");
XX hitcr_continue();
XX return;
XX }
XX seg += line->li_segments;
XX }
XX ++line;
XX move(0,0);
XX seg -= sc->sc_abovetop;
XX rv_finsertln(seg);
XX move(0,0);
XX for (newline = line; newline < sc->sc_topline; ++newline) {
XX print_line(newline->li_text);
XX if (CURCOLUMN != 0 || newline->li_text[0] == '\0')
XX move(CURLINE+1, 0);
XX }
XX xmit_curline();
XX sc->sc_lineno = sc->sc_lineno - (sc->sc_curline - line);
XX sc->sc_topline = line;
XX sc->sc_curline = line;
XX sc->sc_column = 0;
XX sc->sc_abovetop = 0;
XX /*
XX * Compute bottom line
XX */
XX for (seg = line->li_segments; seg < LINES;
XX seg += line->li_segments) {
XX ++line;
XX if (line > wi->wi_botline)
XX break;
XX }
XX sc->sc_botline = line-1;
XX if (line <= wi->wi_botline)
XX seg -= line->li_segments;
XX move(seg, 0);
XX clrtobot();
XX move(seg, 0); /* Because clrtobot homes the cursor in 4bsd */
XX /*
XX * Append '~' or '@' lines to screen
XX */
XX if (seg < LINES-1)
XX if (fi->fi_numlines > sc->sc_lineno +
XX (sc->sc_botline - sc->sc_curline))
XX /*
XX * Undisplayed lines
XX */
XX while (seg < LINES-1)
XX mvaddch(seg++, 0, '@');
XX else
XX /*
XX * End of file
XX */
XX while (seg < LINES-1)
XX mvaddch(seg++, 0, '~');
XX move(0,0);
@//E*O*F rv_scroll_bk.c//
chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=rw $OUT
echo x - rv_search.c
if test -f rv_search.c ; then
echo rv_search.c exists, putting output in $$rv_search.c
sed 's/^XX//' > $OUT <<'@//E*O*F rv_search.c//'
XX#include "rv.h"
XX#include "regexp.h"
XX#ifdef CRAY
XX#define move_cursor_flag mc_flag
XXstatic char prev_search[256]; /* Buffer holding previous search string */
XXstatic char buf[256]; /* Buffer holding current search string */
XXstatic regexp *cmp; /* Compiled regular expression (RE) */
XXsearch(direction, txt, move_cursor_flag)
XX * Search file for match
XX *
XX * Scan current line using regexec() for txt
XX * If not found, xmit search request to ed
XX * Scan line that ed finds using regex()
XX * Put cursor at new location, if move_cursor_flag
XX */
XXINT direction; /* Direction of search (-1, 1) */
XXchar *txt; /* Regular expression to search for */
XXboolean move_cursor_flag; /* TRUE if cursor to be moved to match */
XX register struct sc_screen *sc;
XX register char *s, *s2;
XX register INT i, ch;
XX struct li_line *line;
XX INT offset = 0;
XX char *found, numbuf[20];
XX sc = &screen;
XX sc->sc_validcol = TRUE;
XX sc->sc_firstcol = sc->sc_lastcol = sc->sc_column;
XX sc->sc_firstline = sc->sc_lastline = sc->sc_lineno;
XX if (txt == NULL)
XX return FALSE;
XX strcpy(buf, txt);
XX if (direction >= 0)
XX ch = '/';
XX else
XX ch = '?';
XX s = buf;
XX /*
XX * Scan for first / or ? not preceeded by an odd number of backslashes
XX */
XX i = 0;
XX while (*s != '\0' && (*s != ch || i & 1)) {
XX i = *s == '\\' ? i+1 : 0;
XX ++s;
XX }
XX /*
XX * Drop '\0' into matching / or ?
