v06i078: MicroEmacs, Version 3.7 (uEmacs3.7), Part08/12
sources-request at mirror.UUCP
sources-request at mirror.UUCP
Wed Jul 30 23:42:18 AEST 1986
Submitted by: ihnp4!pur-ee!pur-phy!duncan!lawrence
Mod.sources: Volume 6, Issue 78
Archive-name: uEmacs3.7/Part08
[ This is the latest revision of one of two programs named "MicroEmacs";
when discussing these on the net, or in contacting the authors, make
sure to mention the version number -- in this case 3.7 -- as that is
the easiest way to distinguish between them. Daniel will be posting
uuencoded executables in net.micro.pc and net.micro.amiga; the file
'readme' contains information on how to also get these from him
directly. --r$ ]
echo extracting - main1.c
sed 's/^X//' > main1.c << 'FRIDAY_NIGHT'
X * This program is in public domain; written by Dave G. Conroy.
X * This file contains the main driving routine, and some keyboard processing
X * code, for the MicroEMACS screen editor.
X *
X *
X * 1.0 Steve Wilhite, 30-Nov-85
X * - Removed the old LK201 and VT100 logic. Added code to support the
X * DEC Rainbow keyboard (which is a LK201 layout) using the the Level
X * 1 Console In ROM INT. See "rainbow.h" for the function key defs
X * Steve Wilhite, 1-Dec-85
X * - massive cleanup on code in display.c and search.c
X *
X * 2.0 George Jones, 12-Dec-85
X * - Ported to Amiga.
X *
X * 3.0 Daniel Lawrence, 29-Dec-85
X * - rebound keys/added new fast buffered I/O for AMIGA
X * - added META- repeat commands
X * - added reposition default to center screen (yeah!)
X * - changed exit with modified buffers message
X * - made filesave tell us what it is doing
X * - changed search string entry to terminate with <ESC>
X * so we can use <NL> in search/replace strings
X * - updated version number in mode line to 3.0
X * 12-Jan-86
X * - Added code to reconize the Search/replace functions
X * - Added code to perform search/replace & query functions
X * 14-Jan-86
X * - moved search logic to separate function in search.c
X * - added replace and query replace functions
X * - separated out control key expansions to be used by others in search.c
X * 15-Jan-86
X * - changed "visiting" to finding
X * - changed yes/no responces to not need return
X * - cleaned up various messages
X * 16-jan-86
X * - fixed spurious spawn message in MSDOS
X * - added ^X-S synonime to save command
X * - moved escape to shell to ^X-C
X * 21-jan-86
X * - added code to suspend shell under BSD
X * 22-jan-86
X * - added function key support (SPEC) under MSDOS
X * - Abort now prints [Aborted] on message line
X * 23-jan-86
X * - Added modes and commends to set/unset them
X * 24-jan-86
X * - Added Goto Line command
X * - added Rename Buffer command
X * 28-jan-86
X * - added goto begining and end of paragraph commands (META-P/META-N)
X * - re-wrote kdelete to use realloc. gained MUCH speed here when
X * doing large wipes both on UNIX and MSDOS. Changed kill buffer
X * allocation block size from 256 bytes to 1 k
X * 29-jan-86
X * - moved extern function declarations to efunc.h
X * - made name[] name binding table
X * 30-jan-86
X * - fixed Previous/Next paragraph command not to wrap around EOF
X * - added Fill Paragraph command (META-Q)
X * 4-feb-86
X * - added code to properly display long lines, scrolling them right
X * to left
X * 5-feb-85
X * - rewrote code to right/left scroll...much better
X * - added shifted arror keys on IBMPC
X * 6-feb-85
X * - add option to allow forword-word to jump to begining of
X * next word instead of end of current one. This is different from
X * other emacs' but can be configured off in estruct.h
X * - added VIEW mode to allow a buffer to be read only
X * (-v switch on command line will activate this)
X * - changed quick exit to write out ALL changed buffers!!!
X * 10-feb-86
X * - added handling of lines longer than allowed on file read in
X * (they wrap on additional lines)
X * - made having space clear the message line and NOT insert itself
X * a configuration option in ed.h
X * 11-feb-86
X * - added Describe-command and Help commands.
X * 13-feb-86
X * - added View file command (^X ^V) and finished HELP command
X * 14-feb-86
X * - added option to let main loop skip update if type ahead commands
X * are queued up
X * 16-feb-86
X * - added Insert File command
X * 17-feb-86
X * - added scroll next window up/down commands
X * 18-feb-86
X * - added CMODE indentation
X * - re-arranged header files to standerdize extern and global
X * definitions
X * - changed version number to 3.2
X * - added numeric arguments to search, reverse search and
X * search and replace
X * 24-feb-86
X * - added Bind To Key function (^C for now) to allow the user
X * to change his command keys
X * - added Unbind key function (M-^C for now)
X * - added execute named command to execute unbound commands (M-X)
X * - added describe bindings command (not bound)
X * - changed version number to 3.3
X * 25-feb-86
X * - scrapped CERROR mode (too many compilers)
X * - added EXACT mode for case sensitive searchers
X * 26-feb-86
X * - added command completion on execute named command and
X * all routined grabbing a command name
X * - adding execute-command-line command and its support functions
X * (in preporation for sourcing files)
X * - added Execute Buffer command
X * 27-feb-86
X * - added execute(source) file command and added code to automatically
X * execute emacs.rc (or .emacsrc on UNIX) before initial read in
X * - changed version number to 3.4
X * 4-mar-86
X * - changed word delete to be consistant with word move (it gets
X * rid of the inter word space now) This is configurable with the
X * NFWORD symbol in estruct.h
X * - added B_ACTIVE entry to the buffer table. Let emacs read multiple
X * file names from the command line and only read them in as needed
X * 5-mar-85
X * - rewrote command line parser to get rid of my patchy code
X * - changed version number to 3.5
X * 1-apr-86
X * - added support for Aztec C 3.20e under MSDOS
X * - fixed bug in mlwrite on ADM3's and thier ilk under V7
X * - added insertion of pounds in column one under CMODE
X * - changed version number to 3.6
X * 3-apr-86
X * - added next-buffer command (^X-X)
X * 5-apr-86
X * - added kill paragraph command (M-^W)
X * - changed fill-paragraph to leave 2 spaces after a period at the
X * end of a word.
