XENIX 1.3 and usr/spool - bug in V7/S3 spooler

Guy Harris guy at rlgvax.UUCP
Sun Jan 15 06:55:10 AEST 1984

This looks like an extra link made to "/usr" in "/usr/spool/lpd" (the
"lfaXXXXX" files are made when a print job is queued and the file to
be printed is on the same file system as "/usr/spool/lpd").  The
S3 spooler (the V7 spooler is almost identical) does *not* check whether
a file to be printed is a directory, and it may run set-UID to root, so it
can (and probably will) make a link to that directory in "/usr/spool/lpd"
if that directory is on the same file system.  So if somebody says

	lpr /usr

this could happen, and would confuse the heck out of UNIX.  Those spoolers
should probably be modified to refuse to print a directory - since directories
are binary files, I can't imagine any printer which would do something
meaningful if you shoved the contents of that directory file a byte at a time
to them.  Any other spoolers which make links like this should also be fixed
in the same fashion.

	Guy Harris

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