XX */
XX if (*s != '\0')
XX *s++ = '\0';
XX ch = *s;
XX /*
XX * Check for +/- offset
XX */
XX if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') {
XX offset = atoi(s);
XX if (offset == 0 && *(s+1) != '0')
XX offset = 1;
XX if (*s == '-')
XX offset = -offset;
XX sc->sc_validcol = FALSE;
XX }
XX if (*buf == '\0')
XX strcpy(buf, prev_search);
XX if (*buf == '\0') {
XX botprint(TRUE, "No remembered search string");
XX return FALSE;
XX }
XX /*
XX * Compile RE
XX */
XX if (cmp)
XX free(cmp);
XX if ((cmp = regcomp(buf)) == 0) {
XX return FALSE;
XX }
XX strcpy(prev_search, buf);
XX line = sc->sc_curline;
XX s = &line->li_text[sc->sc_column];
XX found = NULL;
XX if (direction >= 0) {
XX /*
XX * Search current line after cursor
XX */
XX if (*buf != '^' && *++s != '\0')
XX if (regexec(cmp, s) != 0) {
XX found = cmp->startp[0];
XX sc->sc_lastcol = found - line->li_text - 1;
XX }
XX } else {
XX /*
XX * Search current line before cursor
XX */
XX s2 = line->li_text;
XX while (s2 < s) {
XX if (regexec(cmp, s2) == 0 || cmp->startp[0] >= s)
XX break;
XX found = cmp->startp[0];
XX if (*buf == '^') /* If anchored */
XX break;
XX s2 = cmp->startp[0]+1;
XX }
XX if (found) {
XX sc->sc_lastcol--;
XX sc->sc_firstcol = found - line->li_text;
XX }
XX }
XX if (found) {
XX /*
XX * Found match on current line
XX */
XX if (offset != 0) {
XX /*
XX * Line offset requested from current line (sigh)
XX */
XX sc->sc_validcol = FALSE;
XX if ((i = sc->sc_lineno + offset) < 1) {
XX botprint(TRUE, "Negative address");
XX return FALSE;
XX }
XX if (i > file.fi_numlines) {
XX botprint(TRUE, "Not that many lines in buffer");
XX return FALSE;
XX }
XX if (i < sc->sc_lineno)
XX sc->sc_firstline = i;
XX else if (i > sc->sc_lineno)
XX sc->sc_lastline = i-1;
XX if (move_cursor_flag)
XX move_abs_cursor(i, COL_FIRST_NONWHITE);
XX return TRUE;
XX }
XX if (move_cursor_flag)
XX if (sc->sc_firstcol != sc->sc_column)
XX move_cursor(sc->sc_lineno, sc->sc_firstcol);
XX else
XX move_cursor(sc->sc_lineno, sc->sc_lastcol+1);
XX return TRUE;
XX }
XX sc->sc_validcol = FALSE;
XX /*
XX * Xmit search to ed
XX */
XX xmit_curline();
XX i = sc->sc_lineno;
XX if (direction >= 0)
XX xmit_ed("%d\n/%s/\n", i, buf);
XX else
XX xmit_ed("%d\n?%s?\n", i, buf);
XX xmit_sync();
XX xmit_ed(".=\n");
XX (void) recv_sync(FALSE);
XX (void) fgets(numbuf, 18, file.fi_fpin);
XX if ((i = atoi(numbuf)) == sc->sc_lineno) {
XX botprint(TRUE, "Pattern not found");
XX return FALSE;
XX }
XX if (set_wrapscan == FALSE &&
XX ((direction > 0 && i < sc->sc_lineno) ||
XX (direction < 0 && i > sc->sc_lineno))) { /* If wrapped */
XX botprint(TRUE, "Address search hit %s without matching pattern",
XX direction < 0 ? "TOP" : "BOTTOM");
XX return FALSE;
XX }
XX i += offset;
XX if (i < 1) {
XX botprint(TRUE, "Negative address");
XX return FALSE;
XX }
XX if (i > file.fi_numlines) {
XX botprint(TRUE, "Not that many lines in buffer");
XX return FALSE;
XX }
XX if (i < sc->sc_lineno)
XX sc->sc_firstline = i;
XX else if (i > sc->sc_lineno)
XX sc->sc_lastline = i-1;
XX if (!move_cursor_flag)
XX return TRUE;
XX /*
XX * Cursor movement requested
XX */
XX /*
XX * Move to line,col of match
XX */
XX if (offset != 0) {
XX move_abs_cursor(i, COL_FIRST_NONWHITE);
