B news and expire

utzoo!decvax!cca!hplabs!hao!menlo70!sytek!gi!arizona!kpno!brown at sri-unix utzoo!decvax!cca!hplabs!hao!menlo70!sytek!gi!arizona!kpno!brown at sri-unix
Thu Nov 18 19:06:00 AEST 1982

    We've had to start running expire to keep the bnews spool area at a
reasonable size.  There seems to be a problem when someone tries to
readnews a group where the first articles (ie. 1) have been expired.
Readnews just won't do it.  Worse yet, if you do a:
	readnews -a -p -n net.unix-wizards > /dev/null
and then edit the .newsrc file so the highest sequence number is less
than actually in the news group it still doesn't work.  We've tried
a couple of different combinations of options in the .newsrc with no
success so far.
    Before I spend any more time figuring out how readnews works, could
someone enlighten me?  I've been through readnews.c and most of the supporting
functions and sort of understand whats going on, but...
    The versions of readnews.c and expire.c are respectively: 2.6 and 2.10
both dated 6/21/82.

    Please mail any hints, suggestions or comments.

	Mike Brown		Kitt Peak National Observatory

			{ ...,mcnc,gi,utah-cs,ucbvax}!arizona!kpno!brown

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