X * - added OVERWRITE mode
X * 7-apr-86
X * - fixed overwrite mode to handle tabs
X * 8-apr-86
X * - added add/delete global mode (<ESC>M & <ESC> ^M) commands
X * 9-apr-86
X * - added insert space command
X * - moved bindings around ^C insert space
X * M-K bind-to-key
X * INSERT insert space
X * DELETE forwdel
X * - added hunt forward and hunt reverse commands
X * 10-apr-86
X * - fixed bug in DOBUF with non-terminated command string
X * 15-apr-86
X * - fixed tab expansion bug in DISPLAY which hung the AMIGA
X * (send in by Dawn Banks)
X * - fixed curcol problen if forwline/backline during keyboard
X * macro execution (sent in by Ernst Christen)
X * - added AMIGA function/cursor key support
X * - fixed nonterminating <NL> replacement bug
X * - fixed word wrapping problems
X * 16-apr-86
X * - updated documentation and froze development for 3.6 net release
X * 23-apr-86 version 3.6a
X * - added forground and background colors. Setable with the
X * add mode commands for the moment
X * 24-apr-86
X * - added command to pipe CLI output to a buffer
X * 25-apr-86
X * - added Dana Hoggat's code to replace lattice's sick system()
X * function, now we no longer care what the switchar is.
X * - cleaned up the positioning on several of the spawing commands
X * 26-apr-86
X * - added a output flush in vttidy(). Unix really appreciates this.
X * - added filter-buffer (^X#) command to send a buffer through
X * a dos filter
X * - made automatic CMODE on .c and .h file compilation dependant
X * in estruct.h
X * 1-may-86
X * - optimized some code in update(). It certainly need a lot more.
X * - added AZTEC profiling capabilities. These are conditional on
X * the APROF symbol in estruct.h
X * 2-may-86
X * - added (u)ndo command in query-replace. undoes last repalce.
X * 6-may-86
X * - re-orginized and wrote the update() function in display.c
X * now my color hacks are in the right places and the code can be
X * understood.
X * [Released version 3.6f for BETA test sites]
X * 8-may-86
X * - fixed bug in new display routine to wrap cursor on extended
X * lines at the right time
X * - modified the buffer-position command to give reasonable info
X * 9-may-86
X * - improved the word wrap algorithm as not to discard non-space
X * delimiters. The backscan now looks for white space rather than
X * !inword().
X * [Released version 3.6g to Krannert]
X * 10-may-86
X * - Added IBMPC.C an IBM-PC specific display driver. This makes paging
X * 4-6 times faster. Also made some conditional changes to DISPLAY.C
X * to eliminate the pscreen[] if using the PC driver.
X * [changed version number to 3.6i]
X * 12-may-86
X * - added delete-window (^X 0) command to dispose of a single window
X * - fixed problem with multiple prefixes from a command line which
X * was reported by John Gamble
X * 14-may-86
X * - Added AZTEC support for the IBMPC display driver. Had to
X * readjust some includes and defines for this.
X * - fixed bug in delete-window.
X * - fixed some bizarre behavior with the cursor after coming back
X * from spawn calls.
X * [changed version number to 3.7 Freezing development for net release]
X * 15-may-86
X * - (that didn't last long...) Added execute-macro-(1 thru 20) commands
X * to execute macro buffers (named "[Macro nn]")
X * - changed BFTEMP to BFINVS and cleaned up treatment of invisable
X * buffers.
X * 16-may-86
X * - added store-macro (unbound) to store any executed command lines to
X * macro buffer.
X * - added clear-message-line (unbound) command to do just that
X * - added resize-window command to change a window's size to the
X * specified argument
X * - improved help's logic not to re-read the file if it was already
X * in a buffer
X * - added MAGIC mode to all structures and command tables, but the
X * regular expression code that John Gamble is writting is not ready.
X * 18-may-86
X * - added interactive prompt requests in command line execution. IE
X * while executing a macro, a parameter starting with an at sign (@)
X * causes emacs to prompt with the rest of the parameter and return
X * the resulting input as the value of the parameter.
X * - added arguments to split-current-window to force the cursor into
X * the upper or lower window.
