v07i050: 2.11 News Miscellaneous Files, Part02/02

sources-request at mirror.UUCP sources-request at mirror.UUCP
Thu Nov 6 08:20:07 AEST 1986

Submitted by: seismo!rick (Rick Adams)
Mod.sources: Volume 7, Issue 50
Archive-name: 2.11news/Part10

# To extract, sh this file
#	news 2.11 miscellaneous File 2 of 2
if test ! -d misc
	mkdir misc
echo x - misc/keepnews 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >misc/keepnews <<'*-*-END-of-misc/keepnews-*-*'
-From chuqui at nsc.UUCP (Chuq Von Rospach) Thu Jun  6 20:36:39 1985
-Relay-Version: version B 2.10.3 4.3bsd-beta 6/6/85; site seismo.UUCP
-Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/17/84 chuqui version 1.7 9/23/84; site nsc.UUCP
-Path: seismo!nsc!chuqui
-From: chuqui at nsc.UUCP (Chuq Von Rospach)
-Newsgroups: net.sources
-Subject: YA News Archiver
-Message-ID: <2806 at nsc.UUCP>
-Date: 7 Jun 85 00:36:39 GMT
-Date-Received: 7 Jun 85 06:25:58 GMT
-Distribution: net
-Organization: The Blue Parrot
-Lines: 566
-Here is a netnews archiver similar to the recently posted keepnews but
-designed to work with much larger archives where the wonderful quadratic
-search time feature of the Unix (Unix is a trademark of AT&T Bell Labs,
-quadratic search times are a feature of Unix) becomes a real problem. This
-archive also knows how to walk through a directory tree so you can simply
-set it on /usr/spool/oldnews and let it do its work. There are lots of
-other nifty things I call features (and you might, too) that make it a lot
-easier to use than anything else I've seen set up to work on archives. Mine
-simply outgrew any capability to do anything with about the same time I got
-a request for information out of it. I found out (the hard way) that
-keepnews wasn't terribly reliable working under 2.10.2, so I finally
-decided to hack together my own.
-Comments, enhancements, bug fixes, etc... are welcome, but I can only work
-on them on a time available basis...
-#	This is a shell archive.
-#	Remove everything above and including the cut line.
-#	Then run the rest of the file through sh.
-#-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----
-# shar:	Shell Archiver
-#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
-#	Makefile
-#	savenews.c
-# This archive created: Thu Jun  6 17:28:50 1985
-# By:	Chuq Von Rospach (The Blue Parrot)
-cat << \SHAR_EOF > README
-Savenews --
-Savenews is a short program designed to make handling of usenet archives
-generated by 'expire -a' easier, and to make it possible to find stuff in
-the archive once it is there. 
-It was created by me when I had to get something out of my archives and
-realized that there was no way I was going to find anything in 70 megabytes
-of random data. It keeps a set of logs of the Subject lines of the articles
-and stores the articles themselves in a hashed subdirectory format designed
-to minimize the quadratic lookup hassles of the unix directory system
-(This, of course, is a feature). 
-It has been put into the public domain by national semiconductor, and
-neither myself or national guarantee that this code even exists, much
-less that it does anything useful. This, BTW, is a disclaimer.
-chuq von rospach
-national semiconductor
-cat << \SHAR_EOF > Makefile
-# Makefile for savenews
-CFLAGS = -g
-savenews: savenews.c
-	${CC} ${CFLAGS} savenews.c -o savenews
-	rm -f savenews
-	lint -hx savenews.c
-cat << \SHAR_EOF > savenews.c
- * savenews filename [filename ...]
- *
- * Savenews is a program designed to clean up and compact a
- * usenet archive. It will take the filename(s) given to it as arguments
- * and save them in a netnews archive (defined by SAVENEWS, default is
- * /usr/spool/savenews).
- *
- * This program was set up to do two main things:
- *
- * 1) compact out the useless parts of the message, specifically the lines
- *    in the header that don't serve a useful purpose in an archive. This 
- *    is done by removing all but the following header lines: From, Date,
- *    Newsgroups, Subject, and Message-ID, and seems to save an average of
- *    500 bytes an article.
- *
- * 2) keep the quadratic nature of unix(TM AT&T Bell labs) directory searches
- *    from making your life miserable. Storing a raw archive of
- *    net.unix-wizards is a silly thing to do, for example. What I do is
- *    create a one level subdirectory set to keep any one directory from
- *    getting too large, but this program is currently set so that there
- *    are enough directories to keep the total number of files in any one
- *    directory below about 150 in the largest parts of my archive. The
- *    algorithm I use is abs(atoi(Message-ID)%HASHVAL)) with HASHVAL being
- *    prime. This quick and dirty hash gives you directories with the
- *    numbers 0 to HASHVAL-1, and about the same number of files in each
- *    given a random distribution of Message-ID numbers (not bad, in
- *    reality)
- *
- * The program will add the name of the file and the subject line of the
- * article in a logfile in subdirectory LOGS, the filename being the 
- * newsgroup.
- *
- * As currently written, an article will be saved only to the first 
- * newsgroup in the Newsgroups header line. This means that something
- * posted to 'net.source,net.flame' will end up in net.sources, but that
- * somethine posted to 'net.flame,net.sources' will end up in net.flame.
- * I consider this a feature. Others may disagree.
- *
- * If an article is saved that has a duplicate message-ID of one already
- * in the archive, then it will be saved by adding the character '_' and
- * some small integer needed to make the filename unique. You can then
- * use ls or find to look for these and see if they are duplicates (and
- * remove them) or if they are simply botches by some other site (it does
- * happen, unfortunately).
- *
- * This program will do intelligent things if given a non-news article,
- * such as nothing. Don't push it, though -- I haven't tried it on
- * special devices, symbolic links, and other wierdies and it is likely
- * to throw up on some of them since I didn`t feel like protecting someone
- * from trying to archive /dev (if tar can consider this a feature, so can
- * I...)
