some bugs in usenet

Yechiel Corn yechiel at aecom.UUCP
Sat Oct 8 02:19:22 AEST 1983

In recently installing usenet, i came across a number of bugs,
which i thought i would share with all of you.  Perhaps they
can be repaired in the next release.

[1] when running the cancel command, if the newsgroups that this
goes to has a recording on it, you will get this message from
the "background". This alone would be at most annoying, but not 
terrible. However, because the inews that is spawned does not receive
a <RETURN> when it plays the recording, it aborts. Boo!

[2] The recording feature does not work when you use postnews. This 
is because the text of the article is gathered first, and then shipped
to inews. inews is invoked with the -h flag specifying that headers
are found in the text, and does not play the recording. On the other
hand, invoking inews with the -n option would destroy the feature of
being able to edit the Newsgroups: line in the text.

[3] The installation guide directs you to change DFTEDITOR to whatever
your system's heavily used editor is. This effects a change in followup
and reply, but not in postnews, which invoked ${EDITOR-vi}. A mention
in the installation guide should be made of the fact that it is necessary
to modify postnews as well as DFTEDITOR in defs.h.

					Yechiel Corn

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