X * 20-may-86
X * - added support for the Microsoft C compiler as per the changes
X * send in by Oliver Sharp
X * - made some upgrades and fixes for VMS sent in by Guy Streeter
X * 21-may-86
X * - fixed an AZTEC bug in ttgetc by clearing the upper byte
X * - fixed buf in CMODE with #preprocesser input (bug fix submitted by
X * Willis of unknown path)
X * - added support of alternative startup file ( @<filename> ) in
X * the command line
X * - added ^Q quoting in interactive input (mlreplyt()).
X * - added re-binding of meta-prefix and ctlx-prefix
X * 22-may-86
X * - reorginize getkey routines to make more sense and let prefix
X * binding work properly.
X * 23-may-86
X * - checked new code on BSD4.2 made a few fixes
X * - added optional fence matching while in CMODE
X * - added goto and search command line arguments by Mike Spitzer
X * 26-may-86
X * - added parameter fetching from buffers
X * 27-may-86
X * - fixed some HP150 bugs......
X * 31-may-86
X * - Added Wang PC keyboard support from modifications by
X * Sid Shapiro @ Wang Institute
X * - Fixed some reverse video bugs with code submitted by Peter Chubb
X * - Fixed bug in nextbuffer reported by Dave Forslund
X * - added system V support (USG) from Linwood Varney
X * 2-jun-86
X * - changed defines to just define one unix define (for example,
X * just define BSD for Unix BSD 4.2)
X * - Added Incremental search functions written by D. R. Banks
X * in file ISEARCH.C
X * - added insert-string (unbound) command to help the macro
X * language out.
X * - added unmark-buffer (M-~) command to turn off the current buffers
X * change flag
X * - fixed nxtarg to truncate strings longer than asked for max length
X * 4-jun-86
X * - added special characters in command line tokens. Tidle (~) is
X * the special leadin character for "nrtb".
X * - Fixed bad ifdef in aztec code so it could look at HOME dir
X * for startup, help, and emacs.rc files
X * 6-jun-86
X * - make delete word commands clear the kill buffer if not after another
X * kill command
X * 11-jun-86
X * - made ~@ in string arguments pass as char(192) to nxtarg() so one can
X * quote @ at the begining of string arguments
X * - changed buffer size vars in listbuffers() to long (for big files)
X * - re-wrote buffer-position command to be much faster
X * 12-jun-86
X * - added count-words (M-^C) command to count the words/chars and
X * lines in a region
X * - changed regions so they could be larger than 65535 (short ->
X * long in the REGION structure)
X * - changed ldelete() and all callers to use a long size. The kill
X * buffer will still have a problem >65535 that can not be solved
X * until I restructure it.
X * - grouped paragraph commands and word count together under symbol
X * WORDPRO to allow them to be conditionally made (or not)
X * 13-jun-86
X * - re-wrote kill buffer routines again. Now they support an unlimited
X * size kill buffer, and are (in theory) faster.
X * - changed delete-next-word (M-D) to not eat the newline after a word,
X * instead it checks and eats a newline at the cursor.
X * 17-jun-85
X * - added numeric argument to next/previous-window to access the nth
X * window from the top/bottom
X * - added support for the data General 10 MSDOS machine
X * - added save-window (unbound) and restore-window (unbound) commands
X * for the use of the menu script. Save-window remembers which window
X * is current, and restore-window returns the cursor to that window.
X * 20-jun-86
X * - fixed a bug with the fence matching locking up near the begining
X * of a buffer
X * - added argument to update to selectivaly force a complete update
X * - added update-screen (unbound) command so macros can force a
X * screen update
X * 21-jun-86
X * - rearranged token() and nxtarg() calls so that command names and
X * repeat counts could also be prompted and fetched from buffers
X * - added write-message (unbound) command to write out a message
X * on the message line (for macros)
X * - changed ifdef's so that color modes are reconized as legal in
X * b/w version, and simply do nothing (allowing us to use the same
X * script files)
X */
X#include <stdio.h>
X/* make global definitions not external */
X#define maindef
X#include "estruct.h" /* global structures and defines */
X#include "efunc.h" /* function declarations and name table */
X#include "edef.h" /* global definitions */
X#include "ebind.h" /* default key bindings */
X#if VMS
X#include <ssdef.h>
X#define GOOD (SS$_NORMAL)
X#ifndef GOOD
X#define GOOD 0
X#if APROF /* Declarations needed for AZTEC C profiling */
Xint _Corg(); /* first address of program */
Xint _Cend(); /* last address of program */
Xshort monbuf[NBUCK]; /* buffer for gather info */
Xmain(argc, argv)
Xchar *argv[];
X register int c;
X register int f;
X register int n;
X register int mflag;
X register BUFFER *bp;
X register int ffile; /* first file flag */
X register int carg; /* current arg to scan */
