v08i037: UNaXcess Conferencing, version 1.00.02, Part01/04
sources-request at mirror.UUCP
sources-request at mirror.UUCP
Fri Feb 6 07:18:58 AEST 1987
Submitted by: abic!cwruecmp!allbery%ncoast.UUCP
Mod.sources: Volume 8, Issue 37
Archive-name: unaxcess2/Part01
[ Like with UUMAIL, I got this new release before I would have published
the old release. --r$ ]
#--------------------------------CUT HERE-------------------------------------
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive. Save this into a file, edit it
# and delete all lines above this comment. Then give this
# file to sh by executing the command "sh file". The files
# will be extracted into the current directory owned by
# you with default permissions.
# The files contained herein are:
# -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 4044 Feb 3 21:44 README
# -rw-rw-rw- 1 allbery System 3428 Feb 3 21:49 bulletin.c
# -rw-rw-rw- 1 allbery System 19341 Feb 3 21:07 conference.c
# -rw-rw-rw- 1 allbery System 1837 Feb 3 21:08 date.c
# -rw-rw-rw- 1 allbery System 2649 Nov 22 19:50 dir.c
# -rw-rw-rw- 1 allbery System 3164 Nov 22 19:50 dir.h
# -rw-rw-rw- 1 allbery System 13499 Feb 3 21:08 fileudl.c
# -rw-r--r-- 1 allbery System 13080 Feb 3 21:09 io.c
echo 'x - README'
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > README
X[The README files for 1.00.01 and 1.00.00 are included below.]
XThis is the UNaXcess Conferencing 1.00.02 distribution. It provides bug
Xfixes to the 1.00.01 distribution.
XThe installation instructions have not changed; see the included README files
XThere were six primary fixes:
X(1) Private messages were still broken. Code was added in conference.c to
X fix this.
X(2) Conference membership had a bug; while I had known about it, I had thought
X it was an I/O bug. Code was changed in conference.c to fix this.
X(3) Panics were not dumping core as they should have. Code was added to
X system.c to correct this; also, a "double-panic" quick exit was provided
X to forestall infinite loops.
X(4) The format of the "directory" file was incorrect in install.sh and in
X admin.man. Fixed, albeit via what can only be termed a hack in install.
X At least UA-Conf doesnt' do anything other than print dates.
X(5) The terminal handling code in io.c had some casts that were mangled by
X Ultrix cc (VAX 8600 and MicroVAX II); this resulted in a warning from
X the Ultrix assembler, and caused UA-Conf to go into convulsions on start-
X up. The casts were removed; I hope DEC fixes its compiler soon.
X(6) Yet another locking fix. If you still get "UNaXcess internal error:
X LOCKFILE DELETED" messages, let me know; I haven't had a lock work in
X this thing since I used Xenix semaphores back in V0.3.3.
X[The README file for 1.00.00 is included below.]
XThis is the UNaXcess 1.00.01 distribution. It provides bug fixes and enhance-
Xments to the 1.00.00 distribution; however, enough was changed that a new
Xdistribution was a good idea.
XRead the various manuals and the Makefile, as well as the 1.00.00 README
Xbelow, for information on installing this program.
XNOTE!!! If you already have UNaXcess 1.00.00 or 0.4.x, you must run the
Xscript reinstall.sh after you run install.sh, in order to upgrade your
Xua-config and userfile to the new version. To run it, become the owner of
Xthe BBS system and issue the command "sh reinstall.sh /path/to/BBS". It will
Xfigure out whether you are using an alternate BBS directory.
XEnjoy. ++Brandon
XP.S. There is now a mailing list for UNaXcess; if you wish to subscribe, send
Xmail to "cbatt!cwruecmp!ncoast!unaxcess-request" or to
X"ncoast!unaxcess-request%Case.CSNET at relay.CS.NET", as your system (UUCP or
XInternet) requires. Submissions may be sent to the user "unaxcess" at the
Xabove-named site.
XThis is the UNaXcess 1.00.00 distribution. It is not in its "final" form yet;
XI have to rewrite the UDL module, and I expect to add the UANet interface as
Xsoon as possible; this, however, will require me to develop a replacement for
X"sendmail" on those systems (e.g. V7, System III/V) which don't have it. (And
Xperhaps for those that do, given the horror stories...) There will also be
Xnew administration commands forthcoming.
XThere are three manuals included in this distribution:
X(1) The UNaXcess Installation Manual, which explains the installation
X procedure. This replaces the old README file, and is much more readable.
X(2) The UNaXcess User's Manual, an nroff'ed version of which is automatically
X placed in the UDL area by the installation script. This guides the user
X through UNaXces in more detail than the help messages and help files.
X(3) The UNaXcess Administrator's Manual, which guides the administrator
X through the process of maintaining UNaXcess.
XThe "noautopath" mode is still supported, but it may disappear in the future,
Xsince it interferes strongly with UNaXcess security.
XThe author may be contacted at ..ihnp4!sun!cwruecmp!ncoast!allbery, or by
Xless mundane means as:
X Brandon S. Allbery
X 6615 N. Center St., Apt. A1-105
X Mentor, OH 44060-4101
X Phone: +1 216 974 9210
XPlease read the Installation Manual before compiling UNaXcess.
echo 'x - bulletin.c'
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > bulletin.c
X * bulletin.c 1.2 (TDI) 2/3/87
X * Copyright (C) 1984, 85, 86, 87 by Brandon S. Allbery.
X * This file is part of UNaXcess version 1.0.2.
X */
X#ifndef lint
Xstatic char _FileID_[] = "@(#)bulletin.c 1.2 (TDI) 2/3/87";
Xstatic char _UAID_[] = "@(#)UNaXcess version 1.0.2";
X#endif lint
X#include "ua.h"
Xbulletin() {
X short mcnt, himotd;
X char tmps[256];
X FILE *fp;
X if (user.u_access == A_MKUSER)
X return 1;
X sprintf(tmps, "%s/himotd", MOTD);
X if ((fp = fopen(tmps, "r")) == NULL) {
X log("Error %d opening %s", errno, tmps);
X panic("himotd");
X }
X fgets(tmps, 32, fp);
X fclose(fp);
X himotd = atoi(tmps);
X if (s_cmp(user.u_name, "guest") == 0)
X mcnt = 1;
X else
X mcnt = user.u_nbull + 1;
X for (; mcnt <= himotd; mcnt++) {
X sprintf(tmps, "%s/%d", MOTD, mcnt);
X if (!readmotd(tmps, mcnt))
X break;
X }
X return 1;
Xreadmotd(motd, mnum)
Xchar *motd;
Xshort mnum; {
X char ch;
X writef("Bulletin #%d:\n", mnum);
X cat(motd);
X writef("\nContinue or Stop? C\b");
X ch = readc();
X log("C/S? %c", ch);
X return ToLower(ch) != 's';
Xmkbull() {
X static char lockfile[] = "bulletin.lock";
X char *tempfile = mktemp("/tmp/UAbXXXXXX");
X FILE *mfp, *sfp;
X char line[1024], *p, ch;
X short mcnt;
X if (user.u_access != A_WITNESS) {
X log("Attempted mkbull by non-FW.");
X writes("You aren't permitted to enter bulletins.");
X return 1;
X }
X if ((mfp = fopen(tempfile, "w")) == NULL) {
X log("Error %d opening %s", errno, tempfile);
X panic("tmp");
X }
X fclose(mfp);
X input(tempfile);
X for (;;) {
X writef("\nList, Continue entry, Edit, Save, or Abort? ");
X ch = readc();
X log("Edit command: %c", ch);
X switch (ch) {
X case 'L':
X writes("\n--------------------");
X cat(tempfile);
X writes("--------------------");
X break;
X case 'C':
X input(tempfile);
X break;
X case 'E':
X edit(tempfile);
X break;
X case 'A':
X writef("Do you really want to abort this edit? N\b");
X line[0] = readc();
X log("Abort? %c", line[0]);
X if (line[0] == 'Y') {
X unlink(tempfile);
X return 0;
X }
X break;
X case '?':
X writes("Bulletin create commands:\n\nL - List message\nC - Continue message entry\nE - Edit message\nS - Save message\nA - Abort message\n");
X break;
X case 'S':
X writes("Saving bulletin...");
X mklock(lockfile);
X sprintf(line, "%s/himotd", MOTD);
X if ((sfp = fopen(line, "r")) == NULL) {
X log("Error %d opening %s", errno, line);
X rmlock(lockfile);
X unlink(tempfile);
X panic("himotd");
X }
X fgets(line, 32, sfp);
X fclose(sfp);
X mcnt = atoi(line) + 1;
X sprintf(line, "%s/%d", MOTD, mcnt);
X if ((sfp = fopen(line, "w")) == NULL) {
X log("Error %d opening %s", errno, line);
X unlink(tempfile);
X rmlock(lockfile);
X panic("motd");
X }
X fprintf(mfp, "UNaXcess Conferencing, Version 1.00.02\nDate: %s\nFrom: %s\n\n", longdate(), upstr(user.u_name));
X if ((mfp = fopen(tempfile, "r")) == NULL) {
X fclose(sfp);
X log("Error %d opening %s", errno, tempfile);
X unlink(tempfile);
X unlink(line);
X rmlock(lockfile);
X panic("btmp");
X }
X while (fgets(line, 1024, mfp) != NULL)
X fputs(line, sfp);
X fclose(sfp);
X fclose(mfp);
X unlink(tempfile);
X sprintf(line, "%s/himotd", MOTD);
X if ((sfp = fopen(line, "w")) == NULL) {
X log("Error %d opening %s", errno, line);
X panic("himotd_w");
X }
X fprintf(sfp, "%d\n", mcnt);
X fclose(sfp);
X rmlock(lockfile);
X return 1;
X default:
X writes("Please enter L, C, E, S, or A; or ? for help.");
X }
X }
echo 'x - conference.c'
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > conference.c
X * conference.c 1.2 (TDI) 2/3/87
X * Copyright (C) 1984, 85, 86, 87 by Brandon S. Allbery.
