Intel XENIX release 3.0 manual lies...

Dan Levin djl at fisher.UUCP
Mon Dec 9 16:23:27 AEST 1985

I don't mean to continually pick on Intel, but this one really got
me steamed up.  I spent my Saturday bringing up a new line
discipline under Intel XENIX 3.0 (on a 310/286 if anyone cares),
and tonight realized that my problems were due to a faulty manual

Well, perhaps I am too kind.  A lying manual.  In particular, the
section of the XENIX device driver guide which discusses the
tty driver and line discipline routines.

ttopen (and thus all LD open routines) take ttopen(tp, dev), not
ttopen(dev, tp) like the man (and most other UN*X's) says.

ttinput takes ttinput(tp, c, flag), not ttinput(c, tp).  The flag
is totally undocumented, and seems to be 0 under normal situations.

These answers were ferreted(sp?) out using adb, and are not warranted
in any way.  I find it hard to believe that a for-profit company
could publish something so bad, for an operating system that takes
pride in its flexibility.

The misplaced (That car sure is rusty!) Californian

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