v06i058: Elm fixes for BSD, et. al. (elm/Patches1)
sources-request at mirror.UUCP
sources-request at mirror.UUCP
Thu Jul 17 00:35:59 AEST 1986
Submitted by: Dave Taylor <cca!HPLABS.HP.COM!taylor at hpldat>
Mod.sources: Volume 6, Issue 58
Archive-name: elm/Patches1
Fixes to Elm version 1.1, as posted to mod.sources
[last update 7/14/86]
Notationally, any lines that have an asterisk in the first column are those
that have changed in one way or another. The asterisk shouldn't be part of
what's actually typed in, needless to say!
Secondly, when you've applied this set of patches, you should go into the
file "hdrs/defs.h" and change the VERSION number from 1.1 to 1.2, and change
the what_string line to;
#define WHAT_STRING "@(#) Version 1.2, patch #1 release - July 1986"
Don't do it until the patches and Enhancement(s) have all been added,
Documentation glitches;
1. In the file "doc/elm.1" the flags listing should read;
* .TP
.B "-c"
Checkalias - expand the following aliases and return.
* .TP
.B "-d <level>"
Debug - set specified debug level - Output to "$HOME/Elm:debug.info"
2. In the main Makefile, the configuration guide formatting should be;
doc/Config.fmtd: doc/Config.guide
* ${TBL} doc/Config.guide | ${FORMATTER} -mm > doc/Config.fmtd
Makefile problems;
1. see #2 above
2. In the main Makefile, the multiple arguments need to be quoted
for some systems, to wit;
# else if on a Sun system:
# LIB2 = -lcurses
# else if on a Pyramid system:
Utility problems;
1. In the Utilities makefile, the checkalias generation line to;
* @echo 'exec elm -c $$*' >> ../bin/checkalias
2. in newmail.c and wnewmail.c move the lines;
# include <signal.h> /* background jobs ignore some signals... */
to occur AFTER the include for "defs.h". Otherwise it'll just
get hopelessly confused.
3. In the file arepdaemon.c, change the header declarations to;
* #ifdef BSD
* # include <sys/time.h>
* #else
# include <time.h>
* #endif
and remove the definition ->in this file<- of the constant "NLEN",
which is defined in the included file "defs.h". This will clear
up some compile-time problems on BSD systems...
4. In the file autoreply.c, remove the macro definition for the constant
READ_ACCESS (that is, remove the line "#define READ_ACCESS 04")
Elm system problems;
1. In the file src/showmsg.c, change the line just before the display()
function to;
FILE *output_pipe,
* *popen();
This will eliminate the "illegal combination of pointer and integer"
message encountered when compiling this routine.
2. In the file src/getopt.c, change the lines;
if (argv[_argnum] == NULL && _indx > 1) { /* Sun compatability */
_indx = 1; /* zeroeth char is '-' */
* else if (argv[_argnum] != NULL)
if (_indx >= strlen(argv[_argnum]) && _indx > 1) {
_indx = 1; /* zeroeth char is '-' */
This will eliminate the Bus Error encountered on the Sun systems
and some BSD systems...
While in this file, change all compares against 'argc' from being '>'
to being '>=' (that is, change the two occurances of the line
"if (_argnum > argc) {" to "if (_argnum >= argc) {"
3. In the file "src/date.c" change the lines;
* minute1 = minute2 = -1;
sscanf(rec1->time, "%d:%d", &hour1, &minute1);
sscanf(rec2->time, "%d:%d", &hour2, &minute2);
* if (minute1 == -1)
* sscanf(rec1->time, "%2d%2d", &hour1, &minute1);
* if (minute2 == -1)
* sscanf(rec2->time, "%2d%2d", &hour2, &minute2);
if (hour1 != hour2)
return( hour1 - hour2 );
* return( minute1 - minute2 ); /* ignore seconds... */
4. In the file "src/hdrconfg.c" add....
switch (c) {
* case ctrl('J'):
case ctrl('M'):
case 'Q' : goto outta_here;
MORE importantly - and this one causes a 'bus error' on BSD systems!!
alter the case 'I' line to read;
* case 'I' : if (strlen(in_reply_to) > 0) {
if (optionally_enter(in_reply_to, 11,13, FALSE) == -1)
goto outta_here;
[the change is in the location of the innermost right paren on the
call to 'strlen' on the first line of this case entry...!]