X * This file is part of UNaXcess version 1.0.2.
X *
X * Permission is hereby granted to copy and distribute this program
X * freely. Permission is NOT given to modify this program or distribute
X * it at cost, except for charging a reasonable media/copying fee.
X */
X#ifndef lint
Xstatic char _FileID_[] = "@(#)conference.c 1.2 (TDI) 2/3/87";
Xstatic char _UAID_[] = "@(#)UNaXcess version 1.0.2";
X#endif lint
X#include "ua.h"
Xchar conference[33];
Xconfidx() {
X FILE *ifd;
X short himsg;
X char line[256];
X DIR *dp;
X struct direct *dfd;
X writes("\nConference Subscribed? Messages # Read Restricted?\n");
X if ((dp = opendir(MSGBASE)) == NULL) {
X log("Error %d opening dir %s/", errno, MSGBASE);
X panic("msgdir");
X }
X while ((dfd = readdir(dp)) != NULL) {
X if (dfd->d_name[0] == '.')
X continue;
X sprintf(line, "%s/%s/himsg", MSGBASE, dfd->d_name);
X if ((ifd = fopen(line, "r")) == NULL) {
X log("No himsg in conference %s", dfd->d_name);
X continue;
X }
X fgets(line, 32, ifd);
X himsg = atoi(line);
X writef("%-32.32s %c %5d %5d %c\n", dfd->d_name, (isunsub(dfd->d_name)? 'N': 'Y'), himsg, cnread(dfd->d_name), (isrconf(dfd->d_name)? 'Y': 'N'));
X fclose(ifd);
X }
X closedir(dp);
X return 1;
Xjoin() {
X char line[256], *p;
X do {
X writef("Enter conference: ");
X reads(line);
X log("Enter conference: %s", line);
X if (line[0] == '\0')
X return 1;
X } while (!verify(line));
X strcpy(conference, line);
X log("Current conference is %s", conference);
X return 1;
Xchar *conf; {
X char *cp, line[256];
X for (cp = conf; *cp != 0; cp++) {
X if (!isprint(*cp))
X return 0;
X else if (*cp == '/' || *cp == '!' || *cp == ':')
X *cp = '.';
X else
X *cp = ToLower(*cp);
X }
X if (cp - conf > CONFSIZE)
X conf[CONFSIZE] = '\0';
X sprintf(line, "%s/%s", MSGBASE, conf);
X if (chdir(line) == -1) {
X if (errno != ENOENT) {
X log("Error %d accessing dir %s/", errno, line);
X return 0;
X }
X else
X return newconf(conf);
X }
X if (chdir(parms.ua_home) == -1) {
X log("Can't chdir to HOME (errno=%d)", errno);
X system("pwd");
X panic("isconf_cd");
X }
X if (isunsub(conf)) {
X writef("You are unsubscribed from this conference. Rejoin? N\b");
X line[0] = readc();
X log("Unsubscribed. Resubscribe? %c", line[0]);
X if (line[0] == 'Y')
X resubscribe(conf);
X else
X return 0;
X }
X if (user.u_access != A_WITNESS && parms.ua_xrc && !isrcmem(user.u_name, conf)) {
X log("No access to restricted conference %s", conf);
X writes("I'm sorry, but that conference has restricted membership.");
X return 0;
X }
X return 1;
Xkillmsg() {
X short mnum;
X char line[256], *p;
X if (user.u_access == A_GUEST) {
X writes("You aren't authorized for this function.");
X log("Security violation: KILL by a GUEST");
X return 1;
X }
X writef("Enter message number to kill: ");
X reads(line);
X if (line[0] == '\0')
X return 1;
X if ((mnum = atoi(line)) < 1) {
X writes("Bad message number.");
X log("Bad message number: %s", line);
X return 1;
X }
X dokill(mnum);
X return 1;
Xshort msg; {
X char mfile[256];
X sprintf(mfile, "%s/%s/%d", MSGBASE, conference, msg);
X if (user.u_access != A_WITNESS && s_cmp(getowner(mfile), user.u_name) != 0) {
X writes("Sorry, you don't own that message.");
X log("Security violation: KILL by non-owner");
X return;
X }
X if (unlink(mfile) < 0) {
X writef("No such message: %d", msg);
X log("Error %d unlinking %s", errno, mfile);
X return;
X }
X log("Deleted %s:%d", conference, msg);
Xchar *getowner(file)
Xchar *file; {
X FILE *f;
X char line[1024], *p;
X static char owner[256];
X strcpy(owner, parms.ua_sysop);
X if ((f = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL)
X return owner;
X while (fgets(line, 1024, f) != NULL)
X if (line[0] == '\n')
X break;
X else if (strncmp(line, "From: ", 6) == 0) {
X strcpy(owner, &line[6]);
X break;
X }
X fclose(f);
X for (p = owner; *p != '\0'; p++)
X *p = ToLower(*p);
X return owner;
Xchar *conf; {
X char line[256];
X FILE *f;
X if (user.u_access == A_GUEST) {
X log("Security violation: attempted MKCONF by guest");
X writes("Sorry, there is no such conference.");
X return 0;
X }
X writef("There is no conference by that name. Do you want to create it? N\b");
X line[0] = readc();
X log("Nonexistent. Create? %c", line[0]);
X if (line[0] != 'Y')
X return 0;
X if (parms.ua_roc && conf[0] == 'r' && conf[1] == '-')
X if (user.u_access != A_WITNESS) {
X writes("Only Fairwitnesses can make READ-ONLY conferences. If you really want one, you will have to ask the Sysop to make you a Fairwitness. Otherwise, try using a conference name not beginning with \"R-\".");
X log("Attempted mk of RO conf by non-FW");
X return 0;
X }
X else {
X writef("This conference will be READ-ONLY, except to Fairwitnesses. If you want anyone to be able to add to it, answer NO and use a name not beginning with \"R-\". Do you want to make this READ-ONLY conference? N\b");
X line[0] = readc();
X log("Read-only. Create? %c", line[0]);
X if (line[0] != 'Y')
X return 0;
X }
X#ifdef BSD
X sprintf(line, "%s/%s", MSGBASE, conf);
X if (mkdir(line, 0600) < 0) {
X log("Mkconf of %s failed", conf);
X writes("Hmmm... guess you aren't allowed.");
X return 0;
X }
X chown(line, geteuid(), getegid());
X#else !BSD
X sprintf(line, "exec mkconf %s/%s %d", MSGBASE, conf, geteuid());
X if (system(line) != 0) {
X log("Mkconf of %s failed.", conf);
X writes("Hmmm... guess you aren't allowed.");
X return 0;
X }
X#endif BSD
X log("New conference: %s", conf);
X sprintf(line, "%s/%s/himsg", MSGBASE, conf);
X if ((f = fopen(line, "w")) == NULL) {
X log("Error %d opening %s", line);
X writes("Can't create high message file. Strange...");
X return 0;
X }
X fputs("0\n", f);
X fclose(f);
X writes("You will now be placed in the message editor to make a message describing this conference. It will be addressed to, and readable by, all users.");
X mkmsg("All", "This conference", conf, 0);
X return 1;
Xchar *msg; {
X FILE *fp;
X char line[1024], to[1024], from[1024];
X short pflag;
X register char *cp;
X if (user.u_access == A_WITNESS)
X return 0;
X if ((fp = fopen(msg, "r")) == NULL)
X return 0;
X strcpy(to, "All");
X pflag = 0;
X while (fgets(line, 1024, fp) != NULL) {
X if (line[0] == '\n')
X break;
X else if (strncmp(line, "To: ", 4) == 0)
X strcpy(to, &line[4]);
X else if (strncmp(line, "From: ", 6) == 0)
X strcpy(from, &line[6]);
X else if (strncmp(line, "Subject (Private): ", 19) == 0)
X pflag = 1;
X }
X fclose(fp);
X for (cp = to; *cp != '\0'; cp++) /* OOPS! 2/3/87 ++bsa */
X if (*cp == '\n') {
X *cp = '\0';
X break;
X }
X for (cp = from; *cp != '\0'; cp++)
X if (*cp == '\n') {
X *cp = '\0';
X break;
X }
X if (!pflag)
X return 0;
X if (s_cmp(user.u_name, to) == 0)
X return 0;
X else if (s_cmp(user.u_name, from) == 0)
X return 0;
X else {
X log("Message %s is private.", msg);
X return 1;
X } /* end mods 2/3/87 */
Xchar *conf; {
X struct _himsg *hip;
X for (hip = hicnts; hip != NULL; hip = hip->hi_next)
X if (strcmp(hip->hi_conf, conf) == 0)
X break;
X return (hip != NULL && hip->hi_uns == HI_UNSUB);
Xchar *conf; {
X struct _himsg *hip, *workp;
X char line[512];
X if (s_cmp(conf, "general") == 0) {
X writes("Can't unsubscribe the general conference.");
X log("Attempted to unsubscribe to general.");
X return;
X }
X if (s_cmp(conf, user.u_lconf) == 0) {
X writef("Unsubscribe to login conference? N\b");
X line[0] = readc();
X log("Unsub login conf? %c", line[0]);
X if (line[0] != 'Y')
X return;
X strcpy(user.u_lconf, "general");
X }
X for (hip = hicnts; hip != NULL; hip = hip->hi_next)
X if (strcmp(hip->hi_conf, conf) == 0)
X break;
X if (hip != NULL)
