echo command always prints its arguments

Jordan Hayes jordan at ucbvax.ARPA
Thu Apr 11 02:33:35 AEST 1985

>>Shouldn't this be in net.jokes?  If echo didn't print its arguments,
>>what good would it be?!?  I mean, what else does your version do?
>>Can you give me an example of how you would use your `-q' option?

>	echo -q This creates an empty file >new.file
>Since, with csh, there is no longer an easy way to create an empty
>file.  (With sh one could type just ">new.file").
>--- David Herron

Come on... "echo > new.file" or "cat > new.file" with a ^D directly on the
next line works fine... some people just can't take a joke....

ARPA:	jordan at berkeley.ARPA
UUCP:	..!ucbvax!jordan

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