5. In the file src/initialize.c, alter the figure out lines setting to;
* ScreenSize(&LINES, &COLUMNS);
if ((cp = getenv("LINES")) != NULL && isdigit(*cp)) {
sscanf(cp, "%d", &LINES);
LINES -= 1; /* kludge for HP Window system? ... */
and remove the call to "ScreenSize()" from the file "src/elm.c"
6. In the file src/elm.c, remove the call to ScreenSize() (see #5)
Also, change the cases for '+' and '-' to read;
case ' ' :
case '+' : header_page++; nuhead++;
if (move_when_paged &&
* header_page <=(message_count / headers_per_page))
current = header_page*headers_per_page + 1;
case '-' : header_page--; nuhead++;
* if (move_when_paged && header_page >= 0)
current = header_page*headers_per_page + 1;
[the change is the tests to see what page we're on have become '<='
from '<' and '>=' from '>' respectively...]
7. In the file src/screen.c, replace sprintf with the following;
sprintf(buffer, "%s%s%c%c%c%-3d %3.3s %-2d %-18.18s (%d) %s%s%s",
* highlight? ((has_highlighting && !arrow_cursor) ?
* start_highlight : "->") : " ",
* (highlight && has_highlighting && !arrow_cursor)? " " : "",
(entry->status & DELETED? 'D' : ' '),
(entry->status & TAGGED? '+' : ' '),
(entry->lines / 1000 > 0? "" : /* spacing the */
entry->lines / 100 > 0? " " : /* same for the */
entry->lines / 10 > 0? " " : /* lines in () */
" "), /* [wierd] */
* (highlight && has_highlighting && !arrow_cursor) ?
* end_highlight : "");
8. In the file src/delete.c change the following routines to be what's
listed here...
int msg;
/** show the status of the current message only. **/
if (on_page(msg)) {
MoveCursor((msg % headers_per_page) + 4, 3);
* if (msg == current && !arrow_cursor) {
* StartBold();
* Writechar(ison(header_table[msg].status,DELETED)?'D':' ');
* EndBold();
* }
* else
Writechar(ison(header_table[msg].status,DELETED)?'D':' ');
int msg;
/** show the tag status of the current message only. **/
if (on_page(msg)) {
MoveCursor((msg % headers_per_page) + 4, 4);
* if (msg == current && !arrow_cursor) {
* StartBold();
* Writechar(ison(header_table[msg].status,TAGGED)? '+' : ' ');
* EndBold();
* }
* else
Writechar(ison(header_table[msg].status,TAGGED)? '+' : ' ');
int msg;
/** If the specified message is on this screen, show
the new status (could be marked for deletion now,
and could have tag removed...)
if (on_page(msg))
* if (msg == current && !arrow_cursor) {
* StartBold();
* PutLine2((msg % headers_per_page) + 4, 3, "%c%c",
* ison(header_table[msg].status, DELETED)? 'D' : ' ',
* ison(header_table[msg].status, TAGGED )? '+' : ' ');
* EndBold();
* }
* else
PutLine2((msg % headers_per_page) + 4, 3, "%c%c",
ison(header_table[msg].status, DELETED)? 'D' : ' ',
ison(header_table[msg].status, TAGGED )? '+' : ' ');
9. in src/newmbox.c change;
(void) fclose(mailfile); /* close it first, to avoid too many open */
* if (mailfile != NULL)
(void) fclose(mailfile); /* close it first, to avoid too many open */
10. In the files src/help.c src/date.c src/initialize.c and src/domains.c
make sure both 'toupper' and 'tolower' are undefined if we're on a
BSD system;
* #ifdef BSD
* # undef tolower
* # undef toupper
* #endif
11. In the file src/file_utils.c change the following; At the top of the
file include the three lines;
* #ifdef BSD
* #include <sys/wait.h>
* #endif
and further in the file replace the existing "can_access()" with;
can_access(file, mode)
char *file;
int mode;
/** returns ZERO iff user can access file or "errno" **/
int stat = 0, pid, w;
* #ifdef BSD
* union wait status;
* #else
* int status;
* #endif
register int (*istat)(), (*qstat)();
#ifdef NO_VM /* machine without virtual memory!! */
if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {
if ((pid = vfork()) == 0) {
setuid(userid); /** back to normal userid **/
errno = 0;
* if (access(file, mode))
* _exit(errno);
* else
* _exit(0);
istat = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
qstat = signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
while ((w = wait(&status)) != pid && w != -1)
* #ifdef BSD
* if (status.w_retcode != 0) stat = status.w_retcode;
* #else
* if (w == -1) stat = status;
* #endif
signal(SIGINT, istat);
signal(SIGQUIT, qstat);
* return(stat);
and "can_open()" with;
can_open(file, mode)
char *file;
char *mode;
/** returns 0 iff user can open the file. This is not
