find -inum option undocumented

Davidsen davidsen at steinmetz.UUCP
Tue Aug 5 02:52:11 AEST 1986

In article <232 at desint.UUCP> geoff at desint.UUCP (Geoff Kuenning) writes:
>In article <1036 at rlgvax.UUCP> dennis at rlgvax.UUCP (Dennis Bednar) writes:
>> By the way, what does the -depth option of find do?
>> The man page for cpio attempts to explain what the -depth
>> option of find does, but I'm confused.
>> Also the man page for find doesn't describe -depth either.
>The -depth option changes the behavior of "find / -print" so that the
>name of a directory is printed *after* the contents, instead of before.
>In data-structure terminology, it changes the directory tree search from
>preorder to postorder.  It is useful with cpio because, with the -m switch,
>it causes the directory's modification time to be updated *after* all files
>have been placed in it--otherwise, placing the next file would wipe out that
>carefully-preserved mod time.

I learn something every day! I admit to not using the mod time on
directories much, but I never thought of this. I always thought it was
to allow restoring a directory which is read-only, by creating it by
default (-d) and then fixing the permissions later. I have a few things
in directories which are mode 555 and don't create well on a new system
without -depth. Hope someone else learned something, too.
	-bill davidsen

                    unirot ------------->---> crdos1!davidsen
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"Stupidity, like virtue, is its own reward"

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