bug in System Vr2 volcopy(1M)

Robert N. Berlinger naftoli at aecom.UUCP
Mon Feb 25 05:51:53 AEST 1985

> > ...  I see no apparent fix, since the System V tape driver does
> > not have ioctl calls to skip around the tape with.
> On UNIX System V one does not need ioctls to position the tape.
> </dev/mt/whatever	does a file skip, if non-rewinding device,
> 			otherwise rewinds.
> read() can be used to do a block skip in the rare case that it's
> needed.

Although the use of rewind and no-rewind devices helps,
there is no way to skip backwards a file or record, which is
necessary if you want to do relative positioning rather than absolute
which is what is needed in the volcopy case.
Robert Berlinger

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