A bug in the AUTONEWNG feature of the news system

Matt Crawford matt at oddjob.UChicago.UUCP
Mon May 7 09:20:32 AEST 1984

Being fairly new to the net, our site has AUTONEWNG set.  I thought that
eventually we would get all the newsgroups that our neighbors would give.
It turns out, however, that if a newsgroup like "net.group.subgroup" is
received and created before "net.group" has been created, then all later
articles in "net.group" will be lost.  The tests of the form
	if ( exists(groupdir) ) ...
all say that "net.group" is present, but it is not found in the active

New sites should watch out for this by examining their active file while
the old sites decide on the best fix.  How about it, "old sites"?
Matt			Arpa: Crawford at ANL-MCS.ARPA
Crawford		UUCP: ihnp4!oddjob!matt

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