- *
- * This program uses the 4.2 Directory routines (libndir). If you don't
- * run 4.2, get ahold of a copy of the compatibility library for your
- * system and use it, or hack up do_dir and is_dir to get around it
- * if you believe in messing around with primitive hacks (I LIKE libndir)
- *
- * General usage: every so often run the program with 
- * 'savenews /usr/spool/oldnews'. Look through /usr/spool/savenews
- * for duplicated articles and remove them, and then copy all of the
- * stuff to tape. Remove everything except the LOGS directory, so that
- * people can use grep to look for things in the archive. It should be
- * easy to get things back off of tape and make the archive useful this
- * way. Thinking about it, if you can't use the archive, you might as well
- * not have it, which is why this program got written (I needed something
- * out of my archive, and it took me a week to find it).
- *
- * This program is designed to run under 2.10.2, but should work under any
- * B news system. Anyone else is on their own. This is in
- * the public domain by the kindness of my employer, national
- * semiconductor, but neither I nor national make any guarantee that it
- * will work, that we will support this program, or even admit that it
- * exists. This is called a disclaimer, and means that if you use this 
- * program, you are on your own. It DOES, however, pass lint cleanly, which
- * is more than I can say for most stuff posted to the net. Feel free to 
- * fix, break, enhance, change, or do anything to this program except
- * claim it to be your own (unless, of course, you break it...). Passing
- * enhancements back to me would be nice, too.
- *
- *	chuq von rospach, national semiconductor (nsc!chuqui)
- *
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/dir.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#define FALSE		0
-#define TRUE		1
-#define HASHVAL		37	/* hash value for sub-dirs. Prime number! */
-#define NUMDIRS		1024	/* number of dirs that can be pushed */
-#define SAVENEWS	"/usr/spool/savenews" /* home of the archive */
-#define LOGFILE		"LOGS"  /* subdir in SAVENEWS to save logs in */
-#define JOBLOG		"joblog" /* where log of this job is put */
-#define DIRMODE		0755    /* mkdir with this mode */
-#define COPYBUF		8192    /* block read/write buffer size */
-char *Progname;			/* name of the program for Eprintf */
-char line[BUFSIZ];		/* general purpose line buffer */
-#define NUM_HEADERS	5	/* number of headers we are saving */
-#define GROUP_HEADER	1	/* where Newsgroup will be found */
-#define SUBJECT_HEADER	2	/* where Subject will be found */
-#define MESSAGE_HEADER	3	/* where Message-ID will be found */
-char header_data[NUM_HEADERS][BUFSIZ];
-char *headers[NUM_HEADERS] =
-    "From:",
-    "Newsgroups:",
-    "Subject:",
-    "Message-ID:",
-    "Date:"
-long num_saved = 0;		/* number of articles saved */
-FILE *logfp;			/* file pointer to joblog file */
-char *rindex(), *strcat(), *pop_dir(), *strcpy(), *strsave(), *index();
-int argc;
-char *argv[];
-    register int i;
-    char joblogfile[BUFSIZ];
-    char *dirname;
-    /*
-     * This removes and preceeding pathname so that
-     * anything printed out by Eprintf has just the 
-     * program name and not where it came from
-     */
-    if ((Progname = rindex(argv[0],'/')) == NULL)  
-	Progname = argv[0];			   
-    else
-	Progname++;				  
-    if (argc == 1) {
-	fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s file [file ...]\n",Progname);
-	exit(1);
-    }
-    sprintf(joblogfile,"%s/%s",SAVENEWS,JOBLOG);
-    if ((logfp = fopen(joblogfile,"w")) == NULL)
-	fprintf(stderr,"Can't open %s, logging suspended\n",joblogfile);
-    for (i = 1 ; i < argc; i++) {	/* process each parameter */
-	register int rc;
-	if ((rc = is_dir(argv[i])) == -1)
-	    continue;
-	else if (rc == TRUE)
-	    do_dir(argv[i]);
-	else
-	    save_file(argv[i]);
-    }
-    while((dirname = pop_dir()) != NULL) {
-	do_dir(dirname);	/* process whatever is left on dirstack */
-    }
-    printf("Total articles saved was %d\n",num_saved);
-    exit(0);
-do_dir(dname) /* process a directory, push other directories on stack */
-	      /* to be handled recursively later */
-char *dname;
-    DIR *dirp;
-    struct direct *dp;
-    char fullname[BUFSIZ];
-    if ((dirp = opendir(dname)) == NULL) {
-	Eprintf("can't opendir %s\n",dname);
-	return;
-    }
-    for (dp = readdir(dirp); dp != NULL; dp = readdir(dirp)) {
-	register int rc;
-	if(dp->d_namlen == 2 && !strcmp(dp->d_name,"..") 
-	|| (dp->d_namlen == 1 && !strcmp(dp->d_name,".")))
-	    continue; /* skip . and .. */
-	sprintf(fullname,"%s/%s",dname,dp->d_name);
-	if((rc = is_dir(fullname)) == -1)
-	    continue;
-	else if (rc == TRUE)
-	    push_dir(fullname);
-	else
-	    save_file(fullname);
-    }
-    closedir(dirp);
-char *name;
-    struct stat sbuf;
-    if (stat(name,&sbuf) == -1) {
-	Eprintf("can't stat '%s'\n",name);
-	return(-1);
-    }
-    return((sbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR) ? TRUE : FALSE);
-/* VARARGS */
-char *s1,*s2,*s3,*s4,*s5,*s6,*s7,*s8,*s9;
-    if (logfp == NULL)
-	return;
-    fprintf(logfp,"%s: ",Progname);
-    fprintf(logfp,s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6,s7,s8,s9);
-    fflush(logfp);
- * quick and dirty stack routines.
- *
- * push_dir(name) char *name; 
- *	stores the given string in the stack
- * char *pop_dir()
- *	returns a string from the stack, or NULL if none.