X register int startf; /* startup executed flag */
X int basec; /* c stripped of meta character */
X int viewflag; /* are we starting in view mode? */
X int gotoflag; /* do we need to goto a line at start? */
X int gline; /* if so, what line? */
X int searchflag; /* Do we need to search at start? */
X char bname[NBUFN]; /* buffer name of file to read */
X /* if we are doing AZTEC C profiling, start it up */
X /*_intr_sp(18); set clock interupt for 60/second */
X monitor(_Corg, _Cend, monbuf, NBUCK, 0);
X /* initialize the editor and process the command line arguments */
X strcpy(bname, "main"); /* default buffer name */
X vtinit(); /* Displays. */
X edinit(bname); /* Buffers, windows. */
X viewflag = FALSE; /* view mode defaults off in command line */
X gotoflag = FALSE; /* set to off to begin with */
X searchflag = FALSE; /* set to off to begin with */
X ffile = TRUE; /* no file to edit yet */
X startf = FALSE; /* startup file not executed yet */
X curwp->w_fcolor = gfcolor; /* and set colors */
X curwp->w_bcolor = gbcolor;
X /* scan through the command line and get the files to edit */
X for (carg = 1; carg < argc; ++carg) {
X /* if its a switch, process it */
X if (argv[carg][0] == '-') {
X switch (argv[carg][1]) {
X case 'v': /* -v for View File */
X case 'V':
X viewflag = TRUE;
X break;
X case 'e': /* -e for Edit file */
X case 'E':
X viewflag = FALSE;
X break;
X case 's': /* -s for initial search string */
X case 'S':
X searchflag = TRUE;
X strcpy(pat,&argv[carg][2]);
X break;
X case 'g': /* -g for initial goto */
X case 'G':
X gotoflag = TRUE;
X gline = atoi(&argv[carg][2]);
X break;
X default: /* unknown switch */
X /* ignore this for now */
X break;
X }
X } else /* check for a macro file */
X if (argv[carg][0]== '@') {
X if (startup(&argv[carg][1]) == TRUE)
X startf = TRUE; /* don't execute emacs.rc */
X } else { /* process a file name */
X /* if we haven't run emacs.rc, do it now */
X if (startf == FALSE) {
X startup("");
X startf = TRUE;
X }
X /* set up a buffer for this file */
X makename(bname, argv[carg]);
X /* if this is the first file, read it in */
X if (ffile) {
X bp = curbp;
X makename(bname, argv[carg]);
X strcpy(bp->b_bname, bname);
X strcpy(bp->b_fname, argv[carg]);
X if (readin(argv[carg], (viewflag==FALSE))
X == ABORT) {
X strcpy(bp->b_bname, "main");
X strcpy(bp->b_fname, "");
X }
X bp->b_dotp = bp->b_linep;
X bp->b_doto = 0;
X ffile = FALSE;
X } else {
X /* set this to inactive */
X bp = bfind(bname, TRUE, 0);
X strcpy(bp->b_fname, argv[carg]);
X bp->b_active = FALSE;
X }
X /* set the view mode appropriatly */
X if (viewflag)
X bp->b_mode |= MDVIEW;
X }
X }
X /* if invoked with nothing, run the startup file here */
X if (startf == FALSE) {
X startup("");
X startf = TRUE;
X }
X /* Deal with startup gotos and searches */
X if (gotoflag && searchflag) {
X update(FALSE);
X mlwrite("[Can not search and goto at the same time!]");
X }
X else if (gotoflag) {
X if (gotoline(NULL,gline) == FALSE) {
X update(FALSE);
X mlwrite("[Bogus goto argument]");
X }
X } else if (searchflag) {
X if (forscan(&pat[0], 2) == FALSE) {
X update(FALSE);
X mlwrite("Not found.");
X }
X }
X /* setup to process commands */
X lastflag = 0; /* Fake last flags. */
X curbp->b_mode |= gmode; /* and set default modes*/
X curwp->w_flag |= WFMODE; /* and force an update */
X curwp->w_fcolor = gfcolor; /* and set colors */
X curwp->w_bcolor = gbcolor;
X update(FALSE); /* Fix up the screen */
X c = getcmd();
X if (mpresf != FALSE) {
X mlerase();
X update(FALSE);
X if (c == ' ') /* ITS EMACS does this */
X goto loop;
X }
X f = FALSE;
X n = 1;
X /* do META-# processing if needed */
X basec = c & ~META; /* strip meta char off if there */
X if ((c & META) && ((basec >= '0' && basec <= '9') || basec == '-')) {
X f = TRUE; /* there is a # arg */
X n = 0; /* start with a zero default */
X mflag = 1; /* current minus flag */
X c = basec; /* strip the META */
X while ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c == '-')) {
X if (c == '-') {
X /* already hit a minus or digit? */
X if ((mflag == -1) || (n != 0))
X break;
X mflag = -1;
X } else {
X n = n * 10 + (c - '0');
X }
X if ((n == 0) && (mflag == -1)) /* lonely - */
X mlwrite("Arg:");
X else
X mlwrite("Arg: %d",n * mflag);
X c = getcmd(); /* get the next key */
X }
X n = n * mflag; /* figure in the sign */
X }
X /* do ^U repeat argument processing */
X if (c == (CTRL|'U')) { /* ^U, start argument */
X f = TRUE;
X n = 4; /* with argument of 4 */
X mflag = 0; /* that can be discarded. */
X mlwrite("Arg: 4");
X while ((c=getcmd()) >='0' && c<='9' || c==(CTRL|'U') || c=='-'){
X if (c == (CTRL|'U'))
X n = n*4;
X /*
X * If dash, and start of argument string, set arg.
X * to -1. Otherwise, insert it.
X */
X else if (c == '-') {
X if (mflag)
X break;
X n = 0;
X mflag = -1;
X }
X /*
X * If first digit entered, replace previous argument
X * with digit and set sign. Otherwise, append to arg.
