problem with vnews

Greg Skinner gregbo at hou2e.UUCP
Wed Aug 22 06:36:29 AEST 1984

If you are trying to use supdup (the Chaosnet virtual terminal protocol) and
vnews together, you can't, due to problems between the virtual terminal
definitions of vnews and those of supdup, and I don't know of any fixes to
vnews and/or supdup that will solve this problem.  I do recall that vnews
worked under 4.1, though, so you might try to get the 4.1 supdup to run on
top of the 4.2 chaosnet interface.

Other than that, vnews works ok (more or less) if you are not supduping 
anywhere (even works with telnet).  I personally have had troubles bringing
up vnews on a unix/370 but I think (among other things) it does not work
because there are problems with our termcap.  In addition, it wouldn't go
away when a kill -9 was applied to it.
Hug me till you drug me, honey!

Greg Skinner (gregbo)

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