- */
-static char *dirstack[NUMDIRS];
-static int lastdir = 0;
-static char pop_name[BUFSIZ];
-char *name;
-    if (lastdir >= NUMDIRS) {
-	Eprintf("push_dir overflow!\n");
-	return;
-    }
-    dirstack[lastdir] = strsave(name);
-    if (dirstack[lastdir] == NULL)
-    {
-	Eprintf("malloc failed!\n");
-	return;
-    }
-    lastdir++;
-char *pop_dir()
-    if(lastdir == 0)
-	return(NULL);
-    lastdir--;
-    strcpy(pop_name,dirstack[lastdir]);
-    dirstack[lastdir] = NULL;
-    free(dirstack[lastdir]);
-    return(pop_name);
-char *strsave(s)
-char *s;
-    char *p, *malloc();
-    if ((p = malloc((unsigned)strlen(s)+1)) != NULL)
-	strcpy(p,s);
-    return(p);
-save_file(name)		/* save the article in the archive */
-char *name;
-    FILE *fp, *ofp, *fopen(), *output_file();
-    register int i, nc;
-    char diskbuf[COPYBUF];
-    Eprintf("saving '%s'\n",name);
-    if ((fp = fopen(name,"r")) == NULL) {
-	Eprintf("can't open\n");
-	return;
-    }
-    if ((fgets(line,BUFSIZ,fp) == NULL)) {
-	Eprintf("0 length file\n");
-	fclose(fp);
-	return;
-    }
-    if (!start_header(line)) {
-	Eprintf("not a news article\n");
-	fclose(fp);
-	return;
-    }
-    read_header(fp);
-    if ((ofp = output_file()) == NULL) {
-	Eprintf("Can't save\n");
-	fclose(fp);
-	return;
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < NUM_HEADERS; i++)
-	fprintf(ofp,"%s\n",header_data[i]);
-    fputc('\n',ofp);
-    while ((nc = fread(diskbuf,sizeof(char),COPYBUF,fp)) != 0)
-	fwrite(diskbuf,sizeof(char),nc,ofp);	/* copy body of article */
-    fclose(ofp);
-    fclose(fp);
-    num_saved++;
-    return;
-start_header(s) /* see if this is the start of a news article */
-char *s;
-    /*
-     * If this is coming from B news, the first line will 'always' be
-     * Relay-Version (at least, on my system). Your mileage my vary.
-     */
-    if (!strncmp(s,"Relay-Version:",14))
-	return(TRUE);
-    /*
-     * If you are copying a section of archive already archived by 
-     * sendnews, then the first line will be From (unless you changed
-     * the headers data structure, then its up to you...)
-     */
-    if (!strncmp(s,"From:",5))
-	return(TRUE);
-    return(FALSE);
- * By the time we get here, the first line will already be read in and
- * checked by start_header(). If we are re-copying a savenews archive
- * (which happens when you decide to play with HASHVAL, trust me) then
- * we need to save the From line, so we can't just throw it away. Hence
- * the funky looking do-while setup instead of something a bit more
- * straightforward
- */
-FILE *fp;
-    register int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < NUM_HEADERS; i++)
-	header_data[i][0] = '\0';		/* remove last articles data */
-    do {
-	char *cp;
-	if (line[0] == '\n')	/* always be a blank line after the header */
-	    return;
-	for (i = 0 ; i < NUM_HEADERS; i++) {
-	    if (!strncmp(headers[i],line,strlen(headers[i]))) {
-		strcpy(header_data[i],line);
-		if (cp = index(header_data[i],'\n'))
-		    *cp = '\0';				/* eat newlines */
-	    }
-	}
-    } while (fgets(line,BUFSIZ,fp) != NULL);
-FILE *output_file() /* generate the name in the archive */
-    int hashval, copy = 0;
-    FILE *fp, *fopen();
-    char *p, newsgroup[BUFSIZ], message_id[BUFSIZ];
-    char shortname[BUFSIZ], filename[BUFSIZ], filename2[BUFSIZ];
-    /* get the first newsgroup */
-    p = index(header_data[GROUP_HEADER],':'); /* move past Newsgroups */
-    if (!p) {
-	Eprintf("Invalid newsgroups\n");
-	return(NULL);
-    }
-    p++;	/* skip the colon */
-    while (isspace(*p))
-	p++;	/* skip whitespace */
-    strcpy(newsgroup,p);
-    if (p = index(newsgroup,','))
-	*p= '\0';	/* newsgroup now only has one name in it */
-    /* get the message-id */
-    p = index(header_data[MESSAGE_HEADER],':');
-    if (!p) {
-	Eprintf("Invalid message-id\n");
-	return(NULL);
-    }
-    p++;	/* skip the colon */
-    while (isspace(*p))
-	p++;	/* skip whitespace */
-    if (*p == '<' || *p == '(')
-	p++;
-    if (*p == '-') /* make negative article id numbers positive (hack) */
-	p++;
-    strcpy(message_id,p);
-    if (p = index(message_id,'.')) /* trim off the .UUCP if any */
-	*p = '\0';
-    else if (p = index(message_id,'>'))  /* or get the closing bracket */
-	*p = '\0';
-    else if (p = index(message_id,')')) /* or get the closing paren */
-	*p = '\0';
-    if (p = index(message_id,'@'))	/* change nnn at site */
-	*p = '.';			/* to nnn.site */
-    /* generate the hash value for the subdirectory */
-    hashval = atoi(message_id) % HASHVAL;
-    /* setup the filename to save to */
-    sprintf(shortname,"%s/%d/%s",newsgroup,hashval,message_id);
-    sprintf(filename,"%s/%s",SAVENEWS,shortname);
-    while (exists(filename)) {	/* make it unique if neccessary */
-	sprintf(shortname,"%s/%d/%s_%d",newsgroup,hashval,message_id,++copy);
-	sprintf(filename,"%s/%s",SAVENEWS,shortname);
-    }
-    strcpy(filename2,filename);			/* must chop off the filename */
-    if (p = rindex(filename2,'/'))		/* since we don't want to */
-	*p = '\0';				/* to makeparents */
-    makeparents(filename2);
-    if ((fp = fopen(filename,"w")) == NULL) {
-	Eprintf("Can't open %s for output\n",filename);
-	return(NULL);
-    }
-    log(newsgroup,shortname);
-    return(fp);
-char *name;
-    struct stat sbuf;
-    if (stat(name,&sbuf) == -1) {
-	return(FALSE);
-    }
-    return(TRUE);
-makeparents(name) /* recursively make parent directories */
-char *name;
-    char *p, buf[BUFSIZ];
-    if (exists(name))
-	return;
-    strcpy(buf,name);
-    if (!(p = rindex(buf,'/'))) {
-	Eprintf("makeparents failed!\n");
-	return;
-    }
-    *p = '\0';
-    makeparents(buf);
-    mkdir(name,DIRMODE);
-log(group,name) /* write to the logfile */
-char *group, *name;
-    char *subject, logfile[BUFSIZ];
-    FILE *ofp, *fopen();
-    /* get the subject */
-    subject = index(header_data[SUBJECT_HEADER],':');
-    if (!subject) {
-	Eprintf("Invalid subject, no log entry\n");
-	return;
-    }
-    subject++;	/* skip the colon */
-    while (isspace(*subject))
-	subject++;	/* skip whitespace */
-    /* generate the place where it goes */
-    sprintf(logfile,"%s/%s",SAVENEWS,LOGFILE);
-    makeparents(logfile);
-    strcat(logfile,"/");
-    strcat(logfile,group);
-    if ((ofp = fopen(logfile,"a")) == NULL)
-    {
-	Eprintf("open failed on %s\n",logfile);
-	return;
-    }
-    fprintf(ofp,"%s\t%s\n", name, subject);
-    fclose(ofp);
-#	End of shell archive
-exit 0
-:From the misfiring synapses of:                  Chuq Von Rospach
-{cbosgd,fortune,hplabs,ihnp4,seismo}!nsc!chuqui   nsc!chuqui at decwrl.ARPA
-The offices were very nice, and the clients were only raping the land, and
-then, of course, there was the money...