X */
X else {
X if (!mflag) {
X n = 0;
X mflag = 1;
X }
X n = 10*n + c - '0';
X }
X mlwrite("Arg: %d", (mflag >=0) ? n : (n ? -n : -1));
X }
X /*
X * Make arguments preceded by a minus sign negative and change
X * the special argument "^U -" to an effective "^U -1".
X */
X if (mflag == -1) {
X if (n == 0)
X n++;
X n = -n;
X }
X }
X if (kbdmip != NULL) { /* Save macro strokes. */
X if (c!=(CTLX|')') && kbdmip>&kbdm[NKBDM-6]) {
X ctrlg(FALSE, 0);
X goto loop;
X }
X if (f != FALSE) {
X *kbdmip++ = (CTRL|'U');
X *kbdmip++ = n;
X }
X *kbdmip++ = c;
X }
X execute(c, f, n); /* Do it. */
X goto loop;
X * Initialize all of the buffers and windows. The buffer name is passed down
X * as an argument, because the main routine may have been told to read in a
X * file by default, and we want the buffer name to be right.
X */
Xchar bname[];
X register BUFFER *bp;
X register WINDOW *wp;
X char *malloc();
X bp = bfind(bname, TRUE, 0); /* First buffer */
X blistp = bfind("[List]", TRUE, BFINVS); /* Buffer list buffer */
X wp = (WINDOW *) malloc(sizeof(WINDOW)); /* First window */
X if (bp==NULL || wp==NULL || blistp==NULL)
X exit(1);
X curbp = bp; /* Make this current */
X wheadp = wp;
X curwp = wp;
X wp->w_wndp = NULL; /* Initialize window */
X wp->w_bufp = bp;
X bp->b_nwnd = 1; /* Displayed. */
X wp->w_linep = bp->b_linep;
X wp->w_dotp = bp->b_linep;
X wp->w_doto = 0;
X wp->w_markp = NULL;
X wp->w_marko = 0;
X wp->w_toprow = 0;
X /* initalize colors to global defaults */
X wp->w_fcolor = gfcolor;
X wp->w_bcolor = gbcolor;
X wp->w_ntrows = term.t_nrow-1; /* "-1" for mode line. */
X wp->w_force = 0;
X wp->w_flag = WFMODE|WFHARD; /* Full. */
X * This is the general command execution routine. It handles the fake binding
X * of all the keys to "self-insert". It also clears out the "thisflag" word,
X * and arranges to move it to the "lastflag", so that the next command can
X * look at it. Return the status of command.
X */
Xexecute(c, f, n)
X register KEYTAB *ktp;
X register int status;
X ktp = &keytab[0]; /* Look in key table. */
X while (ktp->k_fp != NULL) {
X if (ktp->k_code == c) {
X thisflag = 0;
X status = (*ktp->k_fp)(f, n);
X lastflag = thisflag;
X return (status);
X }
X ++ktp;
X }
X /*
X * If a space was typed, fill column is defined, the argument is non-
X * negative, wrap mode is enabled, and we are now past fill column,
X * and we are not read-only, perform word wrap.
X */
X if (c == ' ' && (curwp->w_bufp->b_mode & MDWRAP) && fillcol > 0 &&
X n >= 0 && getccol(FALSE) > fillcol &&
X (curwp->w_bufp->b_mode & MDVIEW) == FALSE)
X wrapword();
X if ((c>=0x20 && c<=0x7E) /* Self inserting. */
X || (c>=0xA0 && c<=0xFE)) {
X if (n <= 0) { /* Fenceposts. */
X lastflag = 0;
X return (n<0 ? FALSE : TRUE);
X }
X thisflag = 0; /* For the future. */
X /* if we are in overwrite mode, not at eol,
X and next char is not a tab or we are at a tab stop,
X delete a char forword */
X if (curwp->w_bufp->b_mode & MDOVER &&
X curwp->w_doto < curwp->w_dotp->l_used &&
X (lgetc(curwp->w_dotp, curwp->w_doto) != '\t' ||
X (curwp->w_doto) % 8 == 7))
X ldelete(1L, FALSE);
X /* do the appropriate insertion */
X if (c == '}' && (curbp->b_mode & MDCMOD) != 0)
X status = insbrace(n, c);
X else if (c == '#' && (curbp->b_mode & MDCMOD) != 0)
X status = inspound();
X else
X status = linsert(n, c);
X /* check for CMODE fence matching */
X if ((c == '}' || c == ')') && (curbp->b_mode & MDCMOD) != 0)
X fmatch(c);
X lastflag = thisflag;
X return (status);
X }
X (*term.t_beep)();
X mlwrite("[Key not bound]"); /* complain */
X lastflag = 0; /* Fake last flags. */
X return (FALSE);
X * Fancy quit command, as implemented by Norm. If the any buffer has
X * changed do a write on that buffer and exit emacs, otherwise simply exit.
X */
Xquickexit(f, n)
X register BUFFER *bp; /* scanning pointer to buffers */
X bp = bheadp;
X while (bp != NULL) {
X if ((bp->b_flag&BFCHG) != 0 /* Changed. */
X && (bp->b_flag&BFINVS) == 0) { /* Real. */
X curbp = bp; /* make that buffer cur */
X mlwrite("[Saving %s]",bp->b_fname);
X filesave(f, n);
X }
X bp = bp->b_bufp; /* on to the next buffer */
X }
X quit(f, n); /* conditionally quit */
X * Quit command. If an argument, always quit. Otherwise confirm if a buffer
X * has been changed and not written out. Normally bound to "C-X C-C".
