readnews bug yielding "line too long" message

H.B.Braude hbb at hou5a.UUCP
Thu Jan 3 03:56:44 AEST 1985

A problem that can occur under  readnews  B  2.10  of  5/3/83  is
related to the way records are kept in the user's .newsrc file.

Due to  some  unknown  technical  difficulties,  hou5a  had  gaps
between  the  article  names stored in it's spool directory under
the newsgroup net.sources. What this means is that there may have
been  articles  whose filenames were 131, 132, 138, 146, 147, etc
in the spool directory (please notice that the  numbers  are  not
all consecutive.)

Evidently, readnews noticed the missing values and  recorded  the
inconsitency  in  my  .newsrc file. The way it recorded it was to
start a new sequence of read-article values by appending the  new
set  to the end of the net.sources line. In other words, a normal
entry may have appeared as "net.subject: 1-1700", but this  entry
became "net.sources: 1-132, 138, 146-147." Each time a gap in the
filenames was found, a new appendage was generated.

This was ok when only a few gaps occurred,  but  evidently  hou5a
has been getting   a large number of these in net.sources, so the
length of that line in the .newsrc file grew very long. When  the
line  reached  some limit, I received the error message "line too
long" when I tried to use readnews.

I exited immediately, not knowing  the  side-affects  of  such  a
problem  and  attempted   to  solve  the  problem  by editing the
.newsrc file. This was difficult because vi(1) also  has  a  line
length limit and it refused to read in any more of the file after
it reached the offending line.

The way to fix this on the user level is to grep(1) the offending
line from the original .newsrc file and find out the last article
value. Then create a temporary file  containing  "
1-value."   Next, split(1)  the  .newsrc file  so  that each file
is a single line.  Then the file with the oversized entry can  be
replaced  with  the one  previously prepared. Finally, reassemble
the .newsrc file using cat(1) (eg: split(1) names files xaa, xab,
etc. To reassemble the file, just "cat x?? > .newsrc."  Perhaps a
safer method would be to work on a copy of the .newsrc file, just
in case.

This is will get the  .newsrc  file  back  into  shape,  but  the
problem  of  missing  articles  will  still exist. That means the
whole process may have to be repeated in  a  few  months  if  the
*real* problem isn't found and corrected.
Harlan B. Braude
{most "backbone" sites}!hou5a!hbb

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