X hip->hi_uns = HI_UNSUB;
X else {
X if ((workp = (struct _himsg *) calloc((unsigned) 1, sizeof (struct _himsg))) == NULL) {
X log("Error %d allocating _himsg for %s", errno, conf);
X panic("alloc");
X }
X strcpy(workp->hi_conf, conf);
X workp->hi_num = 0;
X workp->hi_next = hicnts;
X hicnts = workp;
X workp->hi_uns = HI_UNSUB;
X }
X writehigh(hicnts);
X log("Unsubscribed to %s", conf);
X writef("Unsubscribed to conference %s.\n", conf);
Xchar *conf; {
X struct _himsg *hip, *workp;
X for (hip = hicnts; hip != NULL; hip = hip->hi_next)
X if (strcmp(hip->hi_conf, conf) == 0)
X break;
X if (hip != NULL)
X hip->hi_uns = HI_SUBSCR;
X else {
X if ((workp = (struct _himsg *) calloc((unsigned) 1, sizeof (struct _himsg))) == NULL) {
X log("Error %d allocating _himsg for %s", errno, conf);
X panic("alloc");
X }
X strcpy(workp->hi_conf, conf);
X workp->hi_num = 0;
X workp->hi_next = hicnts;
X hicnts = workp;
X workp->hi_uns = HI_SUBSCR;
X }
X writehigh(hicnts);
X log("Resubscribed to %s", conf);
X writef("Resubscribed to conference %s.\n", conf);
Xunsub() {
X char line[256], *p;
X for (;;) {
X writef("Unsubscribe to which conference (ENTER to abort): ");
X reads(line);
X log("Unsub conference: %s", line);
X if (line[0] == '\0')
X return 1;
X if (isconf(line)) {
X unsubscribe(line);
X return 1;
X }
X writef("That's not a valid conference. ");
X }
Xchar *conf; {
X char *cp, line[256];
X for (cp = conf; *cp != 0; cp++) {
X if (!isprint(*cp))
X return 0;
X else if (*cp == '/' || *cp == '!' || *cp == ':')
X *cp = '.';
X else
X *cp = ToLower(*cp);
X }
X if (cp - conf > CONFSIZE)
X conf[CONFSIZE] = '\0';
X sprintf(line, "%s/%s", MSGBASE, conf);
X if (chdir(line) == -1)
X return 0;
X if (chdir(parms.ua_home) == -1) {
X log("Can't chdir to HOME (errno=%d)", errno);
X system("pwd");
X panic("isconf_cd");
X }
X return 1;
Xsetlconf() {
X char line[256], *p;
X if (s_cmp(user.u_name, "guest") == 0) {
X log("Guest SET LOGIN CONF denied.");
X writes("GUEST can't set a login conference.");
X return 1;
X }
X do {
X writef("Enter new login conference: ");
X reads(line);
X log("Login conference: %s", line);
X if (line[0] == '\0')
X return 1;
X } while (!isconf(line));
X if (isunsub(line)) {
X writes("You're unsubscribed from it. <J>oin it and resubscribe.");
X log("Unsubscribed -- login conf set aborted.");
X return 1;
X }
X if (!isrcmem(user.u_name, line)) {
X writes("You aren't a member of that conference.");
X log("Not a member -- login conf set aborted.");
X return 1;
X }
X strcpy(user.u_lconf, line);
X log("New login conference: %s", user.u_lconf);
X putuser(user.u_name, &user);
X return 1;
Xuisunsub(uname, conf)
Xchar *uname, *conf; {
X struct _himsg *hip, *uhi;
X char *cp;
X for (cp = uname; *cp != '\0'; cp++)
X *cp = ToLower(*cp);
X if ((uhi = readhigh(uname)) < 0) {
X log("Couldn't read %s's userindex.", uname);
X return 0;
X }
X writef("Checking %s's user index...\n", uname);
X for (hip = uhi; hip != NULL; hip = hip->hi_next)
X if (strcmp(hip->hi_conf, conf) == 0)
X break;
X cp = (hip != NULL && hip->hi_uns == HI_UNSUB? "!": ":");
X for (hip = uhi; hip != NULL; hip = uhi) {
X uhi = hip->hi_next;
X free((char *) hip);
X }
X return (*cp == '!');
Xcleanhigh() {
X struct _himsg *hip, *lastp;
X DIR *confs;
X struct direct *conf;
X int nunread;
X char line[80];
X FILE *fp;
X lastp = NULL;
X writes("Checking for deleted conferences...");
X for (hip = hicnts; hip != NULL; lastp = hip, hip = hip->hi_next) {
X if (!isconf(hip->hi_conf)) {
X writef("Conference \"%s\" was deleted since your last session.\n", hip->hi_conf);
X if (lastp == NULL)
X hicnts = hip->hi_next;
X else
X lastp->hi_next = hip->hi_next;
X free((char *) hip);
X }
X }
X writes("\nChecking for new messages and conferences...");
X if ((confs = opendir(MSGBASE)) == NULL) {
X log("Error %d opening dir %s/", errno, MSGBASE);
X panic("msgdir");
X }
X while ((conf = readdir(confs)) != NULL) {
X if (strcmp(conf->d_name, ".") == 0)
X continue;
X if (strcmp(conf->d_name, "..") == 0)
X continue;
X for (hip = hicnts; hip != NULL; hip = hip->hi_next)
X if (strcmp(hip->hi_conf, conf->d_name) == 0) {
X sprintf(line, "%s/%s/himsg", MSGBASE, conf->d_name);
X if ((fp = fopen(line, "r")) == (FILE *) 0)
X break;
X fgets(line, 32, fp);
X fclose(fp);
X nunread = atoi(line);
X if ((nunread -= hip->hi_num) <= 0)
X break;
X writef("There are %d new messages in \"%s\".\n", nunread, conf->d_name);
X break;
X }
X if (hip == NULL) {
X writef("Conference \"%s\" has been created since your last session.\n", conf->d_name);
X if ((hip = (struct _himsg *) calloc((unsigned) 1, sizeof (struct _himsg))) == NULL) {
X log("Error %d allocating _himsg for %s", errno, conf);
X panic("alloc");
X }
X strcpy(hip->hi_conf, conf->d_name);
X hip->hi_num = 0;
X hip->hi_next = hicnts;
X hicnts = hip;
X }
X }
X writehigh(hicnts);
X closedir(confs);
Xchar *conf; {
X struct _himsg *hi;
X for (hi = hicnts; hi != (struct _himsg *) 0; hi = hi->hi_next)
X if (s_cmp(conf, hi->hi_conf) == 0)
X return hi->hi_num;
X return -1;
Xedrest() {
X char rconf[256], line[256];
X char *p;
X FILE *fp;
X if (user.u_access != A_WITNESS) {
X writes("You aren't permitted to edit Restricted conference membership lists.");
X log("Non-FW attempted to edit restricted conf membership lists");
X return 1;
X }
X if (!parms.ua_xrc) {
X writes("Restricted conferences are not permitted on this BBS.");
X log("redit: restricted conferences disabled");
X return 1;
X }
X writef("Enter conference (RETURN / ENTER to abort): ");
X reads(rconf);
X log("Rconf: %s", rconf);
X if (rconf[0] == '\0')
X return 1;
X if (!isconf(rconf)) {
X writef("Conference \"%s\" doesn't exist.", rconf);
X log("Bad conference: %s", rconf);
X return 1;
X }
X for (p = rconf; *p != '\0'; p++)
X *p = ToLower(*p);
X if (s_cmp(user.u_name, parms.ua_sysop) != 0 && !isrcmem(user.u_name, rconf)) {
X log("FW not a member; list only");
X rcmemlist(rconf);
X return 1;
X }
X if (!isrconf(rconf))
X if (s_cmp(user.u_name, parms.ua_sysop) != 0) {
X writes("Only the Sysop can restrict a conference's membership.");
X return 1;
X }
X else {
X writef("Conference \"%s\" isn't restricted. Restrict? N\b", rconf);
X line[0] = readc();
X log("Restrict %s? %c", rconf, line[0]);
X if (line[0] != 'Y')
X return 1;
X sprintf(line, "%s/%s", MEMLIST, rconf);
X if ((fp = fopen(line, "w")) == (FILE *) 0) {
X log("Error %d creating %s", errno, line);
X panic("rest_mk");
X }
X fclose(fp);
X }
X for (;;) {
X writef("\nList members, Add a member, Delete a member, Clear membership list, or Quit: ");
X line[0] = readc();
X switch (line[0]) {
X case 'L':
X rcmemlist(rconf);
X break;
X case 'A':
X rcmemadd(rconf);
X break;
X case 'D':
X rcmemdel(rconf);
X break;
X case 'C':
X rcmemclr(rconf);
X break;
X case 'Q':
X return 1;
X default:
X writes("Please enter L, A, D, C, or Q.");
X }
X }
Xisrcmem(uname, conf)
Xchar *uname, *conf; {
X FILE *fp;
X char line[256];
X char *cp;
X if (!parms.ua_xrc || s_cmp(uname, parms.ua_sysop) == 0)
X return 1;
X sprintf(line, "%s/%s", MEMLIST, conf);
X if ((fp = fopen(line, "r")) == (FILE *) 0)
X return 1; /* no mem list == no restrictions */
X while (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp) != (char *) 0) {
X if ((cp = RIndex(line, '\n')) != (char *) 0)
X *cp = '\0';
X if (s_cmp(line, uname) == 0) {
X fclose(fp);
X log("%s is a member of restricted conf %s", uname, conf);
X return 1;
X }
X }
X fclose(fp);
X log("%s isn't a member of restricted conf %s", uname, conf);
X return 0;
Xchar *conf; {
X FILE *fp;
X char line[256];
X short headf;
X if (!parms.ua_xrc) {
