Computer bugs in the year 2000

Liudvikas Bukys bukys at rochester.UUCP
Tue Jan 22 10:09:44 AEST 1985

	Spencer L. Bolles:
	"... He is a programmer and has this notion that when we reach the
	year 2000, computers will not accept the new date.  Will the computers
	assume that it is 1900, or will it even cause a problem? ..."

Hey!  No big deal!  So what if every piece of code that prints dates with
ctime[3] starts believing every year in the 21st century is Year 2, thanks to
a little parenthesization error?

		cp[2] = '0' + t->tm_year >= 200;

Or, as Joe Bob would say,

	"It could happen here."

					P.S.	I will leave unnamed the
					particular Unix version I pulled this
					source line from.  I don't know which
					of the popular factions introduced it
					first or fixed it first.  I don't want
					to know, and please don't tell me.

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