XX return TRUE;
XX }
XX move_abs_cursor(i, 0);
XX line = sc->sc_curline;
XX if (direction >= 0) {
XX if (regexec(cmp, line->li_text) != 0)
XX sc->sc_column = cmp->startp[0] - line->li_text;
XX } else {
XX s2 = line->li_text;
XX found = NULL;
XX while (*s2 != '\0') {
XX if (regexec(cmp, s2) == 0)
XX break;
XX found = cmp->startp[0];
XX if (*buf == '^') /* If anchored */
XX break;
XX s2 = cmp->startp[0]+1;
XX }
XX if (found)
XX sc->sc_column = found - line->li_text;
XX }
XX move_cursor(sc->sc_lineno, sc->sc_column);
XX return TRUE;
@//E*O*F rv_search.c//
chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=rw $OUT
echo x - rv_shell.c
if test -f rv_shell.c ; then
echo rv_shell.c exists, putting output in $$rv_shell.c
sed 's/^XX//' > $OUT <<'@//E*O*F rv_shell.c//'
XX#include "rv.h"
XX#include <signal.h>
XX#ifndef USG
XX# define strchr index
XX * This entire module is a hack
XX */
XXextern boolean scrolled;
XXextern char *strchr();
XXchar *cmd;
XX INT cpid, len, infd, outfd;
XX char buf[513], *s;
XX int (*prev_func)();
XX#ifdef USG
XX struct termio tm;
XX xmit_sync();
XX (void) recv_sync(FALSE);
XX xmit_ed("!sh -c '%s' ; echo '@''$''#'\n", cmd);
XX fflush(file.fi_fpout);
XX if (file.fi_modified)
XX botprint(FALSE, "[No write since last change]");
XX move(LINES-1, 0);
XX rv_fscroll(1);
XX move(LINES-1, 0);
XX refresh();
XX /* prev_func = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); Use at your own risk */
XX if (use_linemode) {
XX#ifdef USG
XX nocbreak();
XX nocrmode();
XX nl();
XX echo();
XX#ifdef TCGETA /* Echo doesn't in System V, sigh */
XX ioctl(0, TCGETA, &tm);
XX tm.c_lflag |= ECHO;
XX ioctl(0, TCSETA, &tm);
XX if (set_debug > 2)
XX printf("Using line mode.\n");
XX }
XX infd = atoi(Argv[1]);
XX outfd = atoi(Argv[2]);
XX if ((cpid = fork()) < 0)
XX panic("Can't fork");
XX if (cpid == 0) { /* Child */
XX for (;;) {
XX if ((len = read(0, buf, 512)) < 0)
XX _exit(0);
XX if (len == 0)
XX write(outfd, "\004\n", 2);
XX else
XX write(outfd, buf, len);
XX }
XX }
XX for (;;) { /* Parent */
XX if ((len = read(infd, buf, 512)) <= 0)
XX panic("EOF on read from pipe");
XX if ((s = strchr(buf, '@')) != NULL) {
XX if (s-buf+1 >= len) {
XX write(1, buf, len);
XX len = read(infd, buf, 512);
XX s = buf;
XX }
XX if (*++s == '$') {
XX if (s-buf+1 >= len) {
XX write(1, buf, len);
XX len = read(infd, buf, 512);
XX s = buf;
XX }
XX if (*++s == '#') {
XX if (s-buf >= 3)
XX write(1, buf, s-buf-2);
XX kill(cpid, 9);
XX while (wait((int *)0) != cpid)
XX ;
XX break;
XX }
XX }
XX }
XX write(1, buf, len);
XX }
XX if (use_linemode) {
XX#ifdef USG
XX cbreak();
XX crmode();
XX nonl();
XX noecho();
XX }
XX /* (void) signal(SIGINT, prev_func); Use at your own risk */
XX refresh();
XX scrolled = TRUE;
XX hitcr_continue();
XX clearok(curscr, TRUE);
XX redraw_screen((struct li_line *)0);
XX move_cursor(screen.sc_lineno, screen.sc_column);
@//E*O*F rv_shell.c//
chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=rw $OUT
echo x - rv_sync.c
if test -f rv_sync.c ; then
echo rv_sync.c exists, putting output in $$rv_sync.c
sed 's/^XX//' > $OUT <<'@//E*O*F rv_sync.c//'
XX#include "rv.h"
XX * Synchronize communication by sending a command
XX * with a recognizable response.