X writef("Conference \"%s\" has no restrictions on membership.\n", conf);
X return;
X }
X sprintf(line, "%s/%s", MEMLIST, conf);
X if ((fp = fopen(line, "r")) == (FILE *) 0) {
X writef("Conference \"%s\" has no restrictions on membership.\n", conf);
X return;
X }
X headf = 0;
X while (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp) != (char *) 0) {
X if (!headf) {
X writef("Members of the \"%s\" conference:\n\n", conf);
X headf++;
X }
X writef("\t%s\n", upstr(line));
X /* OOPS! 1 line deleted 2/3/87 ++bsa */
X }
X if (!headf)
X writef("Conference \"%s\" is restricted to Fairwitnesses and the Sysop.\n", conf);
X fclose(fp);
Xchar *conf; {
X char line[256], uname[256];
X struct user ubuf;
X FILE *fp;
X writef("Name (RETURN to abort): ");
X reads(uname);
X log("Add user %s to %s's mem list", uname, conf);
X if (uname[0] == '\0')
X return;
X if (!getuser(uname, &ubuf)) {
X writef("User \"%s\" doesn't exist.\n", upstr(uname));
X log("No such user: %s", uname);
X return;
X }
X if (ubuf.u_access == A_WITNESS && s_cmp(user.u_name, "sysop") != 0) {
X log("FW attempted to change membership of %s in %s", ubuf.u_name, conf);
X writes("Sorry, only the Sysop can change a FairWitness's conference membership.");
X return;
X }
X if (isrcmem(uname, conf)) {
X log("Already a member.");
X writef("\"%s\" is already a member of this conference.\n", upstr(uname));
X return;
X }
X mklock("memlist.lock");
X sprintf(line, "%s/%s", MEMLIST, conf);
X if ((fp = fopen(line, "a")) == (FILE *) 0) {
X rmlock(conf);
X log("Error %d opening %s", errno, line);
X panic("memlist_app");
X }
X fprintf(fp, "%s\n", upstr(uname)); /* OOPS! 2/3/87 ++bsa */
X fclose(fp);
X rmlock("memlist.lock");
Xchar *conf; {
X char line[256], uname[256], tname[256];
X struct user ubuf;
X FILE *fp, *tp;
X writef("Name (RETURN to abort): ");
X reads(uname);
X log("Del user %s from %s's mem list", uname, conf);
X if (uname[0] == '\0')
X return;
X if (!getuser(uname, &ubuf)) {
X writef("User \"%s\" doesn't exist.\n", upstr(uname));
X log("No such user: %s", uname);
X return;
X }
X if (ubuf.u_access == A_WITNESS && s_cmp(user.u_name, "sysop") != 0) {
X log("FW attempted to change membership of %s in %s", ubuf.u_name, conf);
X writes("Sorry, only the Sysop can change a FairWitness's conference membership.");
X return;
X }
X if (!isrcmem(uname, conf)) {
X log("Not a member.");
X writef("\"%s\" isn't a member of this conference.\n", upstr(uname));
X return;
X }
X sprintf(tname, "/tmp/UAxD%05d", getpid());
X if ((tp = fopen(tname, "w")) == (FILE *) 0) {
X log("Error %d opening %s", errno, tname);
X panic("memlist_dtmp");
X }
X mklock("memlist.lock");
X sprintf(line, "%s/%s", MEMLIST, conf);
X if ((fp = fopen(line, "r")) == (FILE *) 0) {
X rmlock(conf);
X fclose(tp);
X unlink(tname);
X log("Error %d opening %s", errno, line);
X panic("memlist_app");
X }
X while (fgets(line, sizeof line, fp) != (char *) 0)
X if (s_cmp(line, uname) != 0)
X fputs(line, tp);
X fclose(fp);
X fclose(tp);
X sprintf(line, "%s/%s", MEMLIST, conf);
X if (unlink(line) < 0) {
X log("Error %d unlinking %s", errno, line);
X rmlock("memlist.lock");
X panic("memlist_drmv");
X }
X if (copylink(tname, line) < 0) {
X log("Error %d copylinking %s to %s", errno, tname, line);
X rmlock("memlist.lock");
X panic("memlist_dclnk");
X }
X rmlock("memlist.lock");
Xchar *conf; {
X char mlist[256];
X if (s_cmp(user.u_name, parms.ua_sysop) != 0) {
X log("Attempt to clear %s's mem list by non-sysop", conf);
X writes("Only the Sysop can clear a conference's membership list.");
X return;
X }
X writef("Clear membership list for the \"%s\" conference? N\b", conf);
X mlist[0] = readc();
X log("Clear? %c", mlist[0]);
X if (mlist[0] != 'Y') {
X log("Aborted.");
X writes("Aborted.");
X return;
X }
X sprintf(mlist, "%s/%s", MEMLIST, conf);
X if (unlink(mlist) < 0) {
X log("Error %s unlinking %s", errno, mlist);
X writes("Can't remove the membership list.");
X }
Xchar *rconf; {
X char line[256];
X FILE *fp;
X sprintf(line, "%s/%s", MEMLIST, rconf);
X if ((fp = fopen(line, "r")) == (FILE *) 0)
X return 0;
X fclose(fp);
X return 1;
echo 'x - date.c'
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > date.c
X * @(#)date.c 1.1 (TDI) 2/3/87
X * @(#)Copyright (C) 1984, 85, 86, 87 by Brandon S. Allbery.
X * @(#)This file is part of UNaXcess version 1.0.2.
X *
X * Permission is hereby granted to copy and distribute this program
X * freely. Permission is NOT given to modify this program or distribute
X * it at cost, except for charging a reasonable media/copying fee.
X */
X#ifndef lint
Xstatic char _FileID_[] = "@(#)date.c 1.1 (TDI) 2/3/87";
Xstatic char _UAID_[] = "@(#)UNaXcess version 1.0.2";
X#endif lint
X#include "ua.h"
Xstatic char *month[] = {
X "January", "February", "March", "April",
X "May", "June", "July", "August",
X "September", "October", "November", "December"
Xstatic char *wkday[] = {
X "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
X "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"
Xchar *date() {
X long clock;
X struct tm *ltbuf;
X static char tbuf[18];
X time(&clock);
X ltbuf = localtime(&clock);
X sprintf(tbuf, "%02d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", ltbuf->tm_mon + 1, ltbuf->tm_mday, ltbuf->tm_year, ltbuf->tm_hour, ltbuf->tm_min, ltbuf->tm_sec);
X return tbuf;
Xchar *longdate() {
X long clock;
X struct tm *ltbuf;
X static char tbuf[80];
X short hour;
X char ampm;
X time(&clock);
X ltbuf = localtime(&clock);
X if (ltbuf->tm_hour == 0) {
X hour = 12;
X ampm = 'A';
X }
X else if (ltbuf->tm_hour < 12) {
X hour = ltbuf->tm_hour;
X ampm = 'A';
X }
X else if (ltbuf->tm_hour == 12) {
X hour = 12;
X ampm = 'P';
X }
X else {
X hour = ltbuf->tm_hour - 12;
X ampm = 'P';
X }
X sprintf(tbuf, "%s, %s %d, 19%02d - %d:%02d %cM", wkday[ltbuf->tm_wday], month[ltbuf->tm_mon], ltbuf->tm_mday, ltbuf->tm_year, hour, ltbuf->tm_min, ampm);
X return tbuf;
Xchar *today() {
X long now;
X struct tm *datebuf;
X static char buf[11];
X time(&now);
X datebuf = localtime(&now);
X sprintf(buf, "%d/%d/%d", datebuf->tm_mon + 1, datebuf->tm_mday, datebuf->tm_year);
X return buf;
echo 'x - dir.c'
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > dir.c
X *
X * N O T I C E
X *
X * This file is NOT a copyrighted part of the UNaXcess distribution. These
X * are directory-reading routines which are compatible with the Berkeley Unix
X * (4.2BSD, 4.3BSD) directory routines. They come from the Usenet news
X * distribution and are in the public domain.
X *
X * To get the best use of them: install the file "dir.h" in /usr/include
X * -- standard usage calls it "ndir.h", and make a random archive of dir.o and
X * put it in /usr/lib/libndir.a . It is then available with "-lndir".
X *
X * Bell System {III, V} sites, just make an archive -- it is only one file
X * anyway. Other sites will have to run ranlib on the archive to keep ld
X * happy.
X */
X#include <sys/types.h>
X#include "dir.h"
X#ifndef BSD
Xextern char *malloc();
X * close a directory.
X */
X register DIR *dirp;
X close(dirp->dd_fd);
X dirp->dd_fd = -1;
X dirp->dd_loc = 0;
X free(dirp);
X * open a directory.
X */
X char *name;
X register DIR *dirp;
X register int fd;
X if ((fd = open(name, 0)) == -1)
X return NULL;
X if ((dirp = (DIR *)malloc(sizeof(DIR))) == NULL) {
X close (fd);
X return NULL;
X }
X dirp->dd_fd = fd;
X dirp->dd_loc = 0;
X return dirp;
X * read an old style directory entry and present it as a new one
X */
X#define ODIRSIZ 14
Xstruct olddirect {
X ino_t od_ino;
X char od_name[ODIRSIZ];
X * get next entry in a directory.