echo x - misc/report.awk 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >misc/report.awk <<'*-*-END-of-misc/report.awk-*-*'
-From cbosgd!ucbvax!usenet Mon Oct 13 05:39:17 1986
-Received: by beno.CSS.GOV (5.54/5.17)
-	id AA01253; Mon, 13 Oct 86 05:39:12 EDT
-Received: from cbosgd.UUCP by seismo.CSS.GOV (5.54/1.14)
-	id AA03513; Mon, 13 Oct 86 05:39:11 EDT
-Received: by cbosgd.ATT.COM (4.12/UUCP-Project/rel-1.0/06-28-86)
-	id AA08778; Mon, 13 Oct 86 03:44:14 edt
-Received: by ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (5.53/1.17)
-	id AA15536; Sun, 12 Oct 86 23:51:25 PDT
-Date: Sun, 12 Oct 86 23:51:25 PDT
-From: ucbvax!usenet (USENET News Administration)
-Message-Id: <8610130651.AA15536 at ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>
-To: cbosgd!backbone
-Subject: a handy awk script for netnews log reports
-Status: R
-Since Mark didn't have a copy of this, I will assume that most of the
-rest of you don't either, and send it along. The comments should be
-explanation enough... If not, ask me.
-	Erik E. Fair	ucbvax!fair	fair at ucbarpa.berkeley.edu
-#  USAGE: awk -f report_awk /usr/lib/news/log
-#  AWK script which eats netnews log files and produces a summary of USENET
-#  traffic and errors over the period of time that the log was collected.
-#  August 31, 1986
-#  Erik E. Fair <dual!fair>
-#  Original Author, May 22, 1984
-#  Brad Eacker <onyx!brad>
-#  Modified to simplify the record processing and to sort the output.
-#  Erik E. Fair <dual!fair>
-#  Modifed to provide information about control messages.
-#  Erik E. Fair <dual!fair>
-#  Bug in system name extraction fixed. It was assumed that the forth field
-#  (system name) always had a dot. local is one that doesn't. Some others
-#  (including 2.9 sites) don't either.
-#  Earl Wallace <pesnta!earlw>
-#  The "sent" field was changed from $5 to $6 in 2.10.2 (beta)
-#  named "newstats" and called with no arguments.
-#  Erik E. Fair <dual!fair>
-#  Remove support for 2.10.1, revise for 2.10.2 to provide information
-#  about junked articles, garbled articles, and bad newsgroups
-#  Erik E. Fair <ucbvax!fair>
-#  Minor bug fix to bad newsgroup reporting, also now counting ``old''
-#  articles as junked, with counter for number that are `old'.
-#  Erik E. Fair <ucbvax!fair>
-#  Fix up the domain & local hosts support
-#  Erik E. Fair <ucbvax!fair>
-#  Fix up the counting of gatewayed material, add counting of "linecount"
-#  problems. Additional cleanup to make things faster.
-#	this is the prefix that your site uses in hostnames to identify your
-#	hosts (e.g. ucbarpa, ucbvax, su-score, mit-mc, mit-ai)
-#	You will probably want to change (or add to) the following line
-	lprefix = "ucb";
-	lplen = length(lprefix);
-#	If you do bi-directional USENET gatewaying (e.g. mailing list
-#	to newsgroup where the material flows both ways freely), this
-#	should be the name in the sys file that you use to mail stuff
-#	to the mailing lists.
-	pseudo = "internet";
-	rptname = "(GATEWAY)";
-#	Top level domain names and what network they represent
-#	(for use in counting stuff that is gatewayed)
-	domains["ARPA"] = rptname;
-	domains["arpa"] = rptname;
-	domains["EDU"] = rptname;
-	domains["edu"] = rptname;
-	domains["GOV"] = rptname;
-	domains["gov"] = rptname;
-	domains["COM"] = rptname;
-	domains["com"] = rptname;
-	domains["MIL"] = rptname;
-	domains["mil"] = rptname;
-	domains["ORG"] = rptname;
-	domains["org"] = rptname;
-	domains["NET"] = rptname;
-	domains["net"] = rptname;
-	domains["UK"] = rptname;
-	domains["uk"] = rptname;
-	domains["DEC"] = rptname;
-	domains["dec"] = rptname;
-	domains["CSNET"] = rptname;
-	domains["csnet"] = rptname;
-	domains["BITNET"] = rptname;
-	domains["bitnet"] = rptname;
-	domains["MAILNET"] = rptname;
-	domains["mailnet"] = rptname;
-	domains["UUCP"] = rptname;
-	domains["uucp"] = rptname;
-	domains["OZ"] = rptname;
-	domains["oz"] = rptname;
-	domains["AU"] = rptname;
-	domains["au"] = rptname;
-#	tilde chosen because it is ASCII 126 (don't change this)
-	invalid = "~~~~~~";
-	accept[invalid]   = 0;
-	reject[invalid]   = 0;
-	xmited[invalid]   = 0;
-	control[invalid]  = 0;
-	junked[invalid]   = 0;
-	neighbor[invalid] = 0;
-	badgrp  = 0;
-	garbled = 0;
-	lcount  = 0;
-	canfail = 0;
-	candup  = 0;
-	insfail = 0;
-	old     = 0;
-#	Skip some things that we won't bother with
-/^$/				{ next }
-$5 == "from"			{ next }
-$5 == "make"			{ next }
-$5 == "Cancelling"		{ next }
-#	Or that we just count
-$5 == "Inbound"			{ garbled++; next }
-$6 == "cancel"			{ canfail++; next }
-$6 == "Cancelled"		{ candup++; next }
-$6 == "install"			{ insfail++; next }
-#	Articles sent to remote systems (this is what 2.10.2 (beta) says)
-$6 == "sent"	{
-	for(j = 8; j <= NF; j++) {
-		comma = index( $(j), ",");
-		if (comma != 0) $(j) = substr( $(j), 1, (comma - 1));
-		if ($(j) == pseudo) $(j) = rptname;
-		else neighbor[$(j)] = 1;
-		xmited[$(j)]++;
-	}
-	next;
-#	Articles sent to remote systems (this is what 2.11 says)
-$5 == "sent"	{
-	for(j = 7; j <= NF; j++) {
-		comma = index( $(j), ",");
-		if (comma != 0) $(j) = substr( $(j), 1, (comma - 1));
-		if ($(j) == pseudo) $(j) = rptname;
-		else neighbor[$(j)] = 1;
-		xmited[$(j)]++;
-	}
-	next;
-#	Get the name of the system that did this,
-#	taking into account that not everyone believes in domains.
