Creating a file in csh

John Lowry lowry at fortune.UUCP
Mon Apr 22 06:45:49 AEST 1985

In article <6177 at Glacier.ARPA> reid at Glacier.ARPA (Brian Reid) writes:
>Aw, come on, folks. "touch filename" is the best way to create an empty file.
>All of these other schemes, involving echo and cat and what have you,
>require that the poor person reading the code stop and think about what is
>going on, but the "touch" program will (by definition) do nothing other than
>create it.
>	Brian Reid	decwrl!glacier!reid
>	Stanford	reid at SU-Glacier.ARPA

Wrong.  If the file exists, touch will not create it and it will not
be empty, unless it was before.

--John Lowry

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