echo command - FOOLED!!

John Bell jdb at hou5f.UUCP
Thu Apr 4 08:33:35 AEST 1985

    With respect to Scott Orshan's "bug" in echo, *FOOLED* *ME*!  :-{
Next time, I will be SURE to check the posting date (especially
around 1 Apr.).
    BTW, does anyone have an asbestos towel I can wipe the char
off my face with?

[ "Confess, or we put out your eyes!"
  "I confess, I confess, I kill Papa Doc with my voodoo!"
  "Good! Now, we put out your eyes."  {old Cheech'n'Chong routine}  :-)  :-) ]

			Blushingly,  JDB
    John D. Bell,  AT&T-ISL		Holmdel, NJ   1J317   (201) 834-3372
				 UUCP:  ...{ihnp4,hou??,ucbvax}!hou5f!jdb
"...You may be right, I may be crazy,
    but it just may be a lunatic you're looking for..."		-Billy Joel

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