Bug in gdboot2b (general disk boot) System Vr2v2

Robert N. Berlinger naftoli at aecom.UUCP
Sat Aug 10 06:04:45 AEST 1985

A bug in the general disk boot has kept our new /750 down for two 
weeks now.  We have Fuji Eagle 2351A's on an Emulex SC7000 
controller configured as expanded RM80s.  We recompiled the 
bootstrap stuff with the expanded sector and track sizes and 
wrote a new boot tape.  Root would load in but the sash just 
wouldn't boot up.  The problem was in the boot loader.  I assume 
no one has ever booted off of an RM80 because they'd have the 
same problem.  The loader has a table of disks types and 
associated track and sector*track numbers.  RM80 is the last on 
the list.  Of course, the bug is that the loader fails to look at 
the last entry in the table!  Moving RM80 to the top of the list did 
the trick.  
Robert Berlinger

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