Net Mail Encryption - cypher bug fix

utzoo!decvax!harpo!floyd!vax135!ariel!houti!lime!we13!otuxa!ll1!sb1!sb6!bpa!espo utzoo!decvax!harpo!floyd!vax135!ariel!houti!lime!we13!otuxa!ll1!sb1!sb6!bpa!espo
Sat Jan 15 11:07:07 AEST 1983

	For those of you who don't have the rindex() subroutine, the
	following changes will allow cypher to work the same.

at line 334 -

	change:	char *where, *rindex();

	    to: char *where, *strrchr();

at line 335 -

	change: where = rindex( name, '/');

	    to: where = strrchr( name, '/');

	Bob Esposito  (sb6!bpa!espo)

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