Computer bugs in the year 2000

darryl at ISM780.UUCP darryl at ISM780.UUCP
Wed Jan 23 15:32:34 AEST 1985

>                        He is a programmer and has this notion that when we
> reach the year 2000, computers will not accept the new date.

This brings to mind the famous PDP-8 date problem.  Under OS-8, the year was
encoded as 3 bits (!!), which promptly ran out in 75 or 76, at which point
the powers that were managed to scrape another bit.  Anybody out there still
running OS-8?  What did you do when the year turned to sh*t again?  (Buy an
8080 based machine for improved performance and memory capability?)

	    --Darryl Richman, INTERACTIVE Systems Inc.
	    The views expressed above are my opinions only.

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