the same as can_access - it's used for when the file might
not exist... **/
int stat = 0, pid, w;
* #ifdef BSD
* union wait status;
* #else
* int status;
* #endif
register int (*istat)(), (*qstat)();
#ifdef NO_VM /* machine without virtual memory!! */
if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {
if ((pid = vfork()) == 0) {
setuid(userid); /** back to normal userid **/
errno = 0;
* if (fopen(file, mode) == NULL)
* _exit(errno);
* else
* _exit(0);
istat = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
qstat = signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
while ((w = wait(&status)) != pid && w != -1)
* #ifdef BSD
* if (status.w_retcode != 0) stat = status.w_retcode;
* #else
* if (w == -1) stat = status;
* #endif
signal(SIGINT, istat);
signal(SIGQUIT, qstat);
* return(stat);
12. In the file "src/syscall.c" make the following changes;
Add the following three lines to the top of the file;
#ifdef BSD
# include <sys/wait.h>
system_call(string, shell_type)
char *string;
int shell_type;
/** execute 'string', setting uid to userid... **/
/** if shell-type is "SH" /bin/sh is used regardless of the
users shell setting. Otherwise, "USER_SHELL" is sent **/
int stat = 0, pid, w;
* #ifdef BSD
* union wait status;
* #else
* int status;
* #endif
register int (*istat)(), (*qstat)();
dprint2(2,"System Call: %s\n\t%s\n",
shell_type == SH? "/bin/sh" : shell, string);
#ifdef NO_VM /* machine without virtual memory! */
if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {
if ((pid = vfork()) == 0) {
setuid(userid); /* back to the normal user! */
setgid(groupid); /* and group id */
if (strlen(shell) > 0 && shell_type == USER_SHELL) {
execl(shell, argv_zero(shell), "-c", string, 0);
execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", string, 0);
istat = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
qstat = signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
while ((w = wait(&status)) != pid && w != -1)
* #ifdef BSD
* if (status.w_retcode != 0) stat = status.w_retcode;
* #else
* if (w == -1) stat = status;
* #endif
signal(SIGINT, istat);
signal(SIGQUIT, qstat);
* return(stat);
13. On BSD systems the tgetstr() function seems a tad flaky. This can be
avoided (to some extent) by changing curses.c as follows;
char *return_value_of(termcap_label)
char *termcap_label;
/** This will return the string kept by termcap for the
specified capability. Modified to ensure that if
tgetstr returns a pointer to a transient address
that we won't bomb out with a later segmentation
fault (thanks to Dave at Infopro for this one!) **/
static char escape_sequence[20];
char *tgetstr(); /* Get termcap capability */
dprint1(9,"return_value_of(%s)\n", termcap_label);
* if (termcap_label[0] == 's' && termcap_label[1] == 'o')
* strcpy(escape_sequence, _setinverse);
* else if (termcap_label[0] == 's' && termcap_label[1] == 'e')
* strcpy(escape_sequence, _clearinverse);
* else
strcpy(escape_sequence, tgetstr(termcap_label, &ptr));
return( (char *) escape_sequence);
14. In the file src/newmbox.c, change line 353 to read;
* header_table[count > 0? count-1:count].lines = line + 1;
[The previous version was computing the number of lines in
the last message in the mailbox incorrectly - this will fix
that problem]
[last added to on 7/11/86]
Enhancement One: support adding user NAMES to outbound mail and replies.
* NOTE: You'll need Enhancement two to be able to fully utilize this *
* feature - this set of changes will allow sending and replying *
* INDIVIDUALLY to users with their names on the outbound addresses *
* It will NOT be able to deal with G)roup replies until the next *
* BUGFIX document is issued. Install at your own risk (as always) *
1. Replace the file "utils/newalias.c" with the following file (lots of
[the following is 511 lines long...]
/** newalias.c **/
/** (C) Copyright 1986 Dave Taylor **/
/** Install a new set of aliases for the 'Elm' mailer.
If invoked with a specific filename, it assumes that
it is working with an individual users alias tables, and
generates the .alias.hash and .alias.data files in their
home directory.
If, however, it is invoked with no arguments, then
it assumes that the user is updating the system alias
file and uses the defaults for everything.
