Help! I'm having trouble with my Z29

rene at umcp-cs.UUCP rene at umcp-cs.UUCP
Fri Dec 23 13:48:19 AEST 1983

I've had my Z29 about a month, and suddenly it starts acting wierd.
I'm reading netnews, and it flips into underline mode (as it is right
now - is all this underlined?). This isn't something that is controlled
with the setup mode. Is this a general bug, or is my terminal cracking
up? Please reply by mail, as I don't subscribe to these groups (I hope
they're the right ones - they looked right). Please include solutions,
if possible. Also, it inserts tabs randomly. Are there any more bugs I
need to know about? Anyone have a list?

Thanks in advance,

					- rene
Arpa:   rene.umcp-cs at CSNet-relay

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