rcs bug: An update

Ray Chen chenr at tilt.FUN
Sun Dec 2 12:44:44 AEST 1984

A correction to a 3:00 AM mistake.  The idea was right but the code
wasn't.  Updated diffs follow.

File:  (whatever)/rcs/src/rcs/ci.c
Description:  ci allows names following -[nN] to have name delimiter
 	      characters such as white space in them.  This results in
 	      later operations on the file producing errors.
Repeat-by:  ci -n"test 1" file
 	    ci -Ntest2 file
Fix:	The problem results from the fact the routine checkid()
 	checks a symbol for validity but stops on symbol delimiting
 	characters, the set of which which includes characters other
 	than \0.  ci, however, assumes that the entire name string
 	is a valid symbol if no error occurs, so it installs the
 	entire string as the name.  This results in a situation where a
 	name could be installed consisting of one valid symbol and an
 	arbitrary number of possibly invalid symbols.  The fix is simply
 	to make ci use the information that checkid() returns -- a
 	pointer to the character it stopped on, and to exit with a
 	fatal error (and error message) if the delimiting character was
 	a non-NULL one.

 	Ray Chen

RCS file: RCS/ci.c,v
retrieving revision 3.11
retrieving revision 3.9
diff -c -r3.11 -r3.9
*** /tmp/,RCSt1001960	Sat Dec  1 21:39:33 1984
--- /tmp/,RCSt2001960	Sat Dec  1 21:39:42 1984
*** 2,8
   *                     RCS checkin operation
   static char rcsid[]=
!  "$Header: ci.c,v 3.11 84/12/01 21:31:17 chenr Exp $ Purdue CS";
   *                       check revisions into RCS files

--- 2,8 -----
   *                     RCS checkin operation
   static char rcsid[]=
!  "$Header: ci.c,v 3.9 83/02/15 15:25:44 wft Exp $ Purdue CS";
   *                       check revisions into RCS files
*** 21,36
  /* $Log:	ci.c,v $
-  * Revision 3.11  84/12/01  21:31:17  chenr
-  * Changed checkid() test in -[nN] handling section to test the character
-  * pointed to by the pointer and not the pointer itself.
-  * 
-  * Revision 3.10  84/11/30  01:23:01  chenr
-  * Added char *nametest to force name in -[nN]name to be a one word
-  * symbol.  If this isn't the case, then ci aborts with a fatal error.
-  * A quick and dirty fix to prevent names from being placed into the
-  * delta files that won't be properly handled later.
-  * 
   * Revision 3.9  83/02/15  15:25:44  wft
   * original ci.c

--- 21,26 -----
  /* $Log:	ci.c,v $
   * Revision 3.9  83/02/15  15:25:44  wft
   * original ci.c
*** 136,142
          register int i;
          register char * sp, *tp;
-         char *nametest;
          char * cmdusage;         /* holds command format                    */
          char command[NCPPN+50];  /* holds diff commands                     */
          char curdate[datelength];/* date for new delta                      */

--- 126,131 -----
          register int i;
          register char * sp, *tp;
          char * cmdusage;         /* holds command format                    */
          char command[NCPPN+50];  /* holds diff commands                     */
          char curdate[datelength];/* date for new delta                      */
*** 208,217
                          if ((*argv)[2]!='\0'){
                                  if (symbol!=nil)warn("Redefinition of symbolic name");
                                  symbol = (*argv)+2;
! 				  nametest = checkid(symbol,' ');
!                                 if (*nametest != NULL)
! 					faterror("Name %s must be one word",
! 						symbol);
                          } else warn("Missing name for -n option");

--- 197,203 -----
                          if ((*argv)[2]!='\0'){
                                  if (symbol!=nil)warn("Redefinition of symbolic name");
                                  symbol = (*argv)+2;
!                                 checkid(symbol,' ');
                          } else warn("Missing name for -n option");
*** 220,229
                          if ((*argv)[2]!='\0'){
                                  if (symbol!=nil)warn("Redefinition of symbolic name");
                                  symbol = (*argv)+2;
! 				  nametest = checkid(symbol,' ');
!                                 if (*nametest != NULL)
! 					faterror("Name %s must be one word",
! 						symbol);
                          } else warn("Missing name for -N option");

--- 206,212 -----
                          if ((*argv)[2]!='\0'){
                                  if (symbol!=nil)warn("Redefinition of symbolic name");
                                  symbol = (*argv)+2;
!                                 checkid(symbol,' ');
                          } else warn("Missing name for -N option");

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