The format for the input file is;
alias1, alias2, ... : username : address
or alias1, alias2, ... : groupname: member, member, member, ...
member, member, member, ...
"-q" flag added: 6/17/86
#ifdef BSD
# include <sys/file.h>
# include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "defs.h" /* ELM system definitions */
static char ident[] = { WHAT_STRING };
#ifndef TAB
# define TAB '\t' /* TAB character! */
#define alias_hash ".alias_hash"
#define alias_data ".alias_data"
#define alias_text ".alias_text"
#define group(string) (strpbrk(string,", ") != NULL)
struct alias_rec
shash_table[MAX_SALIASES]; /* the actual hash table */
struct alias_rec
uhash_table[MAX_UALIASES]; /* the actual hash table */
int hash_table_loaded=0; /* is system table actually loaded? */
int buff_loaded; /* for file input overlap... */
int error= 0; /* if errors, don't save! */
int system=0; /* system file updating? */
int count=0; /* how many aliases so far? */
long offset = 0L; /* data file line offset! */
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
FILE *in, *data;
char inputname[SLEN], hashname[SLEN], dataname[SLEN];
char home[SLEN], buffer[LONG_STRING];
int hash, count = 0, owner, quiet = 0;
if (argc != 1)
if (strcmp(argv[1], "-q") == 0)
exit(printf("Usage: %s\n", argv[0]));
owner = getuid();
if (owner == 0 && ! quiet) { /* being run by root! */
printf("Would you like to update the system aliases? (y/n)");
gets(buffer, 2);
if (buffer[0] == 'y' || buffer[0] == 'Y') {
printf("Updating the system alias file...\n");
sprintf(inputname, "%s/%s", mailhome, alias_text);
sprintf(hashname, "%s/%s", mailhome, alias_hash);
sprintf(dataname, "%s/%s", mailhome, alias_data);
init_table(shash_table, MAX_SALIASES);
printf("Updating your personal alias file...\n");
if (! system) {
if (strcpy(home, getenv("HOME")) == NULL)
exit(printf("Confused: No HOME variable in environment!\n"));
sprintf(inputname, "%s/%s", home, alias_text);
sprintf(hashname, "%s/%s", home, alias_hash);
sprintf(dataname, "%s/%s", home, alias_data);
init_table(uhash_table, MAX_UALIASES);
read_in_system(shash_table, sizeof shash_table);
if ((in = fopen(inputname,"r")) == NULL)
exit(printf("Couldn't open %s for input!\n", inputname));
if ((hash = open(hashname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0644)) == -1)
exit(printf("Couldn't open %s for output!\n", hashname));
if ((data = fopen(dataname,"w")) == NULL)
exit(printf("Couldn't open %s for output!\n", dataname));
buff_loaded = 0; /* file buffer empty right now! */
while (get_alias(in, buffer) != -1) {
if (system)
put_alias(data, buffer, shash_table, MAX_SALIASES);
put_alias(data, buffer, uhash_table, MAX_UALIASES);
if (error) {
printf("\n** Not saving tables! Please fix and re-run %s!\n",
else {
if (system)
write(hash, shash_table, sizeof shash_table);
write(hash, uhash_table, sizeof uhash_table);
printf("Processed %d aliases\n", count);
get_alias(file, buffer)
FILE *file;
char *buffer;
/* load buffer with the next complete alias from the file.
(this can include reading in multiple lines and appending
them all together!) Returns EOF after last entry in file.
Lines that start with '#' are assumed to be comments and are
ignored. White space as the first field of a line is taken
to indicate that this line is a continuation of the previous. */
static char mybuffer[SLEN];
int done = 0, first_read = 1;
/** get the first line of the entry... **/
buffer[0] = '\0'; /* zero out line */
do {
if (get_line(file, mybuffer, first_read) == -1)
first_read = 0;
if (mybuffer[0] != '#')
strcpy(buffer, mybuffer);
} while (strlen(buffer) == 0);
/** now read in the rest (if there is any!) **/
do {
if (get_line(file, mybuffer, first_read) == -1) {
buff_loaded = 0; /* force a read next pass! */
return(0); /* okay. let's just hand 'buffer' back! */
done = (mybuffer[0] != ' ' && mybuffer[0] != TAB);
if (mybuffer[0] != '#' && ! done)
strcat(buffer, mybuffer);
done = (done && mybuffer[0] != '#');
} while (! done);
return(0); /* no sweat! */
put_alias(data, buffer, table, size)
FILE *data;
char *buffer;
struct alias_rec table[];
int size;
/** break buffer down into three pieces: aliases, comment, and address.
