csh command substitution brain damage

Greg Noel greg at sdcsvax.UUCP
Thu Jul 19 18:22:32 AEST 1984

Tribble trouble again: in article <492 at masscomp.UUCP> trb at masscomp.UUCP
writes that:
	% `grep netload /etc/rc`
doesn't work correctly when given to the C shell.  Yep, it's a well-known
bug -- or actually a feature, since it's documented.  My favorite example,
which shows why you might actually want to do this, is:
	% `tset various-options some-terminal`
which should set up the TERM and TERMCAP environment variables.  It's so
obvious that you'd want to do that with tset that the bug is explained and
documented under "tset" -- where else?  It also explains that the working
(does that mean correct?) form is:
	% eval `tset various-options some-terminal`
It also says that the bug will be fixed someday.

If you can't detect the note of sarcasm in the above paragraph, take my
word for it -- it's there.
-- Greg Noel, NCR Torrey Pines       Greg at sdcsvax.UUCP or Greg at nosc.ARPA

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