XENIX 1.3 and usr/spool - (nf)

hood at uiucuxc.UUCP hood at uiucuxc.UUCP
Sat Jan 14 13:32:11 AEST 1984

uiucuxc!hood    Jan 13 08:52:00 1984

This is more-than-likely a hardware bug, but ...

I'm running XENIX 1.3 on a Radio Shack Model 16B, this is reported to
be a close copy (and truncated) version of v7.

Now for the problem : I have found an extremely large file nested within
the usr/spool directory.  This file seems to be nothing more than a 
directory within a directory within a directory, ad infinitum.
It goes like this ...


Has *anyone* seen anything like this ?  Can anyone point me to someone
with some answers (perhaps at trsvax).  My dealing over the phone to
the system guys at RS has caused me to crash my system.

			Emmet P Gray

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