8086 family CPU bug

Hugh Redelmeier hugh at hcrvx1.UUCP
Tue Jul 16 02:57:10 AEST 1985

In article <190 at stl.UUCP> dww at stl.UUCP (David Wright) writes:
>1 - If I remember rightly, the 8086 (et al) Users Guides say that for count of
>0 "the result is undefined" - in practice you seem to have discovered that the
>result is <do nothing> (not even set flags).   I think it is very bad to have
>undefined results unnecessarily, but at least it's a "feature" not a bug
>(a "feature" is a bug that you documented .... ).

As I said in my original posting "All 8086 manuals I have read say...".
I guess I should have been more explicit.  Here goes.  I found the
various manuals were not easy to follow on this point.  The discussion
is divided among several places.  Here goes chapter and verse; these are
all the manuals I have acccess to (and the only ones the XENIX 2.1
C-compiler porters had access to too, I bet).

INTEL: MCS-86 User's Manual; 1978 January [marked preliminary]

4-16	under heading "SHIFTS":
	"... and PF, SF, and ZF are set to reflect the result value."
	under subheading "Mnemonic: SHL and SAL":
	"Flags affected: CF, OF, PF, SF, ZF.  AF undefined"

INTEL: 8086 Family User's Manual; 1979 October

2-35	(discussing arithmetic instructions and flags)
	"- ZF (zero flag): If the result of an arithmetic or logical
	operation is zero then ZF is set; otherwise ZF is cleared"
2-39	"Shift instructions affect the flags as follows:
	... PF, SF and ZF are updated normally, as in logical
2-65	says SAL/SAR do NOT affect ZF etc!  But I know they do
	affect ZF sometimes -- clearly this does not describe what
	the chips do.  Nor does this agree with the other quotes
	from this same manual.

INTEL: iAPX 86, 88 User's Manual; 1981 July

same as previous manual EXCEPT:
2-65	SAR does set ZF.  A documentation fix?
also in this manual:
2-8	"6) if ZF(the zero flag) is set, the result of the operation
	is zero".  This sentence seems to imply backwards causality!
	Other flags are described in a similar way nearby.

INTEL: iAPX 88 Book; 1981 July

2-13	(discussing shifts) "... PF, SF, and ZF are set to reflect
	the result value"
2-139	SAL affects ZF.  This section does not say in what way the flag
	is set (but then neither does the description of the ADD
	instruction).  Clearly 2-13 is the operative section.

<end of chapter-and-verse>

If newer manuals say something different, please tell me.  I am also
curious about what the 286 actually does, since I understand that it
has fancy shifting hardware.  (I just tried to find out, but after half
an hour, Xenix 3.0 has defeated me.  I did learn that the 3.0 compiler
generates an explicit compare, so I had to try assembler.  Unfortunately,
I couldn't get cc to accept as input a .s that it created.)

>  I guess the C manual you're
>using didn't get round to documenting it - not Intel's fault if their "feature"
>wasn't recognised!

What is it that you feel the C manual should have said?

Hugh Redelmeier (416) 922-1937
{utzoo, ihnp4, decvax}!hcr!hugh

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