The Great Net Cleanup Part IIa

David Sherman dave at lsuc.UUCP
Wed Aug 7 06:02:17 AEST 1985

I feel very strongly that net.bugs.v7 should not go away.

It serves an extremely useful purpose, and cross-posting is
to be expected. We run v7 here. If someone finds a bug which
is present in (say) 4BSD and v7, they'll cross-post to those
two groups. I, needless to say, do not read net.bugs.4bsd.
I read everything in net.bugs.v7 VERY carefully. I also
post to it when I discover bugs which others may want to know.
There are still lots of v7 sites out there.

There is an important distinction between little-used leisure
groups (net.rec.whatever) and little-used technical groups
which have a specific and well-defined purpose. If even ten
articles a year appear in net.bugs.v7, and five of those mention
bugs which are present on my machine, I sure want access to them.
Remember, not everyone can keep up with net.unix-wizards or other
high-volume groups where such bugs might be reported.

Dave Sherman
The Law Society of Upper Canada
{  ihnp4!utzoo  pesnta  utcs  hcr  decvax!utcsri  }  !lsuc!dave

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