Make the appropriate entries in the table (size)
char aliases[LONG_STRING], address[LONG_STRING];
char comment[LONG_STRING];
int first, last, i = 0, j = 0;
remove_all(' ', TAB, buffer);
for (i=0; buffer[i] != ':' && i < LONG_STRING; i++)
aliases[i] = buffer[i];
aliases[i] = '\0';
for (i=strlen(buffer)-1; buffer[i] != ':' && i > 0; i--)
address[j++] = buffer[i];
address[j] = '\0';
comment[0] = '\0'; /* default to nothing at all... */
if ((first=strlen(aliases)+1) < (last=(strlen(buffer) - j))) {
extract_comment(comment, buffer, first, last);
add_to_table(data, aliases, comment, address, table, size);
get_line(file, buffer, first_line)
FILE *file;
char *buffer;
int first_line;
/** read line from file. If first_line and buff_loaded,
then just return! **/
int stat;
if (first_line && buff_loaded) {
buff_loaded = 1;
buff_loaded = 1; /* we're going to get SOMETHING in the buffer */
stat = fgets(buffer, SLEN, file) == NULL ? -1 : 0;
if (stat != -1)
char *string;
/** reverse the order of the characters in string...
uses a bubble-sort type of algorithm! **/
register int f, l;
char c;
f = 0;
l = strlen(string) - 1;
while (f < l) {
c = string[f];
string[f] = string[l];
string[l] = c;
add_to_table(data, aliases, comment, address, table, size)
FILE *data;
char *aliases, *comment, *address;
struct alias_rec table[];
int size;
/** add address + comment to datafile, incrementing offset count
(bytes), then for each alias in the aliases string, add to the
hash table, with the associated pointer value! **/
static char buf[SLEN], *word;
long additive = 1L;
word = buf; /* use the allocated space! */
if (group(address)) {
check_group(address, aliases);
if (error) return; /* don't do work if we aren't to save it! */
fprintf(data, "!%s\n", address);
additive = 2L;
else {
if (error) return; /* don't do work if we aren't to save it! */
if (strlen(comment) > 0) {
fprintf(data, "%s (%s)\n", address, comment);
additive = (long) (strlen(comment) + 4);
fprintf(data, "%s\n", address, comment);
while ((word = (char *) strtok(aliases,", ")) != NULL) {
add_to_hash_table(word, offset, table, size);
aliases = NULL; /* let's get ALL entries via 'strtok' */
if ( system ? count > MAX_SALIASES-35 : count > MAX_UALIASES-21) {
printf("** Too many aliases in file! **\n");
offset = (offset + (long) strlen(address) + additive);
remove_all(c1, c2, string)
char c1, c2, *string;
/* Remove all occurances of character 'c1' or 'c2' from the string.
Hacked (literally) to NOT remove ANY characters from within the
colon fields. This will only be used if the line contains TWO
colons (and comments with colons in them are the kiss of death!)
char buffer[LONG_STRING];
register int i = 0, j = 0, first_colon = -1, last_colon = -1;
for (i = 0; string[i] != '\0' && i < LONG_STRING; i++) {
if (string[i] != c1 && string[i] != c2)
buffer[j++] = string[i];
if (first_colon == -1 && string[i] == ':') {
first_colon = i;
for (last_colon=strlen(string);string[last_colon] != ':';
last_colon--) ;
else if (i > first_colon && i < last_colon)
if (string[i] == c1 || string[i] == c2)
buffer[j++] = string[i];
buffer[j] = '\0';
strcpy(string, buffer);
add_to_hash_table(word, offset, table, size)
char *word;
long offset;
struct alias_rec table[];
int size;
/** add word and offset to current hash table. **/
register int loc;
if (strlen(word) > 20)
exit(printf("Bad alias name: %s. Too long.\n", word));
loc = hash_it(word, size);
while (table[loc].name[0] != '\0' && strcmp(table[loc].name, word) != 0)
loc = loc + 1 % size;
if (table[loc].name[0] == '\0') {
strcpy(table[loc].name, word);
table[loc].byte = offset;
printf("** Duplicate alias '%s' in file. Multiples ignored.\n",
hash_it(string, table_size)
char *string;
/** compute the hash function of the string, returning
it (mod table_size) **/
register int i, sum = 0;
for (i=0; string[i] != '\0'; i++)
sum += (int) string[i];
return(sum % table_size);
init_table(table, size)
struct alias_rec table[];
int size;
/** initialize hash table! **/
register int i;
for (i=0; i < size; i++)
table[i].name[0] = '\0';
read_in_system(table, size)
struct alias_rec table[];
int size;
/** read in the system hash table...to check for group aliases
from the user alias file (to ensure that there are no names
in the user group files that are not purely contained within
either alias table) **/
int fd;
char fname[SLEN];
sprintf(fname, "%s/%s", mailhome, alias_hash);
if ((fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
return; /* no sweat: flag 'hash_table_loaded' not set! */
(void) read(fd, table, size);
check_group(names, groupname)
char *names, *groupname;
/** one by one make sure each name in the group is defined
in either the system alias file or the user alias file.