-#	if we get a route addr (we shouldn't, but...), take the last one
-	nhosts = split($4, hosts, "@");
-	hostname = hosts[nhosts];
-#	get the root domain name, and the hostname
-	ndoms = split(hostname, doms, ".");
-	domain = doms[ndoms];
-	sys = doms[1];
-#	check for local system, and if not that, then internet sites.
-#	special case the network name replacement of specific host names,
-#	such that the network name is there only on a `local' posting
-#	(which is really gatewaying in disguise)
-	if ($5 == "posted") {
-		prefix = substr(sys, 1, lplen);
-		if (prefix == lprefix) {
-			sys = "local";
-		} else {
-			dom = domains[domain];
-			if (dom) sys = dom;
-		}
-	}
-#	Duplicates & receiveds/posted & control messages
-$5 == "posted" || $5 == "received" {
-	accept[sys]++;
-	if ($5 == "received") neighbor[sys] = 1;
-	nng = split($8, ngl, ",");
-	for(i = 1; i <= nng; i++) {
-		dot = index(ngl[i], ".");
-		if (dot) ng = substr(ngl[i], 1, (dot - 1));
-		else ng = ngl[i];
-		if (ng) newsgcnt[ng]++;
-	}
-	next;
-$5 == "Duplicate"	{ reject[hostname]++; next }
-$6 == "valid"		{ junked[sys]++; next }
-$6 == "too"		{ junked[sys]++; old++; next }
-$5 == "Unknown"		{
-	x = length($7) - 2;
-	ng = substr($7, 2, x);
-	badng[ng]++;
-	badgrp++;
-	next;
-#	articles who actual line count differs from the Line: header count
-$5 == "linecount"	{
-	expect = $7;
-# awk does very strange things with non-numeric characters in numbers
-	comma = index(expect, ",");
-	if (comma != 0) expect = substr(expect, 1, (comma - 1));
-	got = $9;
-	diff = got - expect;
-	lcount++;
-	alc_host[sys] = 1;
-	neighbor[sys] = 1;
-	if (diff < 0) {
-		diff = 0 - diff;
-		a_nshort[sys]++;
-		a_short[sys] += diff;
-		if (a_smax[sys] < diff) a_smax[sys] = diff;
-	} else {
-		a_nlong[sys]++;
-		a_long[sys] += diff;
-		if (a_lmax[sys] < diff) a_lmax[sys] = diff;
-	}
-	next;
-#	articles who actual line count is Zero
-$7 == "linecount"	{
-	lcount++;
-	a_zero[sys]++;
-	reject[sys]++;
-	next;
-#	Control messages
-$5 == "Ctl"	{
-	ctot++;
-	control[sys]++;
-	ctlcnt[$(10)]++;
-	next;
-#	Print anything we didn't recognize, it's probably an error message.
-#	For the submitted report to USENET, do sed -e '1,/^$/d' file | inews
-#	so that this cruft doesn't get out the door.
-	print;
-#	Summarize and print the report
-#	special processing for Duplicates, because we can't tell if
-#	they came from a netnews neighbor or from the gatewaying
-#	activities until we have processed the entire log.
-	for( hostname in reject ) {
-#	get the root domain name, and the hostname
-		ndoms = split(hostname, doms, ".");
-		domain = doms[ndoms];
-		sys = doms[1];
-		if (! neighbor[sys]) {
-			prefix = substr(sys, 1, lplen);
-			if (prefix == lprefix) {
-				sys = "local";
-			} else {
-				dom = domains[domain];
-				if (dom) sys = dom;
-			}
-		}
-		i = reject[hostname];
-		reject[hostname] = 0;
-		reject[sys] += i;
-	}
-	rtot = 0;
-	for( i in reject ) {
-		if (reject[i] > 0) {
-			list[i] = 1;
-			rtot += reject[i];
-		}
-	}
-	atot = 0;
-	for( i in accept ) {
-		list[i] = 1;
-		atot += accept[i];
-	}
-	xtot = 0;
-	for( i in xmited ) {
-		list[i] = 1;
-		xtot += xmited[i];
-	}
-	ctot = 0;
-	for( i in control ) {
-		list[i] = 1;
-		ctot += control[i];
-	}
-	jtot = 0;
-	for( i in junked ) {
-		list[i] = 1;
-		jtot += junked[i];
-	}
-# ctot is part of rtot, so we don't add it in to the grand total.
-	totarticles = atot + rtot;
-	if (totarticles == 0) totarticles = 1;
-	printf("\nSystem       \tAccept\tReject\tJunked\tXmit to\tControl\t%% total\t%% rejct\n");
-	for( ; ; ) {
-# selection sort
-		i = invalid;
-		for( j in list ) {
-			if ( list[j] > 0 && j < i ) i = j;
-		}
-		if ( i == invalid ) break;
-		list[i] = 0;
-#	control & junked are counted under accept.