X */
Xstruct direct *
X register DIR *dirp;
X register struct olddirect *dp;
X static struct direct dir;
X for (;;) {
X if (dirp->dd_loc == 0) {
X dirp->dd_size = read(dirp->dd_fd, dirp->dd_buf,
X if (dirp->dd_size <= 0)
X return NULL;
X }
X if (dirp->dd_loc >= dirp->dd_size) {
X dirp->dd_loc = 0;
X continue;
X }
X dp = (struct olddirect *)(dirp->dd_buf + dirp->dd_loc);
X dirp->dd_loc += sizeof(struct olddirect);
X if (dp->od_ino == 0)
X continue;
X dir.d_ino = dp->od_ino;
X strncpy(dir.d_name, dp->od_name, ODIRSIZ);
X dir.d_name[ODIRSIZ] = '\0'; /* insure null termination */
X dir.d_namlen = strlen(dir.d_name);
X dir.d_reclen = DIRBLKSIZ;
X return (&dir);
X }
X#endif BSD
echo 'x - dir.h'
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > dir.h
X *
X * N O T I C E
X *
X * This file is NOT a copyrighted part of the UNaXcess distribution. These
X * are directory-reading routines which are compatible with the Berkeley Unix
X * (4.2BSD, 4.3BSD) directory routines. They come from the Usenet news
X * distribution and are in the public domain.
X *
X * To get the best use of them: install the file "dir.h" in /usr/include
X * -- standard usage calls it "ndir.h", and make a random archive of dir.o and
X * put it in /usr/lib/libndir.a . It is then available with "-lndir".
X *
X * Bell System {III, V} sites, just make an archive -- it is only one file
X * anyway. Other sites will have to run ranlib on the archive to keep ld
X * happy.
X */
X/* dir.h 4.4 82/07/25 */
X#ifdef BSD
X#include <sys/dir.h>
X * A directory consists of some number of blocks of DIRBLKSIZ
X * bytes, where DIRBLKSIZ is chosen such that it can be transferred
X * to disk in a single atomic operation (e.g. 512 bytes on most machines).
X *
X * Each DIRBLKSIZ byte block contains some number of directory entry
X * structures, which are of variable length. Each directory entry has
X * a struct direct at the front of it, containing its inode number,
X * the length of the entry, and the length of the name contained in
X * the entry. These are followed by the name padded to a 4 byte boundary
X * with null bytes. All names are guaranteed null terminated.
X * The maximum length of a name in a directory is MAXNAMLEN.
X *
X * The macro DIRSIZ(dp) gives the amount of space required to represent
X * a directory entry. Free space in a directory is represented by
X * entries which have dp->d_reclen >= DIRSIZ(dp). All DIRBLKSIZ bytes
X * in a directory block are claimed by the directory entries. This
X * usually results in the last entry in a directory having a large
X * dp->d_reclen. When entries are deleted from a directory, the
X * space is returned to the previous entry in the same directory
X * block by increasing its dp->d_reclen. If the first entry of
X * a directory block is free, then its dp->d_ino is set to 0.
X * Entries other than the first in a directory do not normally have
X * dp->d_ino set to 0.
X */
X#define DIRBLKSIZ 512
X#define MAXNAMLEN 255
Xstruct direct {
X long d_ino; /* inode number of entry */
X short d_reclen; /* length of this record */
X short d_namlen; /* length of string in d_name */
X char d_name[MAXNAMLEN + 1]; /* name must be no longer than this */
X * The DIRSIZ macro gives the minimum record length which will hold
X * the directory entry. This requires the amount of space in struct direct
X * without the d_name field, plus enough space for the name with a terminating
X * null byte (dp->d_namlen+1), rounded up to a 4 byte boundary.
X */
X#ifdef DIRSIZ
X#undef DIRSIZ
X#define DIRSIZ(dp) \
X ((sizeof (struct direct) - (MAXNAMLEN+1)) + (((dp)->d_namlen+1 + 3) &~ 3))
X#ifndef KERNEL
X * Definitions for library routines operating on directories.
X */
Xtypedef struct _dirdesc {
X int dd_fd;
X long dd_loc;
X long dd_size;
X char dd_buf[DIRBLKSIZ];
X#ifndef NULL
X#define NULL 0
Xextern DIR *opendir();
Xextern struct direct *readdir();
Xextern closedir();
X#endif KERNEL
X#endif BSD
echo 'x - fileudl.c'
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > fileudl.c
X * @(#)fileudl.c 1.1 (TDI) 2/3/87
X * @(#)Copyright (C) 1984, 85, 86, 87 by Brandon S. Allbery.
X * @(#)This file is part of UNaXcess version 1.0.2.
X *
X * Permission is hereby granted to copy and distribute this program
X * freely. Permission is NOT given to modify this program or distribute
X * it at cost, except for charging a reasonable media/copying fee.
X */
X#ifndef lint
Xstatic char _FileID_[] = "@(#)fileudl.c 1.1 (TDI) 2/3/87";
Xstatic char _UAID_[] = "@(#)UNaXcess version 1.0.2";
X#endif lint
X#include "ua.h"
X#include <varargs.h>
X#define A_UPLOAD parms.ua_auc
X#define A_DOWNLOAD parms.ua_adc
X#define X_UPLOAD parms.ua_xuc
X#define X_DOWNLOAD parms.ua_xdc
X#define K_UPLOAD parms.ua_kuc
X#define K_DOWNLOAD parms.ua_kdc
X#define LIBRARY "library"
X#define DIRECTORY "directory"
X#define STORAGE "uploads"
X#define UPLOG "upload-log"
X#define DIRFORMAT "%[^ ] %*1[Ff]%*1[Ii]%*1[Ll]%*1[Ee] %[^;]; %[^ ] %*1[Bb]%*1[Yy] %[^:]: %[^\n]"
Xjmp_buf brchloop, fileloop;
Xchar *whatis(), *cpmform(), *upstr(), *today();
Xextern struct tm *localtime();
Xudl() {
X int again();
X int (*oldint)();
X char *cp;
X if (user.u_access < A_FILES) {
X writes("\nYou will not be able to upload or download files. You may, however, download File Lists.");
X log("File Section entered; access restricted");
X }
X oldint = signal(SIGINT, again);
X setjmp(brchloop);
X while (libmenu())
X ;
X writef("\n");
X signal(SIGINT, oldint);
Xagain() {
X signal(SIGINT, again);
X writef("\nInterrupt\n");
X log("Interrupt");
X longjmp(brchloop, 1);
Xlibmenu() {
X struct direct *branch;
X DIR *library;
X char cmd[512], bname[512];
X int (*oldsig)();
X int brch_cmd();
X char *desc;
X if ((library = opendir(LIBRARY)) == NULL) {
X writef("The Library is closed\n");
X return 0;
X }
X writef("\nThe UNaXcess File Section. Please select one of the following\nbranches, or EXIT to leave the Library.\n\n");
X while ((branch = readdir(library)) != NULL) {
X if ((desc = whatis(branch->d_name, NULL)) == NULL)
X continue;
X writef(" %-8.8s %s\n", upstr(branch->d_name), desc);
X }
X closedir(library);
X writef("\nBranch: ");
X reads(cmd);
X log("Branch: %s", cmd);
X if (cmd[0] == '\0' || s_cmp(cmd, "EXIT") == 0)
X return 0;
X if (whatis(cmd, NULL) != NULL) {
X library = opendir(LIBRARY);
X while ((branch = readdir(library)) != NULL)
X if (s_cmp(branch->d_name, cmd) == 0) {
X closedir(library);
X strcpy(bname, branch->d_name);
X oldsig = signal(SIGINT, brch_cmd);
X setjmp(fileloop);
X while (visit(bname))
X ;
X signal(SIGINT, oldsig);
X return 1;
X }
X }
X closedir(library);
X writef("There is no such branch. If you wish to open a new branch,\nleave a message to %s.\n", parms.ua_sysop);
X return 1;
Xchar *branch; {
X char cmd[512];
X DIR *directory;
X sprintf(cmd, "%s/%s", LIBRARY, branch);
X if ((directory = opendir(cmd)) == NULL) {
X writef("The %s branch is closed.\n", upstr(branch));
X return 0;
X }
X closedir(directory);
X writef("\n%s Branch\nUpload, Download, List of Files, Get File List, Exit: ", upstr(branch));
X cmd[0] = readc();
X log("Branch cmd: %c", cmd[0]);
X switch (cmd[0]) {
X case 'E':
X return 0;
X case 'U':
X upload(branch);
X break;
X case 'D':
X download(branch);
X break;
X case 'L':
X filelist(branch);
X break;
X case 'G':
X getlist(branch);
X break;
X default:
X writef("Unrecognized command.\n");
X }
X return 1;
Xbrch_cmd() {
X writef("\nInterrupt\n");
X log("Interrupt");
X signal(SIGINT, brch_cmd);
X longjmp(fileloop, 1);
Xchar *branch; {
X char path[512];
X DIR *directory;
X struct direct *file;
X char *desc;
X sprintf(path, "%s/%s", LIBRARY, branch);
X directory = opendir(path);
X writef("\nFile Directory for the %s Branch:\n\n", upstr(branch));
X while ((file = readdir(directory)) != NULL) {
X if ((desc = whatis(branch, file->d_name)) == NULL)
X continue;
X writef(" %-12.12s %s\n", cpmform(file->d_name), desc);
X }
X writef("\n");
X closedir(directory);
Xchar *branch; {
X char path[512], listfile[30], cmd[512];
X DIR *directory;
X struct direct *file;
X int (*oldsig)();
X char *desc;
X FILE *list;
