Want a copy of the Draft Standard?

Orlando Sotomayor-Diaz osd7 at homxa.UUCP
Sat Dec 15 12:39:53 AEST 1984

***** USENET Moderated Group : reply to cbosgd!std-c or homxa!osd7 ****
***** ARPA folks:  reply to cbosgd!std-c at BERKELEY.ARPA

I completed distribution of more than 40 copies of the 11/12/84 *draft*
of the ANSI C standard.  Everybody who sent me a request, should get
a reply from me in electronic mail telling you whether you are going
to get one or not.  Now, I'm going on vacation for about three weeks,
enough time for you lucky folks who are getting a copy to read it and
send (unofficial) comments.

One thing I learned from this exercise is that mod.std.c is received
by many sites, and there must be quite a large number of people 
interested in this group.

I already received well written comments on the draft, and I'll be
posting to this group before I leave.

Keep in mind that there is not a proposed standard yet (that I know).
As soon as ANSI makes the proposed standard officially open for public
comments (1/85?), individuals *should follow the mechanisms established 
by ANSI* if replies to comments are desired.  Anything that
is discussed in this group is unofficial, and therefore, the committee
is not obligated by ANSI to reply directly to unofficial comments.
However, don't assume that comments here are not read by
someone in the committee.
Orlando Sotomayor-Diaz/AT&T Bell Laboratories/201-870-7249
		      /Crawfords Crnr. Rd., Holmdel WB 3D109, NJ, 07733
UUCP: {ihnp4, houxm, akgua, mhuxd, ...}!homxa!osd7  

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