-		sitetot = accept[i] + reject[i];
-		if (sitetot == 0) sitetot = 1;
-		articles[i] = sitetot;
-# What an 'orrible printf spec
-		printf("%-14s\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%7d\t%7d\t%6d%%\t%6d%%\n", i, accept[i], reject[i], junked[i], xmited[i], control[i], (sitetot * 100) / totarticles, (reject[i] * 100) / sitetot);
-	}
-	printf("\nTOTALS        \t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%7d\t%7d\t%6d%%\t%6d%%\n", atot, rtot, jtot, xtot, ctot, 100, (rtot * 100) / totarticles);
-	printf("\nTotal Articles processed %d", totarticles);
-	if (old)	printf(", old %d", old);
-	if (garbled)	printf(", garbled %d", garbled);
-	if (insfail)	printf(", uninstallable %d", insfail);
-	printf("\n");
-	if (ctot) {
-		printf("\nControl	Invocations\n");
-		for( i in ctlcnt ) {
-			if (i == "cancel") {
-				printf("%-12s %6d", i, ctlcnt[i]);
-				if (canfail) printf(", %d failed", canfail);
-				if (candup) printf(", %d duplicate", candup);
-				printf("\n");
-			} else {
-				printf("%-12s %6d\n", i, ctlcnt[i]);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if (lcount) {
-		printf("\nReceived Article Length Problems\n");
-		printf("System          Zero Short  Smax  Savg  Long  Lmax  Lavg Total %% Tot\n");
-		for( i in alc_host ) {
-			nlong = a_nlong[i];
-			nshort = a_nshort[i];
-			if (nlong == 0) nlong = 1;
-			if (nshort == 0) nshort = 1;
-			lavg = a_long[i] / nlong;
-			savg = a_short[i] / nshort;
-			sitetot = (a_zero[i] + a_nshort[i] + a_nlong[i]);
-			printf("%-14s %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %5d %4d%%\n", i, a_zero[i], a_nshort[i], a_smax[i], savg, a_nlong[i], a_lmax[i], lavg, sitetot, (sitetot * 100) / articles[i]);
-		}
-	}
-	if (atot) {
-		printf("\nNetnews Categories Received\n");
-		l = 0;
-		for( i in newsgcnt ) {
-			if (l < length(i)) l = length(i);
-		}
-		fmt = sprintf("%%-%ds %%6d\n", l);
-		for( ; ; ) {
-# selection sort
-			max = 0;
-			for( j in newsgcnt ) {
-				if (newsgcnt[j] > max) {
-					i = j;
-					max = newsgcnt[j];
-				}
-			}
-			if (max == 0) break;
-			printf(fmt, i, newsgcnt[i]);
-			newsgcnt[i] = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	if (badgrp) {
-		printf("\nBad Newsgroups Received\n");
-		l = 0;
-		for( i in badng ) {
-			if (l < length(i)) l = length(i);
-		}
-		fmt = sprintf("%%-%ds %%5d\n", l);
-		for( ; ; ) {
-# selection sort
-			i = invalid;
-			for( j in badng ) {
-				if (badng[j] > 0 && j < i) i = j;
-			}
-			if (i == invalid) break;
-			printf(fmt, i, badng[i]);
-			badng[i] = 0;
-		}
-	}
echo x - misc/restore.active 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >misc/restore.active <<'*-*-END-of-misc/restore.active-*-*'
-: recreate the active file from readers .newsrc files
-: and from the existing articles
-: Find the highest numbered articles from the .newsrcs
-cat `sed 's/[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*:[^:]*://
-s/:.*//' /etc/passwd | sort -u | sed 's;$;/.newsrc;' ` 2>/dev/null  | 
-sed '/:/!d
-s/:.*[,-]/ /
-s/: */ /'  >$tmp
-: in case there are groups no-one reads, look in the list of newsgroups
-sed 's/[ 	].*/ 1/' $lib/newsgroups >>$tmp
-sort  +0 -1 +1nr  $tmp | sort -m +0u -1 | sed 's/$/ 00001 y/
-/^fa/s/y$/n/' >$lib/active
-: finally, scan the spool directory and fix up the active file.
-$lib/expire -u
-rm -f $tmp
echo x - misc/sendnewsmail 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >misc/sendnewsmail <<'*-*-END-of-misc/sendnewsmail-*-*'
-From cbosg!ucbvax!decvax!ittvax!swatt Thu Mar 25 07:06:53 1982
-Date: Wed Mar 24 20:29:56 1982
-From: cbosg!ucbvax!decvax!ittvax!swatt
-Subject: sendnewsmail script
-Via: cbosgd.uucp (V3.73 [1/5/82]); 25-Mar-82 07:06:53-EST (Thu)
-Mail-From: cbosg received by cbosgd at 25-Mar-82 07:06:51-EST (Thu)
-To: cbosgd!mark
-Status: R
-I find the following handy as a mail interface to news; you don't have
-to remake the aliases database everytime a new newsgroup gets formed.
-	- Alan
-#! /bin/sh
-: '/*********************************************************************
-   program:	sendnewsmail
-   description:	Send news items from mail
-   programmer:	Alan S. Watt
-		(ittvax!swatt)
-   Sccsid=@W@
-   usage:
-	Not invoked by user: called as program mail alias
-	News item title and newsgroup(s) are specified on the
-	mail subject line by:
-	Subj: <news item title> : <newsgroup> ...
-	Several (blank separated) newsgroups may be specified;
-	the news article will be submitted to each.  There is
-	no way to embed a colon character in the title, so there
-	can only be one colon on the subject line.
-   arguments:
-	None
-   notes:
-	To install this, put it someplace safe from system updates
-	(I use /usr/lib/news), and put an alias in the system
-	mail alias file (/usr/lib/aliases) that names this program
-	as the alias for the use "news":
-		news:"|/usr/lib/news/sendnewsmail"
-   history:
-	11/11/81	original version
-	11/19/81	fixed to properly handle default newsgroup
-	03/13/82	changes to work with "B" netnews
-	03/35/82	Modest documentation changes
-   *********************************************************************/'
-USAGE='mail news'
-: 'mail alias program to send news items through mail(1)'
-: 'need to get newsgroup and title from subject line'
-: 'copy standard input to a temporary file'
-cat >$tempf
-: 'read the message and grab title and newsgroups from the
-   Subject line. Grab the sender from the From line.
