clever ruse

ekrell at ucla-cs.UUCP ekrell at ucla-cs.UUCP
Thu Dec 13 04:45:52 AEST 1984

In article <6493 at brl-tgr.ARPA> gwyn at brl-tgr.ARPA (Doug Gwyn <gwyn>) writes:
>Ron Natalie thought of a clever way to get rid of the
>annoying appending to "author_copy" that "postnews" does.
>Plant a symbolic link called "author_copy" to /dev/null!

  We just changed the code so that instead of appending to ~/author_copy
it would write it over. This way only the last message is kept in this
file. The change is very simple: just change the mode in the xfopen call
from "a" (append) to "w" (write).
    Eduardo Krell               UCLA Computer Science Department
    ekrell at      ..!{sdcrdcf,ihnp4,trwspp,ucbvax}!ucla-cs!ekrell

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