X sprintf(listfile, "/tmp/cli%05d", getpid());
X if ((list = fopen(listfile, "w")) == NULL) {
X writef("Can't open temporary list file???\n");
X log("Error %d opening %s", errno,listfile);
X panic("gfl_temp");
X }
X writef("\nDownload file listing from the %s branch\n\nSupported transfer protocols are: Ascii, Xmodem, and Kermit.\n\nEnter File Transfer Protocol (XMODEM default): ", upstr(branch));
X reads(cmd);
X log("List dnld mode: %s", cmd);
X switch (cmd[0]) {
X case 'A':
X case 'a':
X if (!validudl(A_DOWNLOAD)) {
X writef("\nAscii Download is not supported.\n");
X log("No Ascii");
X return;
X }
X sprintf(cmd, A_DOWNLOAD, listfile);
X break;
X case 'K':
X case 'k':
X if (!validudl(K_DOWNLOAD)) {
X writef("\nKermit Download is not supported.\n");
X log("No Kermit");
X return;
X }
X sprintf(cmd, K_DOWNLOAD, listfile);
X break;
X case 'X':
X case 'x':
X if (!validudl(X_DOWNLOAD)) {
X writef("\nXModem Download is not supported.\n");
X log("No Xmodem");
X return;
X }
X sprintf(cmd, X_DOWNLOAD, listfile);
X break;
X case '\0':
X cmd[0] = 'X';
X if (!validudl(X_DOWNLOAD)) {
X writef("\nXModem Download is not supported.\n");
X log("No Xmodem");
X return;
X }
X sprintf(cmd, X_DOWNLOAD, listfile);
X break;
X default:
X writef("Invalid protocol designation.\n");
X return;
X }
X sprintf(path, "%s/%s", LIBRARY, branch);
X directory = opendir(path);
X fprintf(list, "File Directory for the %s Branch:\r\n\r\n", upstr(branch));
X while ((file = readdir(directory)) != NULL) {
X if ((desc = whatis(branch, file->d_name)) == NULL)
X continue;
X fprintf(list, " %-12.12s %s\r\n", cpmform(file->d_name), desc);
X }
X fclose(list);
X closedir(directory);
X writef("You have 30 seconds to prepare for file transmission.\nPress BREAK to abort transmission.\n\n");
X sleep(30);
X oldsig = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
X udlrun(cmd, (char *) 0);
X#ifdef SYS3
X udlrun("stty", "echoe");
X#endif SYS3
X signal(SIGINT, oldsig);
X unlink(listfile);
Xchar *branch; {
X char path[512], filename[512], cmd[512];
X DIR *directory;
X struct direct *file;
X int (*oldsig)();
X if (user.u_access < A_FILES) {
X log("Attempted download, access denied.");
X writes("You may not download files.");
X return;
X }
X writef("\nDownload from the %s branch\n\nEnter file to download: ", branch);
X reads(filename);
X log("Dnld file: %s", filename);
X if (filename[0] == '.' || Index(filename, '/') != NULL) {
X writef("No such file: \"%s\"\n", upstr(filename));
X return;
X }
X if (whatis(branch, filename) != NULL) {
X sprintf(path, "%s/%s", LIBRARY, branch);
X directory = opendir(path);
X while ((file = readdir(directory)) != NULL) {
X if (s_cmp(file->d_name, filename) == 0) {
X closedir(directory);
X sprintf(path, "%s/%s/%s", LIBRARY, branch, file->d_name);
X writef("Supported transfer protocols are: Ascii, Xmodem, and Kermit.\n\nEnter File Transfer Protocol (XMODEM default): ", upstr(branch));
X reads(cmd);
X switch (cmd[0]) {
X case 'A':
X case 'a':
X if (!validudl(A_DOWNLOAD)) {
X writef("\nAscii Download is not supported.\n");
X log("No Ascii");
X return;
X }
X sprintf(cmd, A_DOWNLOAD, path);
X break;
X case 'K':
X case 'k':
X if (!validudl(K_DOWNLOAD)) {
X writef("\nKermit Download is not supported.\n");
X log("No Kermit");
X return;
X }
X sprintf(cmd, K_DOWNLOAD, path);
X break;
X case 'X':
X case 'x':
X if (!validudl(X_DOWNLOAD)) {
X writef("\nXModem Download is not supported.\n");
X log("No Xmodem");
X return;
X }
X sprintf(cmd, X_DOWNLOAD, path);
X break;
X case '\0':
X cmd[0] = 'X';
X if (!validudl(X_DOWNLOAD)) {
X writef("\nXModem Download is not supported.\n");
X log("No Xmodem");
X return;
X }
X sprintf(cmd, X_DOWNLOAD, path);
X break;
X default:
X writef("Invalid protocol designation.\n");
X return;
X }
X writef("You have 30 seconds to prepare for file transmission.\nPress BREAK to abort transmission.\n\n");
X sleep(30);
X oldsig = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
X udlrun(cmd, (char *) 0);
X#ifdef SYS3
X udlrun("stty", "echoe");
X#endif SYS3
X signal(SIGINT, oldsig);
X return;
X }
X }
X closedir(directory);
X }
X writef("No such file: \"%s\"\n", upstr(filename));
X log("No such file");
Xchar *branch; {
X char path[512], filename[512], cmd[512], desc[512];
X DIR *directory;
X struct direct *file;
X int (*oldsig)();
X FILE *logf;
X if (user.u_access < A_FILES) {
X log("Attempted upload, access denied.");
X writes("You may not upload files.");
X return;
X }
X writef("\nUpload to the %s branch\n\nEnter the name to give the new file: ", branch);
X reads(filename);
X log("Upld file: %s", filename);
X if (filename[0] == '.' || Index(filename, '/') != NULL || Index(filename, ';') != NULL) {
X writef("Invalid filename: \"%s\"\n", upstr(filename));
X log("Invalid filename");
X return;
X }
X sprintf(path, "%s/%s", STORAGE, branch);
X if ((directory = opendir(path)) == NULL) {
X writef("The %s has denied upload ability for this branch.\n", parms.ua_sysop);
X return;
X }
X while ((file = readdir(directory)) != NULL) {
X if (s_cmp(file->d_name, filename) == 0) {
X closedir(directory);
X writef("That file name is used. Please try again with a different filename.\n");
X log("File exists");
X return;
X }
X }
X closedir(directory);
X writef("Enter a description for the file: ");
X reads(desc);
X log("Description: %s", desc);
X if ((logf = fopen(UPLOG, "a")) == NULL) {
X log("Error %d opening %s", errno, UPLOG);
X writef("Can't log the new file.\n");
X return;
X }
X fprintf(logf, "%s file %s; %s by %s: %s\n", branch, filename, today(), upstr(user.u_name), desc);
X fclose(logf);
X sprintf(path, "%s/%s/%s", STORAGE, branch, filename);
X writef("Supported transfer protocols are: Ascii, Xmodem, and Kermit.\nXmodem protocol uses checksums; CCITT CRC is not supported.\n\nEnter File Transfer Protocol (XMODEM default): ", upstr(branch));
X reads(cmd);
X log("Upld protocol: %s", cmd);
X switch (cmd[0]) {
X case 'A':
X case 'a':
X if (!validudl(A_UPLOAD)) {
X writef("\nAscii Upload is not supported.\n");
X log("No Ascii");
X return;
X }
X sprintf(cmd, A_UPLOAD, path);
X break;
X case 'K':
X case 'k':
X if (!validudl(K_UPLOAD)) {
X writef("\nKermit Upload is not supported.\n");
X log("No Kermit");
X return;
X }
X sprintf(cmd, K_UPLOAD, path);
X break;
X case 'X':
X case 'x':
X if (!validudl(X_UPLOAD)) {
X writef("\nXModem Upload is not supported.\n");
X log("No Xmodem");
X return;
X }
X sprintf(cmd, X_UPLOAD, path);
X break;
X case '\0':
X cmd[0] = 'X';
X if (!validudl(X_UPLOAD)) {
X writef("\nXModem Upload is not supported.\n");
X log("No Xmodem");
X return;
X }
X sprintf(cmd, X_UPLOAD, path);
X break;
X default:
X writef("Invalid protocol designation.\n");
X return;
X }
X writef("You have 30 seconds to prepare for file transmission.\nPress BREAK to abort transmission.\n\n");
X sleep(30);
X oldsig = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
X udlrun(cmd, (char *) 0);
X#ifdef SYS3
X udlrun("stty", "echoe");
X#endif SYS3
X signal(SIGINT, oldsig);
Xchar *whatis(branch, file)
Xchar *branch, *file; {
X static FILE *directory = NULL;
X static char dent[512];
X char tbr[512], tfi[512], fdate[512], who[512], desc[512];
X if (directory != NULL || (directory = fopen(DIRECTORY, "r")) != NULL) {
X fseek(directory, 0L, 0);
X while (fgets(dent, sizeof dent, directory) != NULL) {
X if (dent[0] == '%' || dent[0] == '\n')
X continue;
X tbr[0] = '\0';
X tfi[0] = '\0';
X fdate[0] = '\0';
X who[0] = '\0';
X desc[0] = '\0';
X if (sscanf(dent, DIRFORMAT, tbr, tfi, fdate, who, desc) != 5)
X continue;
X if (s_cmp(tbr, branch) == 0) {
X if (s_cmp(tfi, (file == NULL? "branch": file)) != 0)
X continue;
X sprintf(dent, "%s [Created %s by %s]", desc, fdate, who);
X return dent;
X }
X }
X }
X if (directory == NULL)
X log("No download directory");
X return NULL;
Xchar *cpmform(fn)
Xchar *fn; {
X static char buf[13];
X register int cnt, scnt;
X for (scnt = 0, cnt = 0; cnt < 8 && fn[cnt] != '.' && fn[cnt] != '\0'; cnt++, scnt++)
X buf[scnt] = ToUpper(fn[cnt]);
X while (scnt < 8)
X buf[scnt++] = ' ';
X buf[scnt++] = '.';
X while (fn[cnt] != '.' && fn[cnt] != '\0')
X cnt++;
X if (fn[cnt] == '.')
