utzoo!decvax!duke!brl-bmd!dpk utzoo!decvax!duke!brl-bmd!dpk
Sat Mar 27 18:47:39 AEST 1982

	In the function expect.c, inside the while loop, there is
an alarm() call made for MAXCHARTIME.  This should be removed and
instead, an alarm() call for MAXMSGTIME should be inserted just above
the "while" and below the "signal()" call.  The problem occurs when
for some reason the connection goes bad, but the line does not hang
up.  The random noise will continue to generate characters often
enough that the alarm is continually reset and never gets a chance
to time out.  UUCICO waits forever.

				Doug Kingston  (...!duke!brl-bmd!dpk)

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