arguments to echo cmd (contains sensitive language)

Bob "Kat" Kaplan bob at cadovax.UUCP
Tue Apr 9 09:01:23 AEST 1985

> If echo didn't print its arguments, what good would it be?!?

Even though the original question was an April fool's joke, I have
a valid (?) use of the echo command where I don't want the arguments

I wanted the computer to respond appropriately when the user enters
the word 'fuck.'  Unfortunately, since echo prints its arguments, the
alias (csh - 4.2 bsd):

alias	fuck	'echo Watch your language, asshole\!'

produces a conversation as follows:

% fuck you
Watch your language, asshole! you

To prevent the echoing of the user's arguments, I used the alias:

alias	fuck	'echo Watch your language, asshole\! ; echo \!* > /dev/null'
Bob Kaplan

"Our love burns like fire, then turns to ashes."

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