Bugs in GNU Emacs

Steve Harpster steve at tellab1.UUCP
Thu Apr 18 05:24:14 AEST 1985

We just received our copy of GNU's Emacs but we're having some problems.
We are using terminals (tvi925's and wyse50's) that require 1 character
to go in and out of reverse video (the sg#1 entry in termcap).  Emacs
doesn't seem to calculate column positions correctly with this.  We get
things like "17%l" and other garbage characters in the status line.
Standend doesn't seem to be put out correctly either.  Exiting emacs
leaves the terminal in reverse video.

Has anyone else had these problems?  I know they are probably minor but
I have work out the ying-yang without fixing emacs bugs.  Thanks to
anyone who can help.

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