This search is linearly dependent, so all group aliases
in the source file should appear LAST, after all the user
aliases! **/
char *word, *bufptr, buffer[LONG_STRING];
strcpy(buffer, names);
bufptr = (char *) buffer;
while ((word = (char *) strtok(bufptr,", ")) != NULL) {
if (! can_find(word))
if (! valid_name(word)) {
printf("** Alias %s in group %s is bad!\n", word, groupname);
bufptr = NULL;
char *name;
/** find name in either hash table...use 'system' variable to
determine if we should look in both or just system.... **/
register int loc;
if (strlen(name) > 20) {
printf("** Bad alias name: %s. Too long.\n", name);
return(1); /* fake out: don't want 2 error messages! */
/** system alias table... **/
if (hash_table_loaded || system) {
loc = hash_it(name, MAX_SALIASES);
while (strcmp(name, shash_table[loc].name) != 0 &&
shash_table[loc].name[0] != '\0')
loc = (loc + 1) % MAX_SALIASES;
if (strcmp(name, shash_table[loc].name) == 0)
return(1); /* found it! */
if (! system) { /* okay! Let's check the user alias file! */
loc = hash_it(name, MAX_UALIASES);
while (strcmp(name, uhash_table[loc].name) != 0 &&
uhash_table[loc].name[0] != '\0')
loc = (loc + 1) % MAX_UALIASES;
if (strcmp(name, uhash_table[loc].name) == 0)
return(1); /* found it! */
extract_comment(comment, buffer, first, last)
char *comment, *buffer;
int first, last;
/** Buffer contains a comment, located between the first and last
values. Copy that into 'comment', but remove leading and
trailing white space.
register int loc = 0;
/** first off, skip the LEADING white space... **/
while (buffer[first] == ' ') first++;
/** now let's backup the 'last' value until we hit a non-space **/
last -= 2; /* starts at ch AFTER colon.. */
while (buffer[last] == ' ') last--;
/** now a final check to make sure we're still talking about a
reasonable string (rather than a "joe :: joe at dec" type string) **/
if (first < last) {
while (first <= last)
comment[loc++] = buffer[first++];
comment[loc] = '\0';
[end of utils/newalias.c]
2. The next step is to go into the file "src/mailmsg2.c" and change the
file to reflect;
[approx. at line 180]
sprintf(very_long_buffer, "( (%s -s \"%s\" %s ; %s %s) & ) < %s",
* mailx, subject, strip_parens(strip_commas(expanded_to)),
remove, filename, filename);
sprintf(very_long_buffer,"( (%s %s %s ; %s %s) & ) < %s",
* sendmail, smflags, strip_parens(strip_commas(expanded_to)),
remove, filename2, filename2);
else /* oh well, use default mailer... */
sprintf(very_long_buffer,"( (%s %s ; %s %s) & ) < %s",
* mailer, strip_parens(strip_commas(expanded_to)),
remove, filename2, filename2);
[the change is the nested call to "strip_parens()" when cleaning up the
'to' address list...]
3. Finally, in src/return_addr.c, change the last few lines of the
routine "get_return" to;
if (buffer[0] == '\0')
strcpy(buffer, hold_return); /* default address! */
add_site(buffer, name1, lastname); /* get the user name too! */
if (first_word(buffer, "To:")) /* response to savecopy! */
* else {
* if (chloc(' ', header_table[current-1].from) > -1 ||
* (chloc('!', header_table[current-1].from) < 0 &&
* chloc('@', header_table[current-1].from) < 0))
* sprintf(name2, " (%s)", header_table[current-1].from);
* strcat(buffer, name2);
* }
--- end of attachment
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