XX */
XX * Transmit sync
XX *
XX * A sync consists of transmitting two f commands followed
XX * by an illegal command, and waiting to receive the file name echoed
XX * twice followed by a question mark.
XX */
XX if (fputs("f\nf\nzzz\n", file.fi_fpout) == NULL)
XX panic("Error while writing to ed\n\n");
XX * Wait for sync to come back
XX *
XX * Returns TRUE if no errors received prior to sync, else
XX * displays errors if disp_flag is TRUE.
XX */
XXboolean disp_flag;
XX register char buf[512];
XX register INT i, namematch = 0, errcount = 0;
XX INT old_alarm;
XX extern alarmring();
XX old_alarm = alarm(RV_TIMEOUT);
XX fflush(file.fi_fpout);
XX for (;;) {
XX if (fgets(buf, 511, file.fi_fpin) == NULL)
XX panic("Error while reading from ed\n\n");
XX /*
XX * Strip trailing \n
XX */
XX if ((i = strlen(buf)) > 0 && buf[i-1] == '\n')
XX buf[--i] = '\0';
XX if (buf[0] == '?') {
XX if (namematch > 1)
XX goto found;
XX /*
XX * Display error
XX */
XX ++errcount;
XX if (file.fi_sysv) {
XX if (buf[1] != ' ' ||
XX file.fi_cray == FALSE)
XX fgets(buf, 511, file.fi_fpin);
XX if (disp_flag)
XX botprint(TRUE, "%s", buf);
XX }
XX else
XX if (disp_flag)
XX botprint(TRUE, "Failed ");
XX namematch = 0;
XX continue;
XX }
XX /*
XX * Look for file name echoed twice
XX */
XX if (strcmp(buf, file.fi_name) == 0)
XX ++namematch;
XX else
XX namematch = 0;
XX if (namematch >= 2) {
XX (void) fgets(buf, 511, file.fi_fpin);
XX if ((i = strlen(buf)) > 0 && buf[i-1] == '\n')
XX buf[--i] = '\0';
XX /*
XX * Look for question mark
XX */
XX if (buf[0] == '?') {
XX found:
XX if (file.fi_sysv &&
XX (buf[1] != ' ' || file.fi_cray == FALSE))
XX /*
XX * Skip error msg
XX */
XX fgets(buf, 511, file.fi_fpin);
XX break;
XX }
XX else {
XX if (disp_flag > 1)
XX botprint(FALSE, "%s", file.fi_name);
XX if (strcmp(buf, file.fi_name)) {
XX if (disp_flag > 1)
XX botprint(FALSE, "%s", file.fi_name);
XX namematch = 0;
XX }
XX }
XX }
XX if (disp_flag > 1 && namematch == 0)
XX botprint(FALSE, "%s", buf);
XX }
XX alarm(old_alarm);
XX return (errcount == 0);
@//E*O*F rv_sync.c//
chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=rw $OUT
echo x - rv_undo.c
if test -f rv_undo.c ; then
echo rv_undo.c exists, putting output in $$rv_undo.c
sed 's/^XX//' > $OUT <<'@//E*O*F rv_undo.c//'
XX#include "rv.h"
XX * undo last change
XX *
XX * undo is accomplished by deleting the last inserted text, and
XX * restoring the last deleted text, both of which are assumed
XX * to start at the same row,col position.
