more on echo command

Randy D. Smith smithrd at rtp47.UUCP
Thu Apr 25 11:28:24 AEST 1985

>>> 	echo "^G\c"
>>> only to find out it does not work with UCB 4.2.
>>With the 4.2BSD csh, the command 'echo -n ^G' works just fine...
>	We're beta testing a U**X 4.2/SYS5 on a Data General, and while
>echo "kalshf\c" works in sh, the same thing in csh produces...
>	Oh well, I guess that's why they've got us testing it; who else but
>a net reader would care?				-mac at
>On a clear disk you can see forever | 

`echo "^G\c"` behaves as expected when interpreted by the Bourne
shell, while `echo -n "^G"` behaves as expected when interpreted
by the csh.  "U**X 4.2/SYS5 on a Data General" (a.k.a. DG/UX) gives
you the best of both worlds, with both shells, each with the built-in
command "echo" behaving as expected.  To get Bourne shell behavior from
the csh, just use /bin/echo; to get csh behavior from the Bourne shell,
exec off a csh to handle the echo.

(By the way, the quote given in Knuth is "On a clear disk you can
seeK forever".  Makes a little more sense that way.)
[Please note that the preceding announcement reflects the viewpoint
of myself and myself alone.  My signature includes my employer's
name for information/identification purposes only.  This posting
should NOT be interpreted as a positional statement by any corporations
either living, dead, or otherwise ...]
					Randy D. Smith
			   Data General, Research Triangle Park, NC
			 {the known world}!mcnc!rti-sel!rtp47!smithrd

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