X cnt++;
X while (scnt < 12 && fn[cnt] != '\0') {
X buf[scnt++] = ToUpper(fn[cnt]);
X cnt++;
X }
X while (scnt < 12)
X buf[scnt++] = ' ';
X buf[scnt] = '\0';
X return buf;
Xchar *cmd; {
X if (cmd[0] == '\0')
X return 0;
X if (Index(cmd, '%') != RIndex(cmd, '%'))
X return 0;
X if (Index(cmd, '%') == (char *) 0) {
X strcat(cmd, " %s");
X return 1;
X }
X if (*(Index(cmd, '%') + 1) != 's')
X return 0;
X return 1;
Xudlrun(cmd, arg)
Xchar *cmd, *arg; {
X int pid, sig, status;
X switch (pid = fork()) {
X case -1:
X log("Error %d on fork for udlrun", errno);
X writes("The system is too busy; try again later.");
X return -1;
X case 0:
X for (sig = SIGINT; sig <= SIGTERM; sig++)
X signal(sig, SIG_DFL);
X setuid(getuid());
X run(cmd, arg);
X exit(-1);
X default:
X io_off();
X for (sig = SIGIOT; sig <= SIGTERM; sig++)
X signal(sig, SIG_IGN);
X while (wait(&status) != pid)
X ;
X if (status != 0) {
X log("Status from \"%s %s\": %d", cmd, arg, status);
X writes("Error executing UDL program");
X }
X for (sig = SIGIOT; sig <= SIGTERM; sig++)
X signal(sig, logsig);
X signal(SIGALRM, thatsall);
X io_on(0);
X }
X return 1;
echo 'x - io.c'
sed 's/^X//' << '________This_Is_The_END________' > io.c
X * @(#)io.c 1.2 (TDI) 2/3/87
X * @(#)Copyright (C) 1984, 85, 86, 87 by Brandon S. Allbery.
X * @(#)This file is part of UNaXcess version 1.0.2.
X *
X * Permission is hereby granted to copy and distribute this program
X * freely. Permission is NOT given to modify this program or distribute
X * it at cost, except for charging a reasonable media/copying fee.
X */
X#ifndef lint
Xstatic char _FileID_[] = "@(#)io.c 1.1 (TDI) 2/3/87";
Xstatic char _UAID_[] = "@(#)UNaXcess version 1.0.2";
X#endif lint
X#include "ua.h"
X#include <varargs.h>
X#define linelen user.u_llen
X#define pagelen user.u_lines
X#ifdef SYS3
X# include <sys/ioctl.h>
X# include <termio.h>
X# define TERMPARAMS struct termio
X# define GETPARAMS(fd, buf) ioctl(fd, TCGETA, buf)
X# define SETPARAMS(fd, buf) ioctl(fd, TCSETAW, buf)
X# define TERM_CHARMODE(buf) ((buf)->c_lflag &= ~(ICANON|ECHO), (buf)->c_cc[VMIN] = 1, (buf)->c_cc[VTIME] = 0) /* OOPS! 2/3/87 ++bsa */
X# include <sgtty.h>
X# ifdef V7
X# define SETPARAMS(fd, buf) gtty(fd, buf)
X# define SETPARAMS(fd, buf) stty(fd, buf)
X# define TERMPARAMS struct sgttyb
X# define TERM_CHARMODE(buf) ((buf)->sg_flags &= ~ECHO, (buf)->sg_flags |= RAW) /* OOPS! 2/3/87 ++bsa */
X# else
X# include <sys/ioctl.h>
X# define GETPARAMS(fd, buf) (ioctl(fd, TIOCGETP, &((*(buf)).__tp)), ioctl(fd, TIOCGETC, &((*(buf)).__tc)))
X# define SETPARAMS(fd, buf) (ioctl(fd, TIOCSETN, &((*(buf)).__tp)), ioctl(fd, TIOCSETC, &((*(buf)).__tc)))
X# define TERMPARAMS struct { struct sgttyb __tp; struct tchars __tc; }
X# define TERM_CHARMODE(buf) ((buf)->__tp.sg_flags &= ~ECHO, (buf)->__tp.sg_flags |= CBREAK, (buf)->__tc.t_intrc = '\003') /* OOPS! 2/387 ++bsa */
X# endif V7
X#endif SYS3
Xstatic int __pager = -1, __wrap, __bwrap, __col, __didwrp, __suppsp, __echo;
Xstatic TERMPARAMS __oldterm, __newterm;
Xstatic char __buf[133];
Xstatic char *__bufp;
Xstatic char __so_buf[BUFSIZ];
Xio_on(flag) {
X setbuf(stdout, __so_buf);
X __pager = 1;
X __wrap = 1;
X __echo = 1;
X __bwrap = 1;
X __didwrp = 0;
X __col = 0;
X __suppsp = 0;
X __bufp = __buf;
X if (flag) {
X user.u_lines = 16;
X user.u_llen = 80;
X }
X if (GETPARAMS(fileno(stdin), &__oldterm) < 0)
X return;
X __newterm = __oldterm;
X TERM_CHARMODE(&__newterm);
X SETPARAMS(fileno(stdout), &__newterm);
Xio_off() {
X if (__pager == -1)
X return;
X __flushwd();
X SETPARAMS(fileno(stdout), &__oldterm);
Xregister char ch; {
X register int cnt;
X register char *cp;
X ch &= 0x7f;
X if (ch == '\t') {
X do {
X writec(' ');
X } while (__col % 8 != 0);
X return;
X }
X if (ch < ' ' && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n' && ch != '\b') {
X writec('^');
X writec(uncntrl(ch));
X return;
X }
X if (ch == '\177') {
X writec('^');
X writec('?');
X return;
X }
X if (!__wrap) {
X __outch(ch);
X return;
X }
X __didwrp = 0;
X if (!__bwrap) {
X if (__col == linelen - 1 && ch != '\b' && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n') {
X for (cnt = 0; &__buf[cnt] < __bufp; cnt++)
X __didwrp++;
X for (cp = __bufp - 1; cp >= __buf; cp--) {
X __outch('\b');
X __outch(' ');
X __outch('\b');
X if (*cp == '\177' || *cp < ' ') {
X __outch('\b');
X __outch(' ');
X __outch('\b');
X }
X }
X __outch('\n');
X __suppsp = 1;
X for (cp++; cp < __bufp; cp++)
X __outch(*cp);
X }
X __outch(ch);
X fflush(stdout);
X }
X if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n') {
X if (__bwrap)
X __flushwd();
X __bufp = __buf;
X if (__bwrap) {
X if (ch == ' ') {
X if (!__suppsp)
X __outch(' ');
X }
X if (ch == '\n')
X __outch('\n');
X }
X return;
X }
X __suppsp = 0;
X *__bufp = '\0';
X if (__bwrap && strlen(__buf) == linelen - 1) {
X __outch('\n');
X __suppsp = 1;
X for (__bufp = __buf; *__bufp != '\0'; __bufp++)
X if (*__bufp != ' ' || !__suppsp) {
X __outch(*__bufp);
X __suppsp = 0;
X }
X __outch('\n');
X __bufp = __buf;
X __suppsp = 1;
X return;
X }
X *__bufp++ = ch;
Xregister char ch; {
X switch (ch) {
X case '\n':
X putchar('\r');
X putchar('\n');
X __col = 0;
X if (pagelen > 0 && __pager > 0 && ++__pager == pagelen) {
X fputs("--More--", stdout);
X fflush(stdout);
X ch = getchar();
X __pager = 1;
X fputs("\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b\b \b", stdout);
X }
X fflush(stdout);
X __suppsp = 0;
X break;
X case '\r':
X putchar('\r');
X __col = 0;
X __suppsp = 0;
X break;
X case '\b':
X if (__col == 0)
X break;
X putchar('\b');
X __col--;
X __suppsp = 0;
X break;
X default:
X if (__col == linelen - 1) {
X __outch('\n');
X __suppsp = 1;
X }
X if (ch < ' ' || ch > '~')
X putchar('.');
X else if (ch != ' ' || !__suppsp) {
X putchar(ch);
X __suppsp = 0;
X }
X __col++;
X break;
X }
Xregister char *str; {
X for (; *str != '\0'; str++)
X writec(*str);
X writec('\n');
Xva_dcl {
X register va_list args;
X register char *fmt;
X register char esch;
X register short esclen;
X short lzflag, ljflag, width, prec, longf, precf;
X va_start(args);
X for (fmt = va_arg(args, char *); *fmt != '\0'; fmt++) {
X if (*fmt == '\\')
X switch (*++fmt) {
X case '\0':
X va_end(args);
X return;
X case 'n':
X writec('\n');
X break;
X case 't':
X writec('\t');
X break;
X case 'r':
X writec('\r');
X break;
X case 'b':
X writec('\b');
X break;
X case 'f':
X writec('\f');
X break;
X case '0':
X case '1':
X case '2':
X case '3':
X case '4':
X case '5':
X case '7':
X esch = '\0';
X for (esclen = 0; esclen < 3; esclen++) {
X esch = esch << 3;
X esch += *fmt - '0';
X if (*++fmt != '0' &&
X *fmt != '1' &&
X *fmt != '2' &&
X *fmt != '3' &&
X *fmt != '4' &&
X *fmt != '5' &&
X *fmt != '6' &&
X *fmt != '7')
X break;
X }
X writec(esch);
X break;
X default:
X writec(*fmt);
X break;
X }
X else if (*fmt != '%')
X writec(*fmt);
X else {
X lzflag = 0;
X ljflag = 0;
X width = 0;
X prec = 0;
X longf = 0;
X precf = 0;
X switch (*++fmt) {
X case '\0':
X writec('%');
X va_end(args);
X return;
X case 'c':
X __fmtc(va_arg(args, int), ljflag, width);
X break;
X case 'd':
X if (longf)
X __fmti(va_arg(args, long), lzflag, ljflag, width, 10);
X else
X __fmti((long) va_arg(args, int), lzflag, ljflag, width, 10);
