error in dd conv=ascii

barryg at sdcrdcf.UUCP barryg at sdcrdcf.UUCP
Thu May 26 01:09:40 AEST 1983

Relay-Version:version B 2.10 5/3/83; site harpo.UUCP
Posting-Version:version B 2.10 beta 3/9/83; site sdcrdcf.UUCP
Message-ID:<275 at sdcrdcf.UUCP>
Date:Wed, 25-May-83 11:09:40 EDT
Organization:System Development Corporation--a Burroughs Company

dd gets several characters wrong when translating from EBCDIC to ASCII
(conv=ascii).  Among these are !, [, and ], as well as several control
characters you could care less about.

The problem is in the array etoa, at line 39 in dd.c (at least in our copy).
The corrected version (which is also commented for readability) follows.

char	etoa[] = {
       /*NUL  SOH  STX  ETX       HT       DEL*/
 /*00*/	0000,0001,0002,0003,0234,'\t',0206,0177,
		      /* VT  FF   CR   SO   SI*/
       /*DLE  DC1  DC2  DC3       NL   BS*/
 /*10*/	0020,0021,0022,0023,0235,'\n','\b',0207,
       /* EM  SUB             FS   GS   RS  US*/
				/*LF   ETB ESC*/
 /*20*/	0200,0201,0202,0203,0204,'\n',0027,0033,
				/*ENQ  ACK  BEL*/
		/* SYN 			   EOT*/
 /*30*/	0220,0221,0026,0223,0224,0225,0226,0004,
			  /* DC4  NAK      SUB*/
 /*40*/  ' ',0240,0241,0242,0243,0244,0245,0246,
	0247,0250,0323, '.', '<', '(', '+', '^',
 /*50*/	 '&',0251,0252,0253,0254,0255,0256,0257,
	0260,0261, '!', '$', '*', ')', ';', '^',
 /*60*/	 '-', '/',0262,0263,0264,0265,0266,0267,
	0270,0271, '|', ',', '%', '_', '>', '?',
 /*70*/	0272,0273,0274,0275,0276,0277,0300,0301,
	0302, '`', ':', '#', '@','\'', '=','\"',
 /*80*/	0303, 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g',
	 'h', 'i',0304,0305,0306,0307,0310,0311,
 /*90*/	0312, 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p',
	 'q', 'r',0313,0314,0315,0316,0317,0320,
 /*A0*/	0321, '~', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x',
	 'y', 'z',0322,0324,0325, '[',0326,0327,  /*AD = [*/
 /*B0*/	0330,0331,0332,0333,0334,0335,0336,0337,
	0340,0341,0342,0344,0345, ']',0346,0347,  /*BD = ]*/
 /*C0*/	 '{', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G',
	 'H', 'I',0350,0351,0352,0353,0354,0355,
 /*D0*/	 '}', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P',
	 'Q', 'R',0356,0357,0360,0361,0362,0363,
 /*E0*/	'\\',0237, 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X',
	 'Y', 'Z',0364,0365,0366,0367,0370,0371,
 /*F0*/	 '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
	 '8', '9',0372,0373,0374,0375,0376,0377,

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