XX */
XX struct ya_yank *yank, *save_yank;
XX boolean deleted;
XX void rv_linecmd();
XX INT direction = -1;
XX if (ed_undo) {
XX rv_linecmd("u");
XX ed_undo = TRUE;
XX return;
XX }
XX yank = &yank_array[0];
XX save_yank = &yank_array[NUM_YANK_BUFS-1];
XX /*
XX * See if there is something to undo
XX */
XX if (undo.un_deleted == FALSE && undo.un_inserted == FALSE) {
XX flash();
XX errflag = 1;
XX return;
XX }
XX /*
XX * Save previous yanked (deleted) text
XX */
XX copy((char *)save_yank, (char *)yank, sizeof(struct ya_yank));
XX if (yank->ya_text) {
XX save_yank->ya_text = xalloc(strlen(yank->ya_text)+1);
XX strcpy(save_yank->ya_text, yank->ya_text);
XX }
XX deleted = undo.un_deleted;
XX undo.un_deleted = FALSE;
XX if (undo.un_firstline > file.fi_numlines) {
XX direction = 1;
XX undo.un_firstline = file.fi_numlines;
XX }
XX move_abs_cursor(undo.un_firstline, 0);
XX /*
XX * Delete last inserted text
XX */
XX if (undo.un_inserted) {
XX register struct sc_screen *sc;
XX sc = &screen;
XX sc->sc_firstline = undo.un_firstline;
XX sc->sc_lastline = undo.un_lastline;
XX if (undo.un_validcol == FALSE)
XX sc->sc_validcol = FALSE;
XX else {
XX sc->sc_validcol = TRUE;
XX sc->sc_firstcol = undo.un_firstcol;
XX sc->sc_lastcol = undo.un_lastcol;
XX }
XX undo.un_inserted = FALSE;
XX delete();
XX }
XX /*
XX * Restore last deleted text
XX */
XX if (deleted && save_yank->ya_type != YANK_EMPTY) {
XX move_abs_cursor(undo.un_firstline, 0);
XX if (save_yank->ya_type == YANK_COLS)
XX screen.sc_column = undo.un_firstcol-1;
XX yank_cmd = '$';
XX put(direction);
XX }
XX /*
XX * Free saved yank text
XX */
XX if (save_yank->ya_text) {
XX free(save_yank->ya_text);
XX save_yank->ya_text = NULL;
XX }
XX save_yank->ya_type = YANK_EMPTY;
XX * Save current line into Undo buffer
XX */
XX register struct li_line *line;
XX register struct sc_screen *sc;
XX sc = &screen;
XX line = sc->sc_curline;
XX file.fi_modified = TRUE;
XX if (sc->sc_origline.li_text == NULL) {
XX /*
XX * Copy line into Undo buffer
XX */
XX sc->sc_origline.li_text = xalloc(line->li_width+1);
XX sc->sc_origline.li_segments = line->li_segments;
XX sc->sc_origline.li_width = line->li_width;
XX strcpy(sc->sc_origline.li_text, line->li_text);
XX }
XX * Forget last undo operation
XX */
XX struct ya_yank *yank;
XX yank = &yank_array[0];
XX undo.un_inserted = FALSE;
XX undo.un_deleted = FALSE;
XX undo.un_validcol = FALSE;
XX if (yank->ya_text) {
XX free(yank->ya_text);
XX yank->ya_text = NULL;
XX }
XX yank->ya_type = YANK_EMPTY;
XX ed_undo = FALSE;
@//E*O*F rv_undo.c//
chmod u=rw,g=rw,o=rw $OUT
echo Inspecting for damage in transit...
temp=/tmp/sharin$$; dtemp=/tmp/sharout$$
trap "rm -f $temp $dtemp; exit" 0 1 2 3 15
cat > $temp <<\!!!
500 1357 10031 rv_insert.c
324 848 5971 rv_linecmd.c
153 375 3006 rv_misc.c
280 887 6189 rv_move.c
146 365 3019 rv_openline.c
91 256 2163 rv_put.c
107 315 2256 rv_redraw.c
95 238 1757 rv_redraw_ln.c
81 239 1642 rv_scroll.c
83 234 1684 rv_scroll_bk.c
230 748 4959 rv_search.c
112 298 2092 rv_shell.c
108 321 2191 rv_sync.c
137 326 2671 rv_undo.c
2447 6807 49631 total
wc $FILES | sed 's=[^ ]*/==' | diff -b $temp - >$dtemp
if test -s $dtemp ; then
echo "Ouch [diff of wc output]:"
cat $dtemp
elif test $STATUS = 0 ; then
echo "No problems found."
exit $STATUS
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