Bug in 3.6 vi/ex - (nf)

olson at fortune.UUCP olson at fortune.UUCP
Wed Jan 4 06:03:40 AEST 1984

fortune!olson    Jan  3 09:46:00 1984

I have discovered a bug in ex/vi, which I am sure has been found
before.  I hope that someone out there has the fix for it.  (The
version I am using is 3.6.)

The situation is as follow:
	Edit a file, or create a new one.
	Make some changes in the file.
	Give an unknown command; e.g. ':spell'
	You get the diagnostic 'spell: Not an editor command'
	  (which is reasonable)
	WITHOUT making anymore changes in the file, give the command
	  'ZZ' or ':x'
	ex/vi happily quits WITHOUT WRITING THE FILE!  (Which is a 
	  real downer if you have just finished 3 or 4 hours of straight

I have tracked down the problem far enough to know that the 'chng'
flag is getting cleared somewhere down the chain of routines that
detect and announce the error, but have not found out where.  If any
of you have the fix, please mail it to me, or post it if it hasn't been
posted before.

	Dave Olson, Fortune Systems {ihnp4,harpo,ucbvax!amd70}!fortune!olson

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