X */
Xquit(f, n)
X register int s;
X if (f != FALSE /* Argument forces it. */
X || anycb() == FALSE /* All buffers clean. */
X /* User says it's OK. */
X || (s=mlyesno("Modified buffers exist. Leave anyway")) == TRUE) {
X if (lockrel() != TRUE) {
X (*term.t_putchar)('\n');
X (*term.t_putchar)('\r');
X (*term.t_close)();
X exit(1);
X }
X vttidy();
X /* if doing AZTEC C profiling, close up and write it out */
X monitor(0,0,0,0,0);
X exit(GOOD);
X }
X mlwrite("");
X return (s);
X * Begin a keyboard macro.
X * Error if not at the top level in keyboard processing. Set up variables and
X * return.
X */
Xctlxlp(f, n)
X if (kbdmip!=NULL || kbdmop!=NULL) {
X mlwrite("Not now");
X return (FALSE);
X }
X mlwrite("[Start macro]");
X kbdmip = &kbdm[0];
X return (TRUE);
X * End keyboard macro. Check for the same limit conditions as the above
X * routine. Set up the variables and return to the caller.
X */
Xctlxrp(f, n)
X if (kbdmip == NULL) {
X mlwrite("Not now");
X return (FALSE);
X }
X mlwrite("[End macro]");
X kbdmip = NULL;
X return (TRUE);
X * Execute a macro.
X * The command argument is the number of times to loop. Quit as soon as a
X * command gets an error. Return TRUE if all ok, else FALSE.
X */
Xctlxe(f, n)
X register int c;
X register int af;
X register int an;
X register int s;
X if (kbdmip!=NULL || kbdmop!=NULL) {
X mlwrite("Not now");
X return (FALSE);
X }
X if (n <= 0)
X return (TRUE);
X do {
X kbdmop = &kbdm[0];
X do {
X af = FALSE;
X an = 1;
X if ((c = *kbdmop++) == (CTRL|'U')) {
X af = TRUE;
X an = *kbdmop++;
X c = *kbdmop++;
X }
X s = TRUE;
X } while (c!=(CTLX|')') && (s=execute(c, af, an))==TRUE);
X kbdmop = NULL;
X } while (s==TRUE && --n);
X return (s);
X * Abort.
X * Beep the beeper. Kill off any keyboard macro, etc., that is in progress.
X * Sometimes called as a routine, to do general aborting of stuff.
X */
Xctrlg(f, n)
X (*term.t_beep)();
X if (kbdmip != NULL) {
X kbdm[0] = (CTLX|')');
X kbdmip = NULL;
X }
X mlwrite("[Aborted]");
X return (ABORT);
X/* tell the user that this command is illegal while we are in
X VIEW (read-only) mode */
X (*term.t_beep)();
X mlwrite("[Key illegal in VIEW mode]");
X return(FALSE);
Xmeta() /* dummy function for binding to meta prefix */
Xcex() /* dummy function for binding to control-x prefix */
echo extracting - menu.cmd
sed 's/^X//' > menu.cmd << 'FRIDAY_NIGHT'
X; MENU.CMD: Menu learning system for MicroEMACS 3.7
X; This file is executed to activate MicroEMACS's
X; menu interface code
X; setup windows for use
X add-global-mode "blue"
X 1 split-current-window
X 5 resize-window
X add-mode "red"
X view-file "menu1"
X name-buffer "menu window"
X change-file-name ""
X add-mode "view"
X next-window
X; Load menu routines as needed
X; Activate Main Menu
X1 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X begining-of-file
X search-forward "<<01"
X next-line
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X update-screen
X; ***** Rebind the Function key group
X bind-to-key execute-macro-3 FN;
X bind-to-key execute-macro-4 FN<
X bind-to-key execute-macro-5 FN=
X bind-to-key execute-macro-6 FN>
X bind-to-key execute-macro-7 FN?
X bind-to-key execute-macro-8 FN@
X bind-to-key execute-macro-9 FNA
X bind-to-key execute-macro-2 FNB
X bind-to-key execute-macro-10 FNC
X bind-to-key exit-emacs FND
X clear-message-line
X; and bring that menu up
X execute-macro-1
X write-message " [loading MENU system]"
X; set up the editor control menu
X2 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X begining-of-file
X search-forward "<<02"
X next-line
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X update-screen
X; ***** Rebind the Function key group
X bind-to-key execute-macro-11 FN;
X bind-to-key execute-macro-12 FN<
X bind-to-key execute-macro-13 FN=
X bind-to-key execute-macro-14 FN>
X bind-to-key execute-macro-15 FN?
X bind-to-key execute-macro-16 FN@
X bind-to-key execute-macro-17 FNA
X bind-to-key execute-macro-18 FNB
X bind-to-key execute-macro-19 FNC
X bind-to-key execute-macro-1 FND
X clear-message-line
X; Activate word case/screen control Menu
X3 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X begining-of-file
X search-forward "<<03"
X next-line
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X update-screen
X; ***** Rebind the Function key group
X bind-to-key case-word-upper FN;
X bind-to-key case-region-upper FN<
X bind-to-key case-word-lower FN=
X bind-to-key case-region-lower FN>
X bind-to-key case-word-capitalize FN?