-   Header ends on first blank line (/^$/).
-  '
-eval `sed -n '
-/^Subj/	{
-	s/^Subj[^ :]*[ :] *\([^:]*\):\(.*\)/title="\1";newsgroup="\2"/p
-	s/^Subj[^ :]*[ :] *\([^:]*\)$/title="\1"/p
-/^From/ {
-	s/^[fF]rom[: ] *\([^ ]*\).*/sender="\1"/p
-/^$/	{
-	b done
-: done
-' $tempf`
-: 'default newsgroup to "general" if unspecified'
-case $newsgroup in
-'')	newsgroup=general ;;
-: 'make up something if the title unspecified'
-case $title in
-'')	title="News from mail" ;;
-: 'Submit the article to news'
-if sed "1,/^$/d" $tempf | inews -t "$title" -n $newsgroup >$errorf 2>&1
-	: 'OK exit, do nothing'
-	: 'On errors, return article together with error messages to user'
-	: 'Change this line if your mailer does not have a -s flag'
-	mail -s 'Rejected News Article' $sender <<!EOF
-The news article you submitted could not be accepted for the reasons:
-`cat $errorf`
-The text of the article you submitted was:
-`cat $tempf`
-: 'clean up'
-rm -f $tempf $errorf
echo x - misc/shar 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >misc/shar <<'*-*-END-of-misc/shar-*-*'
-for i
-	echo "echo x - $i"
-	echo "sed 's/^X//' >$i <<'*-*-END-of-$i-*-*'"
-	sed 's/^/X/' $i
-	echo "*-*-END-of-$i-*-*"
-echo exit
echo x - misc/trimlib 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >misc/trimlib <<'*-*-END-of-misc/trimlib-*-*'
-: if this is run once per day, it will save the last
-: weeks worth of news log files. You can, of course, comment
-: out some of the lines to save less
-cd /usr/lib/news
-mv log.5 log.6
-mv log.4 log.5
-mv log.3 log.4
-mv log.2 log.3
-mv log.1 log.2
-mv log.0 log.1
-mv log log.0
-cp /dev/null log
-/etc/chown news log* history*
echo x - misc/unshar 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >misc/unshar <<'*-*-END-of-misc/unshar-*-*'
-From lee at unmvax.UUCP Sun Oct 28 16:56:42 1984
-Relay-Version: version B 2.10.2 10/19/84; site seismo.UUCP
-Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/5/84; site unmvax.UUCP
-Path: seismo!cmcl2!lanl!unm-cvax!unmvax!lee
-From: lee at unmvax.UUCP
-Newsgroups: net.sources
-Subject: Program to un-shar netmaps without using a shell..
-Message-ID: <473 at unmvax.UUCP>
-Date: 28 Oct 84 21:56:42 GMT
-Date-Received: 29 Oct 84 11:14:42 GMT
-Distribution: net
-Organization: Univ. of New Mexico, Albuquerque
-Lines: 336
-#ifndef	lint
-char	*Rcsid = "$Header: getmaps.c,v 1.4 84/10/13 18:19:13 lee Exp $";
- * getmaps
- *
- * Get the net maps from USENET as published by Karen and Mark Horton, in
- * "shar" format. Because of paranoia the sh is not used but instead a DFA
- * recognizing the appropriate commands.
- *
- * lee Ward		10/13/84
- */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/dir.h>
-char	*mapgrp = "/usr/spool/news/net/news/map";
-char	*mapdir = "/usr/lee/netmap/maps";
-char	*seqfil = "/usr/lee/netmap/.seq";
-char	*logfil = "/usr/lee/netmap/log";
-char	*usestr = "[-l logfil] [-g group] [-s seqfile] [-a archiv-dir]";
-FILE	*logsd = NULL;
-void	domaps(), myabort(), log(), mkmaps(), getwrd(), logtime();
-main(argc, argv)
-	int	argc;
-	char	*argv[];
-	int	x;
-	FILE	*seqsd;
-	char	seqbuf[BUFSIZ];
-	for (x = 1; x < argc; x++) {
-		if (*argv[x]++ != '-') {
-			fprintf(stderr, "Bad usage\n");
-			fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], usestr);
-			exit(-1);
-		}
-		switch (*argv[x]) {
-		case 'l':
-			logfil = argv[++x];
-			break;
-		case 'g':
-			mapgrp = argv[++x];
-			break;
-		case 's':
-			seqfil = argv[++x];
-			break;
-		case 'a':
-			mapdir = argv[++x];
-			break;
-		default:
-			fprintf(stderr, "Bad switch\n");
-			fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], usestr);
-			exit(-1);
-		}
-	}
-	logsd = fopen(logfil, "a");
-	logtime("Start");
-	if (chdir(mapdir) != 0)
-		myabort("Could not change directory to %s", mapdir);
-	seqbuf[0] = NULL;
-	if ((seqsd = fopen(seqfil, "r")) != NULL) {
-		if ((x = fread(seqbuf, sizeof(char), sizeof(seqbuf),
-		    seqsd)) != 0)
-			seqbuf[x - 1] = NULL;
-		(void )fclose(seqsd);
-	}
-	if ((seqsd = fopen(seqfil, "a")) == NULL)
-		myabort("Could not open seq file for writing");
-	(void )fseek(seqsd, 0L, 0);
-	domaps(mapgrp, seqbuf, seqsd);
-	(void )fclose(seqsd);
-	logtime("End");
-domaps(grp, seqbuf, seqsd)
-	char	*grp, *seqbuf;
-	FILE	*seqsd;
-	char	nbuf[BUFSIZ], *nptr, *tptr;
-	struct direct **filst;
-	int	nfils, x;
-	struct stat stbuf;
-	extern int scandir(), alphasort();
-	extern char *strcpy(), *strncat();
-	if ((nfils = scandir(grp, &filst, (int (*)())NULL, alphasort)) == -1)
-		myabort("scandir failed");
-	(void )strcpy(nbuf, grp);
