"who am i" from a ptty

Dave Bloom dave at andromeda.UUCP
Tue Nov 26 00:30:22 AEST 1985

In article <191 at pluto.UUCP>, warren at pluto.UUCP (Warren Burstein) writes:
> I just discovered that "who am i" prints nothing if stdin is a ptty.
> It gets the name from ttyname, then searches /etc/utmp for a line
> matching the ptty.  Since no one is logged in on a ptty it fails.
> This was observed under Pyramid OS-X which pretends to be both BSD and
> SysV.

This is a problem with OSx 2.3.... Pyramid maintained such a separation
between 4.2 and SysV that the SysV end knows nothing about people logged in
under Ethernet, a problem since corrected under OSx 2.5.

      allegra\					       Dave Bloom
      harvard \ pyramid\
       seismo  \  pyrnj >!andromeda!dave         HOME: (201) 868-1764
     ut-sally   >!topaz/			 WORK: (201) 648-5083
       sri-iu  /
ihnp4!packard /		           "You're never alone with a schizophrenic...."

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