X unbind-key FN@
X bind-to-key clear-and-redraw FNA
X bind-to-key set-mark FNB
X bind-to-key redraw-display FNC
X bind-to-key execute-macro-1 FND
X clear-message-line
X; Activate paging/scrolling Menu
X4 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X begining-of-file
X search-forward "<<08"
X next-line
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X update-screen
X; ***** Rebind the Function key group
X bind-to-key previous-page FN;
X bind-to-key next-page FN<
X bind-to-key move-window-down FN=
X bind-to-key move-window-up FN>
X bind-to-key scroll-next-up FN?
X unbind-key FN@
X bind-to-key scroll-next-down FNA
X unbind-key FNB
X bind-to-key exchange-point-and-mark FNC
X bind-to-key execute-macro-1 FND
X clear-message-line
X; Activate cut & paste Menu
X5 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X begining-of-file
X search-forward "<<04"
X next-line
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X update-screen
X; ***** Rebind the Function key group
X bind-to-key set-mark FN;
X unbind-key FN<
X bind-to-key kill-region FN=
X unbind-key FN>
X bind-to-key copy-region FN?
X unbind-key FN@
X bind-to-key yank FNA
X unbind-key FNB
X unbind-key FNC
X bind-to-key execute-macro-1 FND
X clear-message-line
X; Activate Search & replace Menu
X6 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X begining-of-file
X search-forward "<<09"
X next-line
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X update-screen
X; ***** Rebind the Function key group
X bind-to-key search-forward FN;
X bind-to-key search-reverse FN<
X bind-to-key hunt-forward FN=
X bind-to-key hunt-backward FN>
X bind-to-key incremental-search FN?
X bind-to-key reverse-incremental-search FN@
X bind-to-key replace-string FNA
X bind-to-key query-replace-string FNB
X unbind-key FNC
X bind-to-key execute-macro-1 FND
X clear-message-line
X; Activate Deletion Menu
X7 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X begining-of-file
X search-forward "<<05"
X next-line
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X update-screen
X; ***** Rebind the Function key group
X bind-to-key delete-previous-character FN;
X unbind-key FN<
X bind-to-key delete-next-character FN=
X unbind-key FN>
X bind-to-key kill-to-end-of-line FN?
X unbind-key FN@
X bind-to-key delete-blank-lines FNA
X unbind-key FNB
X unbind-key FNC
X bind-to-key execute-macro-1 FND
X clear-message-line
X; Activate Word procesing Menu
X8 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X begining-of-file
X search-forward "<<10"
X next-line
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X update-screen
X; ***** Rebind the Function key group
X bind-to-key previous-word FN;
X bind-to-key next-word FN<
X bind-to-key previous-paragraph FN=
X bind-to-key next-paragraph FN>
X bind-to-key fill-paragraph FN?
X bind-to-key kill-paragraph FN@
X bind-to-key delete-previous-word FNA
X bind-to-key delete-next-word FNB
X bind-to-key count-words FNC
X bind-to-key execute-macro-1 FND
X clear-message-line
X; Activate Insertion Menu
X9 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X begining-of-file
X search-forward "<<06"
X next-line
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X update-screen
X; ***** Rebind the Function key group
X bind-to-key open-line FN;
X bind-to-key insert-string FN<
X bind-to-key handle-tab FN=
X bind-to-key quote-character FN>
X bind-to-key insert-space FN?
X bind-to-key transpose-characters FN@
X bind-to-key newline-and-indent FNA
X unbind-key FNB
X bind-to-key newline FNC
X bind-to-key execute-macro-1 FND
X clear-message-line
X; Activate Cursor movement Menu
X10 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X begining-of-file
X search-forward "<<07"
X next-line
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X update-screen
X; ***** Rebind the Function key group
X bind-to-key begining-of-file FN;
X bind-to-key previous-line FN<
X bind-to-key backward-character FN=
X bind-to-key forward-character FN>
X bind-to-key end-of-file FN?
X bind-to-key next-line FN@
X bind-to-key begining-of-line FNA
X bind-to-key end-of-line FNB
X bind-to-key execute-macro-21 FNC
X bind-to-key execute-macro-1 FND
X clear-message-line
X21 store-macro
X "@Line number to go to: " goto-line
X; Activate Buffer Menu
X11 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X begining-of-file
X search-forward "<<11"
X next-line
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X update-screen
X; ***** Rebind the Function key group
X bind-to-key buffer-position FN;
X bind-to-key unmark-buffer FN<
X bind-to-key delete-buffer FN=
X bind-to-key next-buffer FN>
X bind-to-key list-buffers FN?
X bind-to-key execute-macro-22 FN@
X bind-to-key name-buffer FNA
X unbind-key FNB
X bind-to-key select-buffer FNC
X bind-to-key execute-macro-2 FND
X clear-message-line
X22 store-macro
X filter-buffer "@Name of DOS filter: "
X; Macro Menu
X12 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X begining-of-file
X search-forward "<<11"
X next-line
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X update-screen
X; ***** Rebind the Function key group
X bind-to-key begin-macro FN;
X unbind-key FN<
X bind-to-key end-macro FN=
X unbind-key FN>
X bind-to-key execute-macro FN?