-	nptr = nbuf + strlen(nbuf);
-	*nptr++ = '/';
-	*nptr = NULL;
-	nbuf[BUFSIZ] = NULL;
-	for (x = 0; x < nfils; x++) {
-		if (strcmp(".", filst[x]->d_name) == 0 ||
-		    strcmp("..", filst[x]->d_name) == 0)
-			continue;
-		tptr = filst[x]->d_name;
-		while(*tptr && isdigit(*tptr))
-			tptr++;
-		if (*tptr != NULL)
-			continue;
-		*nptr = NULL;
-		(void )strncat(nptr, filst[x]->d_name,
-		    BUFSIZ - (nptr - nbuf) - 1);
-		if (stat(nbuf, &stbuf) != 0) {
-			log("Could not stat %s", nbuf);
-			continue;
-		}
-		if ((stbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
-			continue;
-		if (strcmp(seqbuf, filst[x]->d_name) >= 0)
-			continue;
-		mkmaps(nbuf);
-		(void )fseek(seqsd, 0L, 0);
-		(void )fwrite(filst[x]->d_name, sizeof(char),
-		    strlen(filst[x]->d_name), seqsd);
-		(void )fputc('\n', seqsd);
-		(void )fflush(seqsd);
-	}
-	char	*file;
-	char	buf[BUFSIZ], tofil[BUFSIZ], delim[BUFSIZ];
-	int	state, sizdel;
-	FILE	*isd, *osd;
-	extern FILE *fopen();
-#define	SEARCH		1
-#define	INAMAP		2
-#define	SKIPPING	3
-	if ((isd = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) {
-		log("Could not open %s. Skipping...", file);
-		return;
-	}
-	log("Unarchive %s", file);
-	state = SEARCH;
-	while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, isd) != NULL) {
-		buf[sizeof(buf)] = NULL;
-		if (state == SEARCH) {
-			if (gotcat(buf, tofil, BUFSIZ, delim, BUFSIZ)) {
-				state = INAMAP;
-				sizdel = strlen(delim);
-				if ((osd = fopen(tofil, "w")) == NULL) {
-					log("Could not open %s", tofil);
-					state = SKIPPING;
-				}
-			}
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (strncmp(buf, delim, sizdel) == 0) {
-			state = SEARCH;
-			if (osd != NULL)
-				(void )fclose(osd);
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (state == SKIPPING)
-			continue;
-		fputs(buf, osd);
-	}
-	if (state != SEARCH)
-		log("Read/sync error on %s", file);
-	(void )fclose(isd);
-#undef	SEARCH
-#undef	INAMAP
-#undef	SKIPPING
- * gotcat
- *
- * Use a DFA to recognize
- *	cat << DELIM > OUT
- * or
- *	cat > OUT << DELIM
- *
- */
-/* Transition table for the DFA */
-int	ttbl[9][4] = {
-		1,-1,-1,-1,
-		-1,6,2,-1,
-		-1,-1,-1,3,
-		-1,4,-1,-1,
-		-1,-1,-1,5,
-		-1,-1,-1,-1,
-		-1,-1,-1,7,
-		-1,-1,8,-1,
-		-1,-1,-1,5,
-	};
-gotcat(buf, tofil, tofilln, delim, delimln)
-	char	*buf,
-		*tofil,
-		*delim;
-	int	tofilln,
-		delimln;
-	int	state;
-	char	*ptr;
-	state = 0;			/* Start state */
-	while (state != -1 && state != 5) {
-		/* Eat up white */
-		while (*buf != '\n' && (*buf == ' ' || *buf == '\t'))
-			buf++;
-		if (*buf == '>') {
-			buf++;
-			state = ttbl[state][1];
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (*buf == '<' && *(buf + 1) == '<') {
-			buf += 2;
-			state = ttbl[state][2];
-			continue;
-		}
-		if (*buf == 'c' && *(buf + 1) == 'a' && *(buf + 2) == 't') {
-			buf += 3;
-			state = ttbl[state][0];
-			continue;
-		}
-		ptr = buf;
-		while (*buf != '\n' && *buf != ' ' && *buf != '\t')
-			buf++;
-		if (state == 2 || state == 8)
-			getwrd(ptr, buf, delim, delimln);
-		else if (state == 6 || state == 4)
-			getwrd(ptr, buf, tofil, tofilln);
-		state = ttbl[state][3];
-	}
-	if (state == 5)
-		return(1);
-	return(0);
-getwrd(fc, lc, buf, maxlen)
-	char	*fc,
-		*lc,
-		*buf;
-	int	maxlen;
-	char	*ptr, *t1ptr, *t2ptr;
-	maxlen--;
-	maxlen = lc - fc > maxlen ? maxlen : lc - fc;
-	ptr = buf;
-	t1ptr = fc;
-	while (maxlen-- != 0)
-		*ptr++ = *t1ptr++;
-	*ptr = NULL;
-	/* Strip quotes */
-	ptr = buf;
-	while (*ptr != NULL) {
-		if (*ptr == '\\' && (*(ptr + 1) == '\'' || *(ptr + 1) == '"'))
-			ptr += 2;
-		else if (*ptr == '\'' || *ptr == '"') {
-			t1ptr = ptr;
-			t2ptr = ptr + 1;
-			while ((*t1ptr++ = *t2ptr++) != NULL)
-				;
-		} else
-			ptr++;
-	}
-myabort(s, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l)
-	char	*s;
-	if (logsd != NULL) {
-		fputs("ABORT - ", logsd);
-		fprintf(logsd, s, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l);
-		(void )fputc('\n', logsd);
-		logtime("End");
-	}
-	exit(-1);
-log(s, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l)
-	char	*s;
-	if (logsd == NULL)
-		return;
-	fprintf(logsd, s, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l);
-	(void )fputc('\n', logsd);
-	(void )fflush(logsd);
-	char	*s;
-	time_t	clock;
-	extern char *ctime();
-	if (logsd == NULL)
-		return;
-	(void )time(&clock);
-	fprintf(logsd, "%s %s", s, ctime(&clock));
-	(void )fflush(logsd);
-			--Lee (Ward)
-			{ucbvax,convex,gatech,pur-ee}!unmvax!lee

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