Mail header problem

lake at alberta.UUCP lake at alberta.UUCP
Sat Jun 4 07:35:20 AEST 1983

I sent a test message to myself (with the path up to 'ucbvax' being the
reverse of that specified in the "From:" line) and received the following
(note the order of the sites in the header - could this partially explain
why some mail seems to get lost on the network??):

>From ihnp4!ucbvax!uw-beaver!lbl-csam!ubc-vision!alberta!lake Fri Jun  3 13:34:58 1983
Date: 2 Jun 83 03:25:13 PDT (Thu)
From: ucbvax!lbl-csam!uw-beaver!ubc-vision!alberta!lake
Message-Id: <8306021025.AA12002 at LBL-CSAM.ARPA>
Received: by LBL-CSAM.ARPA (3.320/3.21)
	id AA12002; 2 Jun 83 03:25:13 PDT (Thu)
Received: by UCBVAX.ARPA (3.341/3.31)
	id AA13038; 2 Jun 83 04:00:38 PDT (Thu)
Apparently-To: ucbvax!ihnp4!alberta!lake

Wed Jun  1 14:45:56 MDT 1983
This message is testing mail headers.


I haven't been able to track this problem down (it may not even exist with
our mailer), but I thought other sites might be interested.

				Rob Lake (alberta!lake)

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