X unbind-key FN@
X unbind-key FNA
X unbind-key FNB
X unbind-key FNC
X bind-to-key execute-macro-2 FND
X clear-message-line
X; Color change Menu
X13 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X begining-of-file
X search-forward "<<12"
X next-line
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X update-screen
X; ***** Rebind the Function key group
X bind-to-key execute-macro-23 FN;
X unbind-key FN<
X bind-to-key execute-macro-24 FN=
X unbind-key FN>
X bind-to-key execute-macro-25 FN?
X unbind-key FN@
X bind-to-key execute-macro-26 FNA
X unbind-key FNB
X unbind-key FNC
X bind-to-key execute-macro-2 FND
X clear-message-line
X; Set forground color
X23 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X select-buffer "[color]"
X begining-of-file
X insert-string "@Color to change to: "
X newline
X begining-of-file
X case-word-upper
X begining-of-file
X unmark-buffer
X select-buffer "menu window"
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X add-mode "#[color]"
X delete-buffer "[color]"
X; Set background color
X24 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X select-buffer "[color]"
X begining-of-file
X insert-string "@Color to change to: "
X newline
X begining-of-file
X case-word-lower
X begining-of-file
X unmark-buffer
X select-buffer "menu window"
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X add-mode "#[color]"
X delete-buffer "[color]"
X; Set global forground color
X25 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X select-buffer "[color]"
X begining-of-file
X insert-string "@Color to change to: "
X newline
X begining-of-file
X case-word-upper
X begining-of-file
X unmark-buffer
X select-buffer "menu window"
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X add-global-mode "#[color]"
X delete-buffer "[color]"
X; Set global background color
X26 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X select-buffer "[color]"
X begining-of-file
X insert-string "@Color to change to: "
X newline
X begining-of-file
X case-word-lower
X begining-of-file
X unmark-buffer
X select-buffer "menu window"
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X add-global-mode "#[color]"
X delete-buffer "[color]"
X; set Mode Menu
X14 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X begining-of-file
X search-forward "<<17"
X next-line
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X update-screen
X; ***** Rebind the Function key group
X bind-to-key add-mode FN;
X bind-to-key add-global-mode FN<
X bind-to-key delete-mode FN=
X bind-to-key delete-global-mode FN>
X unbind-key FN?
X bind-to-key execute-macro-27 FN@
X unbind-key FNA
X unbind-key FNB
X bind-to-key select-buffer FNC
X bind-to-key execute-macro-2 FND
X clear-message-line
X27 store-macro
X "@Column to fill to: " set-fill-column
X; DOS command Menu
X15 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X begining-of-file
X search-forward "<<13"
X next-line
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X update-screen
X; ***** Rebind the Function key group
X bind-to-key shell-command FN;
X unbind-key FN<
X bind-to-key pipe-command FN=
X unbind-key FN>
X bind-to-key i-shell FN?
X unbind-key FN@
X bind-to-key quick-exit FNA
X unbind-key FNB
X bind-to-key exit-emacs FNC
X bind-to-key execute-macro-2 FND
X clear-message-line
X; Script Menu
X16 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X begining-of-file
X search-forward "<<18"
X next-line
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X update-screen
X; ***** Rebind the Function key group
X bind-to-key execute-file FN;
X bind-to-key execute-command-line FN<
X bind-to-key execute-buffer FN=
X bind-to-key execute-named-command FN>
X unbind-key FN?
X unbind-key FN@
X unbind-key FNA
X unbind-key FNB
X unbind-key FNC
X bind-to-key execute-macro-2 FND
X clear-message-line
X; File access Menu
X17 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X begining-of-file
X search-forward "<<14"
X next-line
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X update-screen
X; ***** Rebind the Function key group
X bind-to-key find-file FN;
X bind-to-key save-file FN<
X bind-to-key view-file FN=
X bind-to-key write-file FN>
X bind-to-key read-file FN?
X bind-to-key change-file-name FN@
X bind-to-key insert-file FNA
X unbind-key FNB
X unbind-key FNC
X bind-to-key execute-macro-2 FND
X clear-message-line
X; Window Menu
X18 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X begining-of-file
X search-forward "<<19"
X next-line
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X update-screen
X; ***** Rebind the Function key group
X bind-to-key split-current-window FN;
X bind-to-key delete-other-windows FN<
X bind-to-key resize-window FN=
X bind-to-key delete-window FN>
X bind-to-key shrink-window FN?
X bind-to-key grow-window FN@
X bind-to-key next-window FNA
X bind-to-key previous-window FNB
X unbind-key FNC
X bind-to-key execute-macro-2 FND
X clear-message-line
X; key binding Menu
X19 store-macro
X save-window
X 1 next-window
X begining-of-file
X search-forward "<<15"
X next-line
X 1 redraw-display
X restore-window
X update-screen
X; ***** Rebind the Function key group
X bind-to-key bind-to-key FN;
X unbind-key FN<
X bind-to-key unbind-key FN=
X unbind-key FN>
X bind-to-key describe-key FN?
X unbind-key FN@
X bind-to-key describe-bindings FNA
X unbind-key FNB
X unbind-key FNC
X bind-to-key execute-macro-2 FND
X clear-message-line
X clear-message-line
echo es.8 completed!
: That's all folks!
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