X break;
X case 'x':
X if (longf)
X __fmti(va_arg(args, long), lzflag, ljflag, width, 16);
X else
X __fmti((long) va_arg(args, int), lzflag, ljflag, width, 16);
X break;
X case 'o':
X if (longf)
X __fmti(va_arg(args, long), lzflag, ljflag, width, 8);
X else
X __fmti((long) va_arg(args, int), lzflag, ljflag, width, 8);
X break;
X case 's':
X __fmts(va_arg(args, char *), ljflag, width, prec);
X break;
X case 'f':
X __fmtf(va_arg(args, double), ljflag, width, prec);
X break;
X case 'e':
X __fmte(va_arg(args, double), ljflag, width, prec);
X break;
X case 'g':
X __fmtg(va_arg(args, double), ljflag, width, prec);
X break;
X case 'l':
X if (longf)
X break;
X longf = 1;
X goto morefmt;
X case '-':
X if (precf || width > 0 || lzflag || ljflag)
X break;
X ljflag = 1;
X goto morefmt;
X case '*':
X if (!precf)
X if (width != 0) {
X writec('*');
X break;
X }
X else
X width = va_arg(args, int);
X else if (prec != 0) {
X writec('*');
X break;
X }
X else
X prec = va_arg(args, int);
X goto morefmt;
X case '0':
X if (!precf && width == 0)
X lzflag = 1;
X else if (precf)
X prec *= 10;
X else
X width *= 10;
X goto morefmt;
X case '1':
X case '2':
X case '3':
X case '4':
X case '5':
X case '6':
X case '7':
X case '8':
X case '9':
X if (precf) {
X prec *= 10;
X prec += *fmt - '0';
X }
X else {
X width *= 10;
X width += *fmt - '0';
X }
X goto morefmt;
X case '.':
X if (precf)
X break;
X precf = 1;
X goto morefmt;
X default:
X break;
X }
X }
X }
X va_end(args);
X__fmtc(ch, ljflag, width)
Xregister int width; {
X if (width > 255)
X width = 255;
X if (width < 2) {
X writec(ch);
X return;
X }
X width--;
X if (!ljflag)
X while (width-- > 0)
X writec(' ');
X writec(ch);
X if (ljflag)
X while (width-- > 0)
X writec(' ');
X__fmts(str, ljflag, width, prec)
Xregister char *str;
Xregister int width, prec; {
X register int len;
X if (str == (char *) 0)
X str = "(null)";
X if (prec == 0)
X prec = strlen(str);
X for (len = 0; str[len] != '\0' && len < prec; len++)
X ;
X if (width < len)
X width = 0;
X else
X width -= len;
X if (!ljflag)
X while (width-- > 0)
X writec(' ');
X while (len-- > 0)
X writec(*str++);
X if (ljflag)
X while (width-- > 0)
X writec(' ');
X__fmti(num, lzflag, ljflag, width, base)
Xlong num;
Xregister int width; {
X char buf[19];
X char *bufp, *dp;
X int sign;
X static char digit[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
X sign = 0;
X if (num < 0L) {
X num = -num;
X sign = 1;
X }
X if (width > 18)
X width = 18;
X bufp = &buf[width? width: 18];
X *bufp-- = '\0';
X while (bufp >= buf) {
X *bufp-- = digit[num % base];
X num /= base;
X }
X for (bufp = buf; *bufp == '0'; bufp++)
X ;
X if (*bufp == '\0')
X bufp--;
X width -= strlen(bufp) + sign;
X if (width < 0)
X width = 0;
X if (lzflag)
X ljflag = 0;
X if (!ljflag)
X while (width-- > 0)
X writec(lzflag? '0': ' ');
X if (sign)
X writec('-');
X while (*bufp != '\0')
X writec(*bufp++);
X if (ljflag)
X while (width-- > 0)
X writec(' ');
X__fmte(num, ljflag, width, prec)
Xdouble num;
Xregister int width; {
X char buf[20];
X int isneg, expon;
X register char *bufp;
X if (width > 18)
X width = 18;
X strcpy(buf, ecvt(num, (prec? prec: 18) - 6 - (num < 0.0), &expon, &isneg));
X if (prec == 0)
X for (bufp = &buf[12 - (num < 0.0? 1: 0)]; bufp != buf && *bufp != '\0'; bufp--)
X *bufp = '\0';
X if (width < strlen(buf) + 6 + (num < 0.0? 1: 0))
X width = strlen(buf) + 6 + (num < 0.0? 1: 0);
X width -= strlen(buf) + 6 + (num < 0.0);
X if (!ljflag)
X while (width-- > 0)
X writec(' ');
X if (isneg)
X writec('-');
X writec('.');
X for (bufp = buf; *bufp != '\0'; bufp++)
X writec(*bufp);
X writec('E');
X writec(expon < 0? '-': '+');
X __fmti((long) expon, 1, 0, 2, 10);
X if (ljflag)
X while (width-- > 0)
X writec(' ');
X__fmtf(num, ljflag, width, prec)
Xdouble num;
Xregister int width; {
X char buf[40];
X int isneg, expon;
X register char *bufp;
X if (width > 18)
X width = 18;
X strcpy(buf, ecvt(num, prec, &expon, &isneg));
X if (width < strlen(buf) + 1 + (num < 0.0))
X width = strlen(buf) + 1 + (num < 0.0);
X width -= strlen(buf) + 1 + (num < 0.0);
X if (!ljflag)
X while (width-- > 0)
X writec(' ');
X if (isneg)
X writec('-');
X for (bufp = buf; *bufp != '\0'; bufp++) {
X if (expon-- == 0)
X writec('.');
X writec(*bufp);
X }
X if (expon == 0)
X writec('.');
X if (ljflag)
X while (width-- > 0)
X writec(' ');
X__fmtg(num, ljflag, width, prec)
Xdouble num;
Xregister int width; {
X char buf[40];
X register char *bufp;
X if (width > 18)
X width = 18;
X strcpy(buf, gcvt(num, prec, buf));
X if (width < strlen(buf))
X width = strlen(buf);
X width -= strlen(buf);
X if (!ljflag)
X while (width-- > 0)
X writec(' ');
X for (bufp = buf; *bufp != '\0'; bufp++)
X writec(*bufp);
X if (ljflag)
X while (width-- > 0)
X writec(' ');
Xchar *reads(buf)
Xchar *buf; {
X short bp;
X int savecol, rpos;
X char ch;
X savecol = __col;
X __pager = 0;
X __wrap = 0;
X __flushwd();
X bp = 0;
X fflush(stdout);
X while ((ch = getchar() & 0x7f) != '\n' && ch != '\r') {
X switch (ch) {
X case '\177':
X case '\b':
X if (bp == 0)
X putchar('\7');
X else {
X bp--;
X if (__echo) {
X if (__col > 0) {
X writec('\b');
X writec(' ');
X writec('\b');
X }
X else {
X if (bp - linelen < -1) {
X while (__col < savecol)
X writec(' ');
X rpos = 0;
X }
X else
X rpos = bp - linelen + 1;
X while (rpos < bp)
X writec(buf[rpos++]);
X }
X }
X }
X break;
X case '\030':
X case '\025':
X if (__echo) {
X writec('X');
X writec('X');
X writec('X');
X writec('\n');
X while (__col < savecol)
X writec(' ');
X }
X bp = 0;
X break;
X default:
X if (ch < ' ' || bp == 255)
X putchar('\7');
X else {
X if (__echo)
X __outch(ch);
X buf[bp++] = ch;
X }
X }
X fflush(stdout);
X }
X writec('\n');
X fflush(stdout);
X __wrap = 1;
X __pager = 1;
X buf[bp] = '\0';
X return buf;
Xinteract() {
X __flushwd();
X __bwrap = 0;
X __pager = 0;
Xbuffer() {
X __bwrap = 1;
X __bufp = __buf;
X __pager = 1;
Xwrapped() {
X return __didwrp;
X__flushwd() {
X *__bufp = '\0';
X if (strlen(__buf) >= linelen - __col) {
X __outch('\n');
X __suppsp = 1;
X }
X for (__bufp = __buf; *__bufp != '\0'; __bufp++)
X if (*__bufp != ' ' || !__suppsp) {
X __outch(*__bufp);
X __suppsp = 0;
X }
X __bufp = __buf;
X fflush(stdout);
Xdoecho() {
X __echo = 1;
Xxecho() {
X __echo = 0;
Xchar *file; {
X FILE *f;
X int ch;
X if ((f = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) {
X log("Error %d opening %s", errno, file);
X writes("Cannot open file.");
X return;
X }
X while ((ch = getc(f)) != EOF)
X writec(ch);
X fclose(f);
Xreadc() {
X char ch;
X __flushwd();
X __pager = 0;
X while (((ch = getchar() & 0x7f) < ' ' && ch != '\r' && ch != '\n') || ch == '\177') {
X putchar('\7');
X fflush(stdout);
X }
X if (ch > ' ') {
X ch = ToUpper(ch);
X writec(ch);
X }
X else
X ch = ' ';
X writec('\n');
X fflush(stdout);
X __pager = 1;
X return ch;
exit 0
++Brandon (Resident Elf @ ncoast.UUCP)
____ ______________
/ \ / __ __ __ \ Brandon S. Allbery <backbone>!ncoast!allbery
___ | /__> / \ / \ aXcess Co., Consulting ncoast!allbery at Case.CSNET
/ \ | | `--, `--, 6615 Center St. #A1-105 (... at relay.CS.NET)
| | \__/ \__/ \__/ Mentor, OH 44060-4101